Misguided Heart



I was having the hardest time concentrating as the meeting dragged on. All I could think about was Aston, and the expression on her face when she overheard my father’s conversation earlier. I felt like an a*shole for not going after her to further explain what she had heard. My father and his big f*cking mouth was always somehow or another reeking havoc in my life.

I just wanted to go back to the simpler days; the ones he had seemingly less control over. I hadn't realized I wasn't paying attention, until my father's voice broke through my revelry.

"Sloan, pull your head out of your ass and open your ears son. Did you even hear a word Mr. Wright said?"

I simply shook my head, because honestly, I hadn't. "Sorry Mr. Wright, what were you saying?"

"I was just explaining to you and your father that we are looking at bringing you out in about two weeks. We will get the office set up and do all of the hiring, so you won't have to deal with it. Does that sound okay to you?"

"That sounds great to me." I forced a smile at the older man sitting across from me.

Like I had a choice in the matter!

I was literally counting down the minutes until I could leave this god-awful meeting. As long as I played the part, the company would be mine sooner or later.

As much as I had been fighting it lately, all I wanted was to be with her. She was invading every aspect of my life, and I was slowly getting used to it. I never wanted to be a better man, especially after that fateful day. In fact, I was perfectly happy being my flawed self, until Aston became part of my life.

Aston was all I could ever ask for in a woman, and the fact that she was a little spit fire, only made her that much more appealing. Who was I kidding? Everything about this woman was appealing to me, every last bit.

The way her perfect ass sways when she walks around the office, how her long, lean, dancer like legs look when they wrap around my waist, the way her perky breasts seemed to always command my attention. Jesus, just thinking about her was making my dick hard. She was definitely a twelve on a scale of one to ten, easily.



"Yes Dad?"

"The meeting is over, let's go. What the hell is wrong with you lately? Trying to keep your attention seems near impossible these days."

I rolled my eyes and smiled, knowing that he couldn’t give a shit less as long as I kept my eye on the prize. "Nothing is wrong Dad, just busy working out all of the details of the upcoming move."


"Well, if you don't start showing some initiative soon, I might just change my damn mind."

God, could he be a bigger ass? I swear it was a wonder how my mother had continued to put up with his shit all these years.

We were back at the office before lunch, and I was looking forward to surprising Aston. I hadn't been able to talk to her, let alone see her, at all this morning. My mind was slowly going crazy with thoughts of ravaging her tight little body on her desk, or chair, whichever was easiest at the moment. I smiled a wicked grin, as my thoughts never strayed from all the wicked little things I wanted to do to her.

As we approached the office, I could feel something in my stomach; something I hadn't felt in a long time. I was nervous, for what felt like the first time in my life.

My father parked the car and we amicably parted ways with the promise of me showing up for work early tomorrow to get some "things" straight, as my father so eloquently put it.

I all but ran to the elevator once my father was out of sight. My fingers tapped rapidly against the metal railing inside of the elevator, as it made its slow ascent to our floor. When the doors opened, I made a beeline for Aston's office, without being obvious of course. I was hoping I could catch her before she left for lunch.

My smile faded as Annie's desk came in to view and I noticed that she was nowhere to be found. If Annie wasn't here, then Aston was gone for lunch also.

Damn it!

As the prospect of having lunch with Aston passed, so did my incredibly good mood. I took the elevator back down to the lobby and headed across the street to grab some lunch, even though I didn't have much of an appetite anymore.

I thought about going to "our" place, but thought better of it once I realized, it wasn't really "our" place. God, I was like a f*cking schoolboy hoping the head cheerleader would ask me out. Shaking my head clear of all thoughts Aston, I caught a glimpse of a blonde who looked as if she could be Aston's twin, at the restaurant on the corner.

Of course like a creeper, I moved towards the window to get a better look. When Aston’s smile was exposed by her hair bouncing, my heart dropped. I wanted to be the one to make her laugh, damn it. Honestly, I just wanted to be with her.

I made my way towards the door to interrupt her wonderful good time, when I noticed who exactly was making her laugh. I saw crimson when his face came into full view. I knew that piece of shit was going to make his presence known at some point, I just didn't think today would be the day.

My hands balled up into tight fists at my sides as I watched the two of them interacting with one another. Just as his hand crept across the table to rest on top of hers, I lost it and headed back towards the parking garage.

I thought the short walk back to my car would have cooled me down, but it seemed to have only made me more livid. Had she been playing with me the whole time? I swear if I didn't have half a mind, I would go back and beat the holy f*ck out of that bastard. Who the hell did he think he was?

Amanda Bennett's books