Misguided Heart



Never in a million years did I think it would be possible to feel this way again. After our early morning romp, Aston all but forced me upstairs and into her bed. When I woke up twenty minutes ago, I found her still wrapped in my arms, just as she was when we fell asleep. As much as I didn't want to leave the confines of her bed with her in it, I couldn't help but notice the time and a very whiny dog at the foot of the bed.

“You need to go out buddy?” I bent over the side of the bed to pet his goofy head.

He let out a small bark and I climbed out of bed, stark naked and let him out the French doors off to the side. Just as the door clicked back into the frame, I felt a pair of small warm hands encircling my waist.

“Good morning.”

Her voice was so damn sexy first thing in the morning. I smiled down at her, twisting around in her tiny arms. “Yes it is.” I pressed a small kiss to the top her head and picked her up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I carried her over to the bed, but paused when I glanced at the clock on the wall.

“We might have to put this on hold for now. Unfortunately, it's about that time.”

“Ugh, I don't want to go to work. Let’s call in sick and stay in bed all day.”

I liked her idea, I really did, but my father would have my balls if I didn't come in today. “Sweetheart, I would love to stay in bed with you ALL damn day but I have a meeting this morning about the new offices in New York.”

“Wait! What? What about New York?”

Shit! Me and my damn mouth.

“No one is supposed to know yet. I promise as soon as I know more, I'll secretly tell you.” I winked at her, hoping this would appease her for now. Apparently it did the job, because she was jumping down off of me and heading towards the bathroom.

“Hey, I'm going to head home and get dressed. I might just have to start keeping a spare suit here, if we are going to keep this up.”

“Sounds good to me. I'll see you at work?”

“Yeah, I'll see you soon.” She kissed me on the cheek and closed the door to the bathroom behind her.

I let Bugsy inside before I left, and made it home in record time. Granted, I didn't live that far from her, but it was still usually about a twenty-minute drive, which I made in twelve. My mind and heart were at odds with each other at the given moment. I wanted so badly to tell her what was going to happen soon, but my heart needed her with me, no matter what the consequences. One way or another, I was not letting this girl get away from me.

When I finally made it into the office thirty minutes later, my father was fuming, and waiting for me in my office. I proceeded with caution behind my desk. If my father was pissed, I was about to get a f*cking ear full.

“What took you so long to get in this morning? Were you with one of your floozies again?”


“Hi. Sorry to interrupt, but you left this in my office yesterday.” Aston quickly dropped my phone on my desk, and scurried out like the building was on fire.

F*ck me! (Probably not now that she heard that!)

I bowed my head as I leaned forward on my desk and took in a deep breath. “No Dad, I wasn't with one of my so-called floozies last night. I've actually met a really nice girl, someone I think you would actually approve of.”

“Well son, that's wonderful.” Sarcasm was dripping from every word. “It won't matter much longer though. This meeting today is to solidify your position in our New York office, unless you would rather I give it to someone else?”

“No Dad, I'm ready. Let's get to this meeting already.” I waved my hand in front of me for him to head out of my office first. I gave a small wave to Ariel, and then my father and I headed out. As we passed Aston's office, I chanced a peak to see what she was doing, but she was nowhere to be found. Hmm, I wonder where she went?

Damn it Sloan. Get your f*cking head in the game!

This meeting was going to be brutal; I could feel it in my gut. I hadn't prepared myself for the possibility that Aston may not want to go with me. For crying out loud, we had only slept together, we weren't even officially dating. Why did everything in my life have to have strings attached? Especially when it came to girls and my father?

Amanda Bennett's books