Misguided Heart



As we made our way through the vines and trees of the Botanical Garden, I couldn't help but wonder what Sloan had meant. I mean, not that I wanted a relationship with him, but I guess I thought last night would have meant more to him than just sex. I was utterly confused and wanted answers. I needed to get out of my head for the moment though, and keep my eye on the prize. I needed to find the right time to make my break and find Nole.

My mouth dropped open in astonishment, as we made our way through the hall. The 4,600 square foot room was decorated from wall to wall with black linen draped tables and chairs, accented with gold bows that swept along the floor. The centerpieces were clear crystal vases filled with black dyed roses, dripping with gold wax on the tips. Each vase was accented with white peonies throughout the bouquet.

White twinkle lights draped the ceiling, like the night sky. To top it all off, the dance floor was black marble squares with their initials monogramed in the middle in white.

I tightened my grip around Sloan's hand as we made our way out of the hall and over to the small bar outside. I glanced around at the hundreds of guests clambering around the small rock pathways. Everyone was wearing some name brand or another. It was nothing but a sea of bow ties, skinny ties, designer tuxes and designer dresses, as far as the eye could see.

I felt like I was at a movie premiere, not a wedding. I absentmindedly ran my hands down the front of my dress, suddenly feeling extremely uncomfortable and even more under dressed. My dress was considered simple compared to all of these people's. There were diamond accented dresses, long embellished trains and up do's galore. I was fidgeting and fixing my one strap of crystals, when Sloan's hands caught mine in his. His eyes met mine and I instantly relaxed.

"You look absolutely stunning. Don't ever think any different. I'm pretty sure you're the most beautiful woman here. Now stop fidgeting." His smile was wide and bright, and if we had been inside, it would have lit up the room.

I smiled in return and dropped my hands into his. "Thank you." I whispered.

"For what?" He whispered back, right next to my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"For saying that to make me feel better." I was trying to look at anyone else but him.

"I didn't say that to make you feel better. I said it because it's the truth." He winked and I suddenly felt weak in the knees. I smiled up at him as he led us over to the bar.

"Two Bud Lights please." He waved two fingers in front of the bartender.

"Oh, and two shots of Patron please." I gave Sloan a sideways smile and winked. The only way I was getting through this day was to be somewhat inebriated.

The bartender was back seconds later, sliding the bottles towards Sloan and the shot glasses towards me. I lifted my glass, lightly clinking it against his, before I slammed back the shot. He just smiled and grabbed my free hand, pulling me to a more private setting. Before Shelby showed up, I wanted to make sure to talk to Sloan first. I was still feeling a bit rejected and it was a feeling I wasn't all too familiar with.

"Sloan? What did you mean back at the hotel? I mean, I get it, but I'm a little confused." I was looking down at the brown bottle in my hand, peeling away the label to avoid eye contact with him.

"Look Aston, I knew what this was going to be when you first asked me to go. I get it; you just wanted someone here with you to make your ex jealous. I wasn't planning on having sex with you last night, but damn it, if you didn't look good enough to eat." A wicked smile touched his lips as his tongue swiped out, wetting his bottom lip.

I knew what he was thinking about and I could feel myself getting wet just thinking back to it. "Sloan, I didn't ask you only to make him jealous. I mean sure, that was part of it, but I actually really..."

"Aston, you dirty whore, get your skinny ass over here."

Shelby sure knew how to ruin a moment. For the first time in, well I don't know how long, I was about to tell a guy that I actually liked him. I didn't do things like that. I always let them come to me, but Sloan was different. I found myself wanting to tell him every last one of my dirty little secrets.

I stood on my tiptoes and pressed a long, sweet kiss to Sloan's cheek. When I pulled back, I wiped the remnants of my lipstick off of his cheek with my thumb before making my way over to Shelby.

