Misguided Heart



I wasn't sure what pissed me off more, the fact that I almost let myself sleep with Nole, or that I hadn't heard one word from Sloan since Saturday. Either way, when I woke up this morning, I wanted to hurt somebody, like physically hurt somebody. I glanced up at the clock above my head and realized that I had maybe only gotten a few hours of sleep, at best. After Nole had left last night, I stayed up until two in the morning finishing my work and then tossed and turned, while visions of Sloan's naked body ran through my head. Not that it was a bad thing; I mean his body was hot in every sense of the word.

Now that I was up way before it was time to go to work, I figured I would go to my kick boxing class that I had ditched out on for the last week. I rolled out of bed, threw my hair up in a messy bun and threw on some workout clothes. I grabbed my plum colored wrap dress and my favorite pair of Loubitons for work and headed out.

I stopped by Starbucks on my way to the gym and was thankful that nobody was out at this time in the morning. When I pulled up outside of Gold's Gym, it was just turning 5:00 in the morning. I grabbed my gym bag from my trunk and headed inside. The usual kickboxing teacher was out sick today so a very handsome and extremely ripped twenty something blonde, surfer-looking guy was teaching today.

I grabbed my iPod and ear buds from my bag and headed to the back of the room. I wrapped my gloves tightly around my wrists and started going to town. I pictured many different faces as I slammed my fists into the leather, punching bag. I pushed myself even harder as thoughts of Sloan passed through my mind yet again.

An hour later, my legs and arms felt like Jell-O and I was literally drenched in sweat. I removed my ear buds just as hottie surfer guy approached me.

“You're really good, you know that? You have amazing form.”

I knew he was trying to flirt with me, but I so didn't have the patience this morning. “So I've been told.” I snapped. I gathered my things and headed towards the locker room, when he caught my arm.

“So do you come here often?”

I bit my tongue to hold back my laughter. “Does that line really work?”

“Sorry, that's not how I meant it. I just meant, I've never seen you around before.”

“I'm usually here early in the mornings. I really need to get going though.” I pointed in the direction of the locker rooms when he went in for the kill.

“Would you like to get a co-”

“Let me stop you right there, surfer boy. Number one, I don't date anyone from the gym. Number two, it's never going to happen. And number three, thanks, but no thanks. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to be going.”

With that, I walked straight to the locker room and into the closest shower. I only had an hour to get ready for work and make it there before Sloan did. I quickly dried my hair and applied my makeup before slipping into my work clothes and heading out. The sun was up and it had to already be at least ninety something degrees outside. The summers here were almost unbearable some days. I always swore I would move out of this god-forsaken state, but that just didn't seem feasible anymore.

I pulled into the underground parking structure, with ten minutes to spare. I quickly grabbed my purse and briefcase and made my way to the elevators. Just as the metal doors were about to slide shut, I heard a voice call out for someone to hold the door. In a split second, I threw my briefcase in between the doors and they sprang open for whoever was waiting. When I saw his face, I wanted to die.


“Thanks.” his voice was smooth and velvety as it vibrated through my body.

“You're welcome.” I whispered.

The elevator ride to our floor was uncomfortably silent. I didn't know if he felt compelled to ease the tension, but I didn't expect his next move. In less than an instant, he had pulled the fire alarm knob, bringing the elevator to an abrupt halt. Before I could even think of any words to say, his lips were on mine. Rough and filled with sexual tension, he gripped and pawed at every inch of my body. He pulled up one of my legs, wrapping it around his hip as he pushed me against the wall. His tongue slid across my lower lip and I didn't hesitate to give him entrance to my mouth. His soft tongue caressed mine, as his sweet smelling breath hit my skin. I clutched onto his shoulders, pulling my other leg up and around him. Flashbacks of the hotel fluttered through my mind and I could feel my wetness grow.

Seconds later, he was pulling away from me and straightening out his suit and tie. I stood with my mouth dropped open at what had just happened. I watched in amazement as his long fingers pushed the fire knob back in. I only had seconds to fix my dress and appearance before the doors were opening to the front desk. Sloan turned and winked just before he exited the small confines of the elevator. I watched him walk away, astonished at the fact that this man just practically had his way with me, then walked away as if it were nothing.


