Misguided Heart



I left the office shortly after my room full of flowers showed up. As much as I wanted to run to Nole and thank him, a better part of me guided me home. I knew I was taking a big risk heading home early, but my mind wasn't in the right state to stay and work. I gathered my things and made my way out to my car. The entire elevator ride, I secretly prayed for Sloan to some how track me down. I knew there was no chance in him being that thoughtful, given his history of walking away and leaving things unsaid.

When I walked through my front door, I was greeted by the only constant male I ever needed. Bugsy was beyond excited to see me and I was grateful to have someone so loyal. We ran around the house playing catch and I eventually found myself outside by the pool. It was an extremely hot day, so the cold water was exactly what I needed.

After swimming more laps than I could count, I emerged from the pool and decided to lay out for a bit. My mind of course wandered to visions of Sloan's hands all over my body. His mouth on my most private parts, his tongue touching all the right spots making me want to scream his name. I found myself breathing heavy and jumped back in the pool to calm myself back down. It was the equivalent of a cold shower, so I figured I was good.

After a couple of hours, I was pruned and dried out. I drug my lazy ass up the back stairs to my room and hopped in the shower real quick. After I stepped out, I made the executive decision to call it a night, have some wine and curl up with Bugsy to watch a movie. I threw on an old pair of black yoga pants and an off the shoulder cutoff sweatshirt, before heading downstairs to the kitchen. I fed a very hungry Bugsy and proceeded to pour myself a tall glass of Moscato.

I clicked off every light as I made my way into the living room. I knew what television was like in the middle of the week, so I bypassed the usual HBO movie and put in a DVD. I went with my gut instinct and put on my favorite movie of all time, Rebel Without A Cause. I mean how can you go wrong with some James Dean?

About a quarter of the way into the movie, I was in desperate need of a refill and a light snack. Just as I approached the kitchen, there were a few loud knocks on the door. Bugsy started going ballistic and I took my time making my way to find out who was at my house. I stopped to pause the movie and set down my wine glass, but then tried to quiet down Bugsy's bark that was echoing through the empty house.

“Settle down buddy.” I patted Bugsy on the head and his barking ceased as he followed me to the door. Sloan was the last person I had expected to see on my doorstep, but it was definitely a pleasant surprise. Before I could open my mouth to speak, he was lunging at me. I could feel the passion and want radiating from his sweat-streaked skin. It almost looked as if he had run here. Obviously he hadn't but he wore the sheen of sweat so well. Before I knew it, his lips were on me, his body pinning mine to the wall. My inhibitions disappeared and I threw everything in me into the physical contact. Even if this was only for one night, it was one night I wasn't going to over think our actions.

As his mouth made its way down my neck towards my breasts, his strong capable hands dipped below my ass and pulled me up around his waist. My breath hitched, as I whispered for him to take me upstairs. Without a second thought or hesitation, he was all but running to my bedroom. When he laid me down on my mattress and pulled away, I half expected him to change his mind and realize this wasn’t what he wanted, but it was the complete opposite.

He ripped of his shirt, discarding it onto the floor. His eyes caught mine in their stare and then my mind completely went blank, thinking of nothing but his bare muscular chest, taunting me to touch it, taste it and I was well on my way to do just that. First I pulled my shirt off, throwing it on top of his and then next came my pants. I had forgotten the small fact that I hadn't put any panties on, but I was beyond caring. I slowly pulled down my pants, pushing them the rest of the way to the floor.

My eyes never left him and his never left me. I watched cautiously as he took in my very naked body, lying beneath him. Seconds later, his pants and boxer briefs joined the rest of our clothing. My eyes went wide as he took his hard length in his hand. As he slowly started to move his hand up and down, I began to feel my wetness increase. I placed the tip of my finger on the tip of my tongue and drug it back and forth, getting it nice and moist. My eyes wandered down to his hardness in front of me, and when they did, I slipped my finger from my tongue and made my way to my rock hard nipple.

I skimmed my fingertip across my nipple a few times before pinching it between my thumb and forefinger. As his warm amber eyes caught site of this, his grip on his dick tightened immensely. My tongue darted out and licked my plump bottom lip. I knew exactly what this small action could do to him, so I repeated it one last time. Just as my fingers were headed south, his mouth dropped open and three amazingly f*ckworthy words came out of his f*ckalicious mouth.

“F*ck this shit!”

With that, his fingers were slipping up and down my wet folds. I threw my head back, and my body arched into his touch. My eyes fluttered shut, just as he pushed open my folds with one hand and slipped his other fingers deep inside me. I let out an audible moan and my back arched even further. This time his mouth was there to accept my nipple into it. His tongue tickled and teased the hard nub as his fingers worked their magic on my nether regions. When I opened my eyes for the briefest of seconds, his mouth released my nipple and began making a slow but pleasurable descent to my p-ssy.

His fingers were moving in and out slowly, but picked up pace as his tongue met my soft *. My moans increased in sound and I could feel myself at the edge of the cliff. I took in a deep breath and held on for dear life as I fell. My insides greedily sucked his fingers deeper inside, and I ached to feel him inside of me. I needed to feel his amazing length stretching and tugging at my core. Before I could regain my composure, he pushed himself deep and hard inside of me.

His name rolled off of my tongue fluidly. My body was familiar with this man, and I wouldn't have it any other way. He pumped into me harder than he ever had, and the ache deep inside of me finally felt its release. I gave myself over to my orgasm completely, and so did he. Minutes later, he was laying sprawled out next to me, when the words came pouring out of my mouth.

“Your father knows about us.”

“I figured as much.” His voice was strained and I began to get worried that I may have said the wrong thing in that moment.

I rolled over to my side, holding my head up with my hand. “You don't care?”

Please say no! Please say no!

A small laugh rumbled through his chest. “No, why would I?”

“Well, I don't know. I thought maybe you didn't want anybody to know.”

“Are you sure it's not you that you're thinking about?”

“I'm sure. I want everybody to know.” I closed my eyes trying to think long and hard about this. Of course thinking about long and hard brought me back to the amazingly beautiful, long and hard naked man next to me.

Damn it!

He pushed himself up onto his elbow so he was now facing me. “Well then it's settled.”

“What's settled?” I sat myself up the rest of the way, not understanding what he was insinuating.

“You'll go to the company party with me. It can be like our coming out?” His laugh echoed through the room. “Okay that sounded bad, but you know what I mean.”

I laughed right along with him, knowing exactly what he meant. “Okay, deal.”

Sloan's hand came up to my face, brushing loose strands of hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes to enjoy the loving moment that seemed so rare with him lately. I was on the brink of sleep when he decided to speak again.

“So who are the flowers from?”


“It's okay, I already know. Honestly, I saw you two at lunch today.” He hung his head in shame and instead of being mad, I was happy.

It was nice to see he had a little bit of a jealous side. Is it weird that I took that as though he cared? “So that's why you left early huh? I knew it had to be something.”

“Yeah well, it wasn't what you think.”

“Oh? And what do I think? Please enlighten me.” My head instinctively rolled onto his chest and up beneath his chin. His lips pressed against the top of my head just before he let out a deep sigh.

“Okay maybe it is what you think. Lets just leave it at that.” He kissed my forehead and rolled us into the middle of the bed.

I wanted to push him for answers, I really did, but my mind was throwing up a big red flag saying no. I shook my head and let out a small giggle to let him know I was, we were, fine. Within minutes, I was fast asleep in his arms and reveling in his touch.

Amanda Bennett's books