When I got closer to her, I whisper yelled in her ear to avoid anyone hearing me. "Jesus Shelby, you sure know how to make an entrance. Now, where's your secret date?" I was looking right at her but she was busy trying to find someone else.

She looked stunning, as usual. Her short brown hair was clipped to one side, with small curls falling past her cheek. Her hazelnut brown eyes were shining with gold shimmering eye shadow swiped along the top and bottom of her lids, and her plump red lips sat in a pout just before she found who she was looking for.

I quickly skimmed past what she was wearing, almost not noticing that her dress was a long, blood red, lace number. No one could ever accuse Shelby of being a wallflower, that's for sure.

I followed her gaze across the vast array of trees and cactus, stopping to catch my dropped chin when I saw who her date was.

"You've got to be f*cking shitting me, Shelby!" I whispered under my breath.

Braden's lean figure came strolling up to us all nonchalant like. He was decked out in an all black Gucci tux, clad with matching all black dress shoes. I have to admit, age had done him good. Of course, his neck tattoos stood out above his collar but it only added to his dangerous sex appeal. As he got closer, I could feel trepidation radiating off of him. He was actually nervous to see me.

"Hey Braden." I emphasized his name as I spoke it and looked at Shelby at the same time. "I thought you were bringing Davis?' I whispered in her ear.

"No, I changed my mind."

I shook my head and leaned in to hug Braden. It seemed like only yesterday that him, Darren, Shelby and myself were hanging out.

"You look amazing, Aston. It's nice to see you."

I smiled and pulled Sloan closer to my side. "This is my date, Sloan Holden. Sloan, this is one of my oldest friends, Braden."

"Nice to meet you, man." Sloan's long, muscular arm reached around my waist to shake Braden's hand.

"You too, dude." Braden returned to his drink and Shelby's neck while Sloan and I scooted off to the side a bit.

"Did he seriously just call me dude?" Sloan's serious expression had me bursting with laughter.

"Yes, yes he did. I'm sorry about him. I don't even know how to explain that story."

His lips pressed lightly to my temple. "No worries. It's probably more than I need to know."

What the hell was that supposed to mean? I swear he was the sweetest man I had ever met, until his douchey side decided to make an appearance this afternoon. I pulled away from him slightly when I noticed some of the wedding party coming out of the hall. I recognized two of the seven girls standing at the bar as Sara's sisters. When I looked back to the entryway to the hall, I saw Nole's best friends Tristan and Ron emerge. They were slapping each other high fives and then he came sauntering out behind them.

Everything slipped into slow motion as his lean hands slapped down on each of their shoulders. He threw his head back in laughter as the three of them shared some inside joke, I'm sure. I knew I was staring but my eyes couldn't be diverted.

His jaw tensed in that moment, and I knew he could feel me watching him. Seconds later, his crystal blue eyes were on mine, lust and desire eminent in his gaze. My breath hitched and I found myself gasping for air as he waved me over in the direction off to the side of the hall.

"Sloan, I'll be right back." I pressed my hand against his hardened chest before walking away.

I turned and headed in the direction I saw Nole walk. When I made it halfway down the side of the building, I felt a strong hand grip my wrist and pull me close to him. When I looked up, his eyes were on mine, never wavering. I took a step back so we weren't in such close proximity to each other; he was getting married after all.

"WOW! You actually came." he sounded shocked and I bit the inside of my mouth as nervousness coursed through my veins.

"Of course I did. I wasn't about to miss this for anything." I dared to lean close and press a chaste kiss to his flushed cheek.

His blush became more prominent as I pulled away. "Well, thanks for coming. It means the world to me."

I stood back in amazement at what I saw. He looked dashing in his black Gucci tux. His 6'3'' frame looked lean and cut under his fitted tux. His sun bleached blonde spikes stood a precise half-inch off the top of his head. I could've eaten him up in about 2.3 seconds, given the chance. As usual, I took the high road.

