Misguided Heart



The minute I found out about her little girls' night she was planning, I knew I had to do something. Knowing that every guy would be all up on her, I went against my better judgment and rented out the club.

Yep, that's right. The whole club!

I knew she was going to be pissed but she would eventually get over it, at least if I had my way about it. I made sure to make it an all ladies night. Of course, I let the male bartenders do their job, but I also made sure to warn them that Aston was my girlfriend and there should be no touching of any kind. Who would've known that the one bartender, I specifically warned, would be the one to call me out on my shit.


She strutted into the club looking good enough to eat. Her hair was half up and curls cascaded down her sexy, toned back. She was wearing a short black, leather mini skirt with a white, silk tank top. She always dressed simple and understated, yet sexy as hell. I licked my lips, hoping I would have a chance later tonight to get a taste of her. My hands twitched, wanting to feel her leather covered ass in my hands. I needed her in a way that was foreign to me, and I needed her now.

I sat back and watched her move her sweet little ass along to the music, and I literally couldn't take my eyes off of her. Wherever this woman went, she commanded attention. A small brunette was trying to weasel her way onto my lap, when I finally turned into my a*shole of a self when she wouldn't quite take the hint. I watched as that little prick bartender, made his way onto the dance floor and right onto Aston's ass.

I pushed myself into a standing position, wanting to go cut in, making my presence known, but I sat back down.

I couldn't help but be a voyeur to the little act being played out in front of me. I wanted to see how she would react to him. I needed more than anything to know if she spent her time thinking about me as much as I thought about her. As a bright smile hit her face, my heart literally plummeted to my toes. My eyes scanned the crowd for her so-called friends, but didn't see any of them on the dance floor. His hands wrapped tightly around her hips and my fingers tightened into fists.

I tried with all of my might to look away but it wasn't happening. She was no longer facing me; her face was now merely inches in front of his. I prepared myself for the worst and downed the shot of Patron in front of me. The guy, whose name I think was Auggie, was quite a bit bigger than me. Not that I couldn't hold my own, I have been boxing since I was 10, but he was still pretty big in comparison. A little bit of liquid courage was called for when I hadn't fought for a woman in, well, forever it would seem.

His lips were now centimeters from her ear and I stood, knowing that I was going to have to kick this shithead's ass. When I saw Aston shake her head, I quickly sat back down, grabbing my half empty glass at the same time. Her eyes were moving through the crowd; searching out the man I'm sure that dick had told her about. I could feel her anger across the room and I'm not going to lie, it was turning me on beyond belief. As she began making her way in my direction, my pants tightened in anticipation of seeing her up close tonight.

She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, her rage filled eyes piercing through mine. A small smile played at the corner of my lips. In some twisted way, I got a little bit of pleasure out of pissing her off. I could have sworn that she was going to come running at me, pointing her finger in my face, all angry like.

I was going to grab her finger and pull her hand over my rock hard dick, and then pull her mouth to mine with my other hand. The scenario played out in my head in slow motion, and my pants became unbearably tight. When she turned and took off, I silently cursed myself for being such a dick.

I stayed in my seat, pulled the closest girl onto my lap and motioned to the bartender to fill my glass up. If I couldn't have her, I was going to have somebody. As the long legged blonde straddled my already hard lap, I scanned the club trying to get a small glimpse of Aston. When I couldn't find her, I focused all of my attention back to the girl sitting on top of me. She was slowly kissing up my neck and I couldn't tear my thoughts away from wondering what Aston was doing.

When she reached my lips, I solemnly shook my head. A big part of me wanted this, needing to be inside of someone to calm my fervently beating heart for the one woman who I couldn't have. I gently removed her from my lap, pulling her onto the dance floor with me. If Aston wanted to play that game, well I could play too.

I wrapped my arms around the blonde's waist, pulling her hips into mine. The song was a fast one and she had no problems in the dancing department. Don't get me wrong this girl was hot, but not as hot as another blonde I couldn't stop thinking about.

Just as she dipped down low and ran her hands up my thighs, I spotted Aston with her girls over at the bar. Of course that douche bag was eating her up, and most likely over serving her, but I stood back and let it run its course. If I wanted to have her all to myself, I had to wait for the right time.

Amanda Bennett's books