Misguided Heart



I hadn't expected the night to go that way, okay maybe a little bit that way, but not the talking part. Of course I wanted to tell her how I felt. Hell, I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but something inside of me still lay dormant and I wasn't ready to reawaken it. I watched Aston sleep for a little while, before I lost the battle to my heavy eyelids. When I woke up a couple of hours later, she was still snuggled against me, and I rolled over to pull her in deeper. Any other time and I would have made my way out of her grasp, but not this time.

I must have fallen back asleep because when I came to, Aston was gone. The side of the bed where she once laid was now cold and empty. I frantically pushed myself out of bed and ran downstairs to find her. When I found her in the kitchen making breakfast, I breathed a little bit easier.

I had made the decision to let this girl in, all the way in, so I took it upon myself to take over making breakfast. She tried to push me out of the kitchen a handful of times, but to no avail. I was determined to make this woman feel wanted, needed, and loved. A small wry smile crossed her face and I smiled in return.

Man she was f*cking gorgeous!

“How did you sleep?”

“Like a baby, but I'm sure I owe that to the company I had.” She winked and headed to grab plates from a nearby cupboard. “What about you?”

“Oh, I slept better than I ever have before.”

“I highly doubt that, but I'll take it.”

We both shared a laugh and then I scooped out some hearty portions onto both of our plates. We ate in silence and after we finished, she made her way upstairs and into the shower. I made my way back upstairs to get dressed, but the smell of lavender and vanilla enraptured me and I found myself walking towards the cracked bathroom door. I gently pushed it open and my senses were assaulted with an aroma that was mouth watering.

Now, I could have very well been a good boy and run along and leave her be, but lets face it, I'm a bad boy. I slightly pulled back the curtain to not frighten her, when I saw the “f*ck me” look in her eyes. Without second-guessing myself, I stepped into the cloud of steam and felt my way to her body. She pressed a chaste kiss to my lips and then turned ever so slightly to bend over. I took this as an invitation and wound my arms around her waist. My dick was pressed against her backside, as I made small circles around her *. I would've played with her a little bit longer, but my dick jumped at the mere thought of being inside her tight p-ssy. Without caution, I entered her and then stilled so I wouldn't come from just her touch.

I continued to circle her nub as my other hand came up to her hair. I gave a hard tug, just as I pushed all of me inside of her. I felt her tighten around me and I couldn't stop myself. I pumped in and out as fast as I ever have and within seconds we were finding our release together. I slid my hand down her soaking wet back, before stopping at the top of her ass. I gave it a small slap and she jumped at the shock of it. I smiled a wide grin and then kissed the top of her head.

You going into work today?” I knew she knew the answer but after last night, I couldn't fathom the thought of her being in the office today and me not seeing her.

“I think so, yeah.”

“Didn't you give Ariel the rest of the week off?”


“Yeah, but I can manage without her for a few more days. You worried about little ole me?”

“Absolutely not, I was just curious when I was going to see you again?”

“Soon Aston, very soon.”

We both smiled and I jumped out of the shower, giving her some space to get ready. I dried off quickly and had my clothes back on, just as fast. If I was going to make it to the office on time, I had to get going. I hustled back into the bathroom, kissed the f*ck out of her and promised to see her at the office in a bit.

I hauled ass back to my house. I was wearing a permanent-grin and for once, I liked how it looked on me. Twenty short minutes later, I was out of the house and headed to the office. Today was going to be a great day, I could feel it all throughout my body, or maybe that was the remnants if her.

Amanda Bennett's books