"You look amazing, and congrats, but, I have to get back to my date." I pointed in the direction of Sloan. "Good luck and I'll see you at the reception." I turned to walk away but felt a small tug on my elbow.

"Wait, you brought a date?" His voice was laced with disappointment. "I mean, well, I don't know what I mean. Of course you brought a date. Never mind." He leaned over and whispered in my ear, what I would have paid money to hear him say at that very moment. "You look beautiful Aston, he is one lucky guy."

With that, he disappeared and I was left standing shocked and alone. I was weaving through the crowd of people making my way back to Sloan, when I was forced to an abrupt stop.

"Well, well, if it isn't Aston Boyd." Sarcasm dripped from her every word.

"The one and only." I half smiled. "What can I do for you, Ms. Wittmore?" I was trying with all of my might to be polite to this woman.

"For starters young lady, you can stay away from my son."

I held up my hand to stop her right there. “Look Terry, first of all, your son invited me not the other way around. Secondly, I don't have to deal with you anymore if I don't want to. See, that's the beauty of a break-up, I break up with you too. Now, if you'll excuse me.” I walked away proud of myself for finally standing up to that woman. My proud moment was deflated seconds later, when she just had to get in the last word.

“Just stay away from him, you hear me?” I heard her shout as I vanished from her line of sight.

I could feel the tears welling up behind my eyelids and I knew if I didn't get out of everyone's view, I was going to break down. I quickly headed into a small building off to the side of where everyone was. After the door clicked behind me, I turned to realize, I was standing smack dab in the bridal room. I moved to head back out, in hopes of finding a bathroom but something caught my attention. As far as I could tell no one was in the room with me, so I made my way over to the large closet. The closer I got, the sadder I became. Her dress is what caught my eye and it was just hanging there for anyone to see. The closet door was half closed, so I pushed it open to get a better look. I gasped and was thrown back when I realized what dress I was looking at.

It was a one of a kind Lazaro gown. It was a strapless, princess ball gown, with a drop waist silk organza skirt. The top was made up of an intricate beaded bodice and it was heaven.

I knew this dress well, because this was the exact dress I had picked out to wear when I was supposed to marry Nole, almost a decade ago. I suddenly had the overwhelming urge to scream at the top of my lungs. This was supposed to be my wedding, all of it. I forced myself to take a few deep breaths before making my way back out to the crowd of people now making their way to the ceremony area. I stopped mid stride when I caught sight of the breathtaking man who had accompanied me to this nightmare. He gave me a devilish grin, just as I heard an all too familiar voice in my ear.

“Holy shit, Aston, you actually came?”

“Hello, Rob. Why does everyone keep saying that?” I hadn't spoken to Rob in years, and I still found myself not having anything to say to him. He had been the root to so many of Noel’s and my problems.

“We honestly had a bet going that you wouldn't show.” He laughed and I had an overwhelming urge to kick him in his balls.

“Well, here I am. Are we done here?” Please say yes. I would do anything to have him walk away.

“Is there a problem here?”

Oh thank god, I knew I brought him for a reason. “No, no there's not.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned in for a kiss. I have to say I was unsure if he was going to reciprocate, but I went in for the kill regardless. To my surprise and Rob’s, he reciprocated and then some. When our mouths separated, I was out of breath and speechless.

“Hi. I'm Aston's boyfriend, Sloan.”

Rob reluctantly took his hand and shook. “Nice to meet you. Well, I have to get going so I’ll see you guys around.”

God, I hope not. Sloan slipped his hand around my waist, turning me so we could go take our seats. As we made our way down the small walkway, I couldn't help but notice the decor. The courtyard had a black carpet stretched all the way to the altar, where it met with a simple oak platform covered in white rose petals. Weeping willow trees engrossed the platform, framing it perfectly. The array of trees and plants gave it the extra sense of charisma you wanted in a ceremony.

