Misguided Heart



When I woke up a little while later, it was still pitch black outside. I lifted the comforter off of me and was completely mortified as I took in my naked body. My brain slowly began rewinding and the mortification only intensified, as I remembered my prize-winning moment of throwing up in front of Sloan.

Sloan! Shit, was he still here?

I remember asking him to stay with me, but he wasn't in the bed next to me. Great, I'm sure I finally pushed him away enough, that he was over it. I tip toed my way to the landing on the stairs and found his gorgeous sleeping body, sprawled out on my couch. After debating in my mind whether or not to do what I felt was right or to do what I wanted, I took my naked ass all the way down the rest of the stairs.

For the last couple of days, I grappled with the decision I knew was inevitable. As much as I wanted Nole, my desire for Sloan was beating out my self-absorbed ex by a mile. As I made my way over to the edge of the couch, I couldn't help but take in the glorious sight of a shirtless Sloan.

Damn, he was sexy!

I took in a deep breath and mustered up enough courage to close the distance. With everything inside of me, I went for it. I straddled his waist after pulling back the afghan, exposing enough skin to get me going. He was still wearing his jeans, but those could be easily removed. My lips started at his chest, making their way up to his neck and then finally his lips. Tiny moans escaped between his lips, making me put everything I had behind this kiss. His lips parted and I took full advantage, exploring his mouth with my tongue.

I think he may have been dreaming, because at first, he just laid there and now, his arms and hands were all over me. His hands massaged every facet of my body and then came to a stop at my breasts. His eyes fluttered open, and I smiled a wicked little smile. He nodded his head asking for permission and I responded back with a small nod. Without hesitation, his tongue pulled my nipple into his mouth; flicking and sucking on the hard point, making me throw my head back in pleasure. This man was going to be the death of me.

But what a way to go!

Without missing a beat, his hand took over the one nipple and his mouth made its way over to the other. I sat up on him, bringing his eager mouth along with me. When he lifted his head up, pure lust sat in his gaze. I licked my bottom lip slow and deliberate, wanting him to take control like he always did. I got nothing. He sat back on his hands, staring at me sitting on top of him, with a mischievous grin on his face.

Damn it! He was going to make me beg!

“Take me, Sloan.” I whispered.

“I don't know if I can do that just yet, sweetheart.”

“And why is that?” My hands flew to my hips and I knew how ridiculous I must look.

“Because, you didn't say please.” He winked. Damn him and that wink.

I almost came right where I sat, as he lifted my bottom up to undo his pants. The noise of the zipper had me clenching my thighs closer together. I could remember all of the specific details of our previous romps in the hay, and I closed my eyes in anticipation.

“Please, take me Sloan. Now!”

“Well aren't we bossy! I think I might have to punish you for that one.”

My eyes went wide as he flipped me onto my back, pushing his pants and boxer briefs onto the floor simultaneously. I took in the sight of his full erection and bit down on my bottom lip. Just as my hands reached out for his length, he was flipping me onto my stomach over the side of the couch. I looked back over my shoulder, just as his hand came up and then down hard on my ass cheek.

I squealed in both pleasure and pain. He hadn't hit me hard enough to make it hurt, but the shock of it made me jump a bit. His hand came down one last time a little harder this time, making contact with my ass as his other hand slid inside of me. The enormous amount of pleasure had me at the precipice of an overwhelming orgasm. When I looked back this time, his lips crushed into mine. His fingers worked their way in and out of my p-ssy, while the other hand rubbed my hard sensitive nub. My walls eagerly clenched around his fingers and my mouth fell open as I cried out in ecstasy, letting the orgasm rock through me.

As I was catching my breath, Sloan's fingers slid out of me and I was once again on my back. His tongue darted out, sucking his fingers into his mouth. I watched, as he tasted me on his fingers, every drop of me. A small smile crept across my mouth as I watched him licking and sucking every last ounce. When he was done, my legs were being bent over his shoulders. Seconds later, with one swift movement, he was pulling me down to meet his rock hard dick.

His fingers separated my folds just as he slid inside of me. I gasped at the length of him and the fullness I felt. He sat back, grabbing my ankles as he stared into my soul. Our eyes never left one another's and for the second time, my orgasm took over my entire body. He was right behind me seconds later, falling on top of me as his length throbbed inside of me.

When our breathing resumed its normal pattern, he lifted his head slightly capturing my mouth with his.

“Now that's a way to wake a guy up.”

I was done for and falling, hard.

Amanda Bennett's books