I was smoothing down my fly away hairs as I reached Annie's desk. I brushed my finger across my bottom lip, trying to fix whatever mess he had made of my lipstick.

“Good morning, Ms. Boyd.”

“Morning Annie. Hey Annie, what are you doing tonight?”

“Um, I don't know, why?

I could tell by the look on her face, she thought I was going to ask her to work late. “Well it's ladies night at Cadillac Ranch and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?”

A look of shock crossed over her features before reality set in. “Seriously, you want to go with me?”

“Of course silly girl, why else would I have asked?” I laughed as I made my way into my office, throwing all of my belongings on the leather couch in the corner. “Annie, can you come in here for a second please?”

Seconds later, her bubbly self came plundering into my office. “What can I do for you?”

“Please hold all of my calls until lunch. I have a mound of manuscripts to get through and then will you send out for lunch. Maybe some Chinese or a sandwich from across the street?”

“Absolutely, just let me know when you're ready to eat.”

I nodded my head and shooed her away with my hand. “Close the door behind you please.” When the door was securely shut, I picked up the phone and called Shelby. Man was she going to have a field day with the events that had transpired since Saturday.

“This is Shelby.”

“Hey whore, it's your favorite person ever.” I laughed into the phone loudly.

“Ah, if it isn't my favorite slut. So you dirty skank, how was the rest of your weekend?”

“Well, I actually have some news for you and your gossipy ways.”

“I knew it, you slept with Sloan and Nole, at the same time. Am I right?”

“Ha ha, yes Shelby, you know me all too well.” We both started hysterically laughing. I slipped off my shoes, propping them up on my desk as I turned in my chair to stare out over the Phoenix skyline.

“No a*shole, not exactly.”

“Ah, not exactly huh? Let me guess, Nole showed up, you almost slept with him but found yourself thinking about Sloan and his fine ass and then this morning Sloan had you pinned up against the walls? Did I get it right?”

Holy shit, how the hell did she know all of this? I mean, the thing with Sloan just happened. Man this bitch knew me too well.

“Um well, it went a little different than that, but basically, yes.”

“I knew it, you really are a dirty little slut.” As usual, her laugh echoed through the receiver as I pulled it away from my ear.

“Funny! Yes, Nole showed up at my house last night. We had a pretty heavy make out session, but I told him to go home and figure his shit out. I'm not touching that as long as he is still pining for his fiancé, or whatever she is now. As for Sloan, I held the elevator open for him. We literally said two words to each other before he was pulling the fire alarm knob and then he pinned me up against the wall, only to pull away seconds later and act like nothing happened. What the f*ck am I supposed to do, Shelby?”

“I don't know exactly, but it sounds like you could finally start having some fun with that old rusty vagina of yours.”

“Well, you were the wrong person to call. I'm going to go now, I'll call ya at lunch.”

“Wait, Aston calm down. I was just f*cking with you. Jeez, you're too sensitive these days.”

“I know you were messing around, Shelby. I really do have work to do today though. I'll call you at lunch and we can discuss girls' night out tonight. Oh yeah, and Annie's going to come with us too.”

I heard Shelby let out a loud sigh. She has never done well with “sharing” me per se. “Alright, I guess so. Talk to you soon love.”

“K, bye.”

I hung up the phone and went straight to work. I spent half of my morning sorting through and answering emails until my fingertips hurt, when I finally went to reading through the stack of manuscripts on my desk.

I grabbed three or four, and made my way over to the couch in the corner. I slipped my bare feet underneath me and sat back, ready to go to work. I must had been so engrossed in the novel I was reading, because I didn't even hear Annie come in to my office later that morning.

“Ms. Boyd I took the liberty of ordering you some Chinese. It should be here in about twenty minutes. Do you still want me to hold your calls?”

“Yes Annie, and thank you. Just bring it in when it gets here and leave it on my desk.” I answered without looking up.


I heard the door to my office click shut and I let out a deep sigh as I set down the current 700-page novel I was reading. I reached my hands back around my neck and began rubbing small circles. My whole upper back and shoulders were so tight. I was beginning to think I needed a new mattress.

