Misguided Heart



Walking in on what I saw, broke my heart ten times over again. That was the last thing I needed to see. I knew she was pissed, but really, all it took was that, for her to run to him? I hated that motherf*cker and I swore to god the next time I saw him, I was going to break every bone in his body. It didn't matter if I did it now, she couldn't hate me any worse than I hate myself.

As I pulled into my garage, a million different scenarios played through my mind. Maybe she would show up and throw herself at me, tell me she can't live without me and then make sweet, sweet love to me. Or, she could show up and punch me in my balls, which I rightfully deserved and then leave me forever. Hell, who was I kidding, she wasn't coming back, ever.

I grabbed an empty moving box as I headed inside. I had already packed up a small portion of my house. I say small, but I actually mean a very miniscule part of my house. I wasn't ready to move, not without her. When I walked into the living room, I sat the box down on the floor next to the coffee table. It was time to leave my past behind me and move forward, and I couldn't do that with a house full of pictures of Alex.

I pulled each one down, one by one and very meticulously cleaned and wrapped it in bubble wrap. I placed each one in the box as I made my way through my house. Amazingly, I didn't cry once. I thought it was going to be far worse than it really was. I guess once I admitted to myself just how much I loved Aston, the old sorrow for the one girl I had lost for forever faded.

It took me about an hour to clear the entire house of her and I sat down with the box in front of me, and kissed her good-bye. I knew one day I would get to see her again, but as for now, I was leaving her behind. I picked up the heavy box and made my way out to the garage to put it in the 'storage' pile, when a beautiful blonde caught my eye.

She was leaning against a pink and white Suzuki motorcycle, helmet in hand. I had never seen her look more beautiful than she looked at this very moment. Instead of running to her like I wanted to, I kept my cool and slowly made my way in her direction. She turned to set her helmet on her seat and then met me half way.

Damn she looked good!

My pants became tighter the closer I got to her and I took this as a good sign. Although, I wasn't quite sure how she was feeling. "Hi." Really? That's the best I could come up with?

"Hi." Her voice was small and distant and my heart sank a little bit further in my chest.

"Where's your boy?" Wrong thing to say, dumbass!

"It's not what you think Sloan."

"Oh it's not. So I didn't show up at your house and see Nole with no shirt and you with a towel wrapped around your body?"

"Okay so maybe a little, but it's not what you think, I swear. I did go to him after that little stunt you pulled, but then I had him take me home."

"I bet!" I snarled.

"Okay, well obviously I made the wrong decision."

She started walking away, so I ran after her. I caught her around the waist and pulled her as far into my chest as possible. "Wait, please tell me what happened"

"I told him I was in love with someone else." Her eyes went straight to mine and without thinking, my lips crashed into hers. Our kiss was passionate and raw. It was exactly what I had wanted to hear in that very moment.

"I love you Aston, more than is probably healthy, but I do." My eyes fluttered shut for a brief second before they opened again and landed right on her eyes.

“Then tell me Sloan. Tell me why you pushed me away so god damned hard?

“What?” I knew telling her about Alex was inevitable, I just didn’t think it would be now. When her eyes slowly started to gloss over, my heart broke and I had no choice but to let her in if I wanted to keep her. I started at the beginning and left absolutely nothing out. I reached for her hands for support, when I reached the tough parts, and she never once backed away. When my story was done, I looked down into her sparkling eyes.

“I get it now. I just wish you had told me sooner. I’m sorry Sloan.” Her hand came up to my cheek and I leaned into it, feeling comfort and joy. “I love you.” She whispered. And with that, there were no more words left to say, I loved her too, more even. I was completely in love with her and nothing in this world would ever change that. I scooped her up and carried her into my house, and she didn't protest once.

Amanda Bennett's books