Misguided Heart



I waited outside of his house for a good hour, trying to decide what exactly to say to him. I didn't want to barge into his house and demand that he listen to me. I wanted this to be the last time I told a man I loved him, and I wasn't willing to ruin that because of my nerves. Though Shelby and I had been at odds with one another lately, she was still the one person I wanted to talk to. She was moving on with her life with Braden, and right now, I just didn’t quite fit into it.

I was leaning against my bike; debating how to go about the situation, when he came wandering outside, box in hand. My mouth went dry and my panties became moist watching his muscles tense under the weight he was carrying. His shirt was stretched as far the material would allow, and the blue cotton emphasized every muscle. I licked my lips and tried to not stare.

When he caught sight of me waiting for him, I swear he wanted to run to me, but something held him back. He made his way over to me at a glacial pace and I was almost bouncing in anticipation of having him in front of me.

The minute he opened his mouth and asked about Nole, I wanted to punch him in the throat. After everything he had done, this was how he was going to act? Eventually, he stayed quiet long enough for me to explain the situation and then I figured he would either believe me or walk away. I was amazed when his lips crashed into mine.

I hadn't realized just how much I had missed his kiss, his touch and the way the butterflies took flight in my stomach whenever he touched me, until I thought I had lost him.

I hadn’t expected the reason he gave me for running away. As he stood there telling me about Alex, my heart broke for him, and for her. I could see the pain in his eyes and I wish I could just take it all away for him. But, when he spoke those three little words that I had longed to hear, I swear I could have died happily. I wanted him to say those words to me over and over again, until I got sick of hearing them, which would be never. His hands slipped behind my knees and picked me right up, carrying me into his house. I smiled at him and lowered my head to his shoulder.

"I love you Sloan Holden, irrevocably and for always." I whispered into his ear.

"You sure about that?" I knew he was teasing and I let out a small giggle.

"I'm sure. Are you?" I looked up at him to see his reaction, as he answered.

"Aston, I want to be the man you want me to be, and loving you can only make me a better person. I am one hundred and ten percent completely and without question in love with you."

I didn't need to hear anything else. Words were over rated at this point and I needed him to show me. "Show me Sloan, now!"

With a wicked gleam in his eyes and a sly smile plastered across his face, he carried me to his bedroom and did just that.

Amanda Bennett's books