“You want me to do that for you?”

I literally jumped a foot off of the couch, landing on my bare feet. “Holy shit, you scared the shit out of me.”

“Nice mouth! Well at least from what I can remember.” Seriously? Was he seriously flirting with me now? Man this guy is either bi-polar or just really f*cking good at getting what he wants.

“Can I help you Mr. Holden?

“Ah, so we're back to Mr. Holden, huh? Can't we just go back to you just calling me by my name and not my father’s?”

“Um, no sorry. I think it's safer to stick with Mr. Holden.”

“Well it probably is, but you know, he is a married man.” He winked.

“Ha ha, very funny. How long have you been working on that one?”

“Oh Ms. Boyd, I love our little, bantering sessions lately. I have to say, they do make my day a little bit easier.”

Don't look at his eyes! Do not look at his eyes.

You stupid bitch, you're looking at his eyes!

They were more of a honey color today and just as mesmerizing as any other day. I wanted to run my tongue along his neck and chest, stopping at his nipples for just a minute and then continue on down his body. I wanted to take his long length into my-

“What are you thinking about so hard over there?” He made sure to emphasize the word hard and I found myself looking down at what was now hard in his pants. “You know I'm sure that could be considered sexual harassment.” He let out a deep laugh.

“But would you really turn me in, is the question?” I was flirting with my boss, at work. What was wrong with me? Something about him made me want to be naughty in any room we ended up being in together.

“Definitely not.” his breath was against my cheek and his hard on was pressed against my thigh. His hand came up slowly and tucked some stray strands of hair behind my ear. My eyes closed and I took in a deep cleansing breath, trying to regain my composure.

“Was there something you needed, Mr. Holden?”

“Oh there are plenty of things I need Ms. Boyd, the question is, are you willing to fulfill those needs?” His voice was doing things to my insides and I had to literally cross my legs, as I could feel the wetness pooling in my panties. I pulled back just a smidge, when his muscular arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back to him. I dared to look up and into his eyes yet again, when I could feel the soft skin of his protruding lip skim mine.

“I don't think this is a good idea, Sloan.”

“There it is. She can use my first name.”

“Yes, I can. I don't think we should be doing this.”

“And why not?”

Just as I had the answer on the tip of my tongue, his was caressing my lower lip, pulling it in between his teeth and biting gently. All reservation and reason, flew out the window as I took his mouth to mine. I put everything behind that kiss, hoping that it would be enough to keep him away. I couldn't jeopardize my job for a guy, let alone my boss's son. This was bad, very bad. I pulled back, placing my palms against his chiseled chest. Oh that chest. I let my mind float back to the amazing first night at the hotel. I remembered every facet of his body. I knew what muscles tightened and even where certain muscles led.

Oh this was bad news.

Sloan's lips were back on mine and I found myself not pulling away this time. When I heard a knock at my office door, I jumped back, straightening my dress for the second time this morning. This man definitely had a way of ruffling my feathers. I just wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing at this point.

Sloan turned towards the window across the room, checking his hair in his reflection. I let out a small giggle as Annie's fiery red head popped through the crack.

“Lunch is here.”

“Perfect, I'm famished. Bring it on in.”

I walked back behind my desk and slipped my heels back on. I motioned for Annie to bring the food in and set it on my desk. I glanced over at Sloan but he was now typing away on his iPhone. I simply rolled my eyes and looked in Annie's direction. “Did you get anything for yourself?”

“Yes, Ms. Boyd. I hope that's okay.”

“Of course it's okay Annie. Why don't you come in and eat with me. We can further discuss our plans for tonight.” I knew I had Sloan's attention then. He never looked up from his phone, but his fingers magically stopped typing. A small smile crept across my face, knowing that I could get to him. This so called impenetrable force of a man was weak to me and I was going to use it to my advantage.

“Mr. Holden, if you don't mind, we are going to eat our lunch now. I assume, I will talk to you later?”

“Of course, Mr. Boyd. Enjoy your lunch. You too Annie.”

With that he left my office, leaving Annie and I to our lunch. Oh this was going to be fun! I smiled, knowing that I had no clue what I was getting myself in to.

Amanda Bennett's books