Just beyond the altar sat a lily-covered pond. There were at least 300 chairs lining the aisle, and they were all draped in beautiful beige, silk chair covers, with black satin bows tied behind. There were tall candelabras at the end of each row of chairs, housing at least 12 white candles. It was simple, yet extremely elegant. This place was absolutely beautiful and serene. I had to admit, I never would have thought of this place for a wedding, but it was brilliantly perfect.

We took our seats in one of the middle rows, just as the bridesmaids were starting to make their entrance. I looked for an escape route, realizing that I just couldn't do this. I couldn't stay and watch the one man that I was supposed to marry, stand up in front of his friends and family and forever devote himself to someone else. I glanced over at Sloan as he watched the groomsmen make their way out, one at a time, followed by what should have been the priest and then Nole, but it was only the priest.

Everyone began frantically searching for Nole, everyone except for me. I just sat back and reveled in the fact that it wasn't me that he was leaving hanging. His mother met my gaze and I swear if looks could kill, I would be dead where I sat. I simply shrugged at her and excused myself to go get some answers.

I made my way back to the groom’s room, but found it completely empty. There wasn't even a trace that anyone had been in there. As I hit the last two steps coming out of the room, I practically ran over Nole.

“What the hell are you doing, Nole? You have 300 guests and your soon to be wife, who is wearing my dress, waiting for you.” I shouted as I slapped his chest.

“I can't do it Aston. I just can't.”

“Nole, you can't back out now.” The feelings I thought I would have at this moment were over shadowed by my sadness of how Sara was going to feel knowing Nole left her at the altar.

“This was supposed to be us, Aston. You and me, not me and her.” And with that, he ran out.

I heard tires squealing in the parking lot before I regained my composure and made my way back out to find Sloan. Just as I spotted him, a sea of white stopped me.

“This is all your fault! I told him not to invite you, but no, he had to have you here. I should be enjoying my reception right about now. Don't you realize what you being here has done?” I saw the first tear fall down her face before she ran past me and into the hall.

Why the hell was all this my fault? Nole decided to be an a*shole, all on his own. I was getting real sick of everyone putting the blame on me, and him having to take no responsibility. I ducked around everyone and anyone trying to get to Sloan without running into Nole's mother along the way. There was no telling at this point, how I would react to her. I was in the home stretch and within reaching distance, when Nole's minions ran into me, literally.

“Oh if it isn't the home wrecker.” Rob laughed.

“F*ck you, Rob. This isn't my fault. Why don't you all try taking it out on the person who deserves it? As for me, I'm leaving.” I turned to reach for Sloan when Rob's hand latched onto my arm, hard.

“F*ck you Aston. I thought we had finally gotten rid of your skank ass, but it appears not.” He had me tightly pulled against his chest, so his voice was a barely a whisper. “Maybe if we all would have run through you back in the day, Nole wouldn't give a shit about you now.”

“Is there a problem here, fellas?” My heart sped up just hearing his voice break through the conversation.

Rob tightened his grip around my arm. “Nope, just having a little talk with Aston here.”

I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from squealing out in pain.

“Doesn't look like it from where I'm standing. You want to let go of her arm!” It wasn't a question.

Just as Rob loosened his hold on my arm, I was able to pivot enough that my knee landed smack dab in between his legs. He instantly hunched over.

“You stupid bitch, you just kneed me in the balls.”

I got real close to his face so I knew he could hear me. “I told you I was going to if you ever touched me again. F*ck you Rob. Don't ever touch me ever again.” I pushed his face into the ground, using it as leverage to push myself up into a standing position. I looked over at Tristan, who was holding his hands up and walking away. I pushed my hair back over my shoulder, when I felt Sloan's fingers slip in between mine. We shared a smile and headed out to the parking lot. It had to at least be 110 outside still and I was suddenly sweating. I didn't bother looking for Shelby before we left. For crying out loud, she had missed all the drama anyway. Sloan held my door open for me as I slipped inside and I smiled knowing that I still had all night with him.

Amanda Bennett's books