Misguided Heart



After my phone call with Sara, I spent the rest of the day enjoying the warm weather and the comfort of my tantalizing pool. I hadn't realized how late it had gotten until I headed back to my room to shower. I glanced at the clock on my wall above my bed, remembering that I still had two more manuscripts to get done by tomorrow morning. It was only 8:00 but I was exhausted. I grabbed a quick shower, probably one of the quickest of my life, grabbed the last manuscript I was reading and made my way to my comfy couch downstairs.

Halfway through my work, the doorbell rang and Bugsy went ballistic. It was now 10:30 and I couldn't help but wonder who the hell was at my house. Nothing could have prepared me for who stood on the other side of the door.

Nole's face was distraught and solemn. I was taken back when a stray tear began rolling down his cheek. Nole had never been a crier and I was shocked to see that emotion settled into his expression. I was literally at a loss for words as I looked into his watery ocean blue eyes. When words failed me, he decided to take the reigns.

“Aren't you going to invite me in?” And there was the a*shole I had known and loved.

“Sure why not. Come on in Nole.” I waved my hand past him to let him know he could come in. Without hesitation, he slid past me and into the living room, making himself at home, as usual.

“What can I do for you Nole?” I rolled my eyes in his direction as I sat sideways across from him with my feet tucked up under me.

“Sweetheart, why are you so bitter towards me?” That cocky smile spread across his face and I couldn't help but want to smack the shit out of him.

“I'm not Nole. Things have just, well, things have changed. I'm not the same girl that you were in love with all those years back. That, and I have work I need to get finished before the morning. So I'll ask again, what can I do for you?” He was working my last nerve and he knew it.

“I just needed to see you, that's all.” His long fingers pushed through his thick head of blonde hair. His eyes stayed focused on the ground and I took the rare moment of silence to stare at his understated physique.

Damn that boy could still do things to me. My heart rate picked up just as his eyes met mine. I always felt like he could see straight into my soul with those piercing blue eyes. Too bad, they didn't make him think like a non-a*shole. I smirked at my little inside joke before finally responding to his earlier comment.

“Nole, what are you doing?”

“What do you mean?” Ah and there was the smart-ass smirk again.


“I mean, what are you doing, here?” This time it was my turn to run my fingers through my unruly hair. I was beyond frustrated and he couldn't even have a serious conversation about it.

“I told you, I came to see you.”

“And?” This back and forth shit was starting to get really old really fast.

“Look, I don't know exactly what to say here. I just felt like I needed to see you. At my wedding, I just feel like I could've handled things totally different.”

“But you didn't!”

“No, I didn't and I'm sorry.”

“I don't really think I should be the one that you're apologizing to. I do believe there is another woman who needs some sort of explanation from you. Oh and P.S. your mom is a bitch.” My lips turned up into a snarky smile and I couldn't help but relish in his newfound irritation with me.

“Thanks. I know I need to talk to Sara. I just figured I would come by and talk to you first.”

“Of course you did. Now go home and figure your shit out. I don't have time to deal with you and your almost married ass.” I laughed as I threw one of the couch pillows at him and headed towards the kitchen.

Nole's hands reached out and wrapped around my waist, pulling me on his lap. I was completely taken off guard and still laughing at what he thought he was doing. Before I could over think the situation, his fingers gently started tickling my sides. I kicked and screamed, trying to get out of his lap but he kept a firm hold around my waist with his other arm. Our laughing echoed off of the very bare walls as we wrestled on the long couch. Just as I was about to break free, he flipped me into my back and straddled me.

Everything got very serious and intense within seconds. His eyes were burning a hole straight through me, down to my very core. I could feel my body responding to him and I think I actually liked it. I know the situation wasn't ideal, but when had it ever been an ideal situation for us?

My hands lay dormant against my sides as his eyes searched mine, for what? I wasn't sure. Nole's facial expression turned serious as he began leaning down towards my face. My first reaction was to look away, throw up my hands, hell even push him off of me, but I found myself wanting him to kiss me. I wasn't sure that this is where it was headed but I was certain about one thing, if he tried to, I wouldn't stop him.

His lips sat inches away from mine as I began to close my eyes. After a few seconds had passed, I looked up to see his face looking rather perplexed.

“Are you going to go for it, or what?” I knew I was being pushy, but he had never complained before.

“Just be quiet, Aston. Don't talk, please. I've thought about this moment for the past eight years, don't ruin it.” The sarcasm in his voice was eminent so I didn't take offense. I just lay there waiting. Just as I was about to throw myself at him, I felt his weight shift above me. His face was even closer now and I knew at any given second they were going to be on mine. I licked my lips, taking my bottom one in between my teeth. That one small gesture was all it took.

Seconds later, his soft supple lips were on mine, moving at a rather vigorous pace. My body gave over to the overwhelming feel of desire. My hands were all over him. Feeling each and every muscles as I ripped his shirt over his head. Our lips picked up their pace as his fingers slid under the hem of my shirt.

My shirt landed on the floor on top of his, moments later. My hands dove straight for his belt buckle when I suddenly stopped. I don't know what had come over me, but I found myself not being able to follow through with it. For crying out loud, he was supposed to be married. What the hell was I doing?

Nole must've sensed something was wrong because he pulled his mouth away from my neck and sat up next to me. “What is it?” I could hear the irritation in his voice.

“I'm sorry Nole, but I can't do this. Not now. You haven't even worked things out with Sara. It's not fair to her or me.” I hung my head and reached to grab my shirt. “I think you should go.”

“Fine! I'll go, for now, but don't think I'm giving up that easy.” He winked and my heart melted.

“You wouldn't be you, if you did.” I winked back as I sat up to straighten my shirt.

After he tugged his shirt back on and fixed his pants, his lips were pressed against my forehead. “Can I call you?” He whispered just below my ear sending goose bumps down my skin.

“You better.” I whispered back. I locked up behind him and found myself smiling like a lovesick teenager. Maybe things were looking up?

Amanda Bennett's books