Misguided Heart



As I made my way to the office, I was overly excited that Sloan would be the first person I'd get to see today. He had left his phone on my coffee table in the midst of our overnighter, and now I had the pleasure of dropping it off to him, in his office.

Many scenarios played out in my head, as I envisioned him taking me on his desk, or pushing me up against the door and having his way with me. Either way, I now had a slight bounce in my step thinking about all the possibilities.

Sloan's father was the last person I expected to see when I pushed open his office door. My smile quickly faded into a frown when I heard Mr. Holden talking about all of Sloan's past “floozies.” Don't get me wrong, I knew he had his fair share of women before me, but I just didn't want to hear about it. I quickly placed his phone on his desk and high tailed it out of there. I wasn't about to get involved in that conversation.

I went back to my office, stopping to talk to Annie first. Turns out, she ended up hooking up with one of the bartenders. The smaller one I had seen her with before she left. He is pre-med at ASU and has six brothers and sisters. When she finished telling me all about her new interest, I politely excused myself and went across the street for some coffee.

Hmmm coffee!

In my self-deprecating state, I didn't even realize that the person in front of me in line, was none-other than Darren. The devil incarnate stood before me, and it took everything inside me, not to run for the door. I ran my fingers through my hair, taming the flyways I knew I must have. He still hadn't looked behind him, and I prayed I was in the clear. As soon as I thought that, he turned and looked directly at me.

“Oh hey, Aston. How are you?”

Was he f*cking serious right now? “I'm good, and you? How's your wife?”

Take that a*shole!

Score: Aston 1 The Devil 0

“Well, subtlety never was your strong suit. We're actually doing really well. I had a brief lapse in judgment the first night I saw you, but soon realized that you're still the same girl that left me all those years ago.”

“Wow, bitter much?”

“Not bitter, just burned too many times.” He grabbed his coffee and headed towards the door.

“Well, maybe next time you get burned, it will be in a bed, while you're sleeping in it.” I turned back around and ordered my coffee. A proud smile crossed my face as I made my way to the end of the counter.

I win!

As I made my way back across the street, I was silently hoping that Sloan and his father would be long gone. I wasn't quite sure what was going on between Sloan and I, but I wanted to find out. As I stepped out of the elevator I looked in Annie's direction, hoping she would understand what I was asking. She shook her head and I took that as a good sign. I half ran into my office, quickly closing the door behind me. Just as I sat down in my chair and slid off my heels, there was a loud knock on my door.

“Come in.” I guess, I mumbled the last part under my breath.

“Hey there beautiful.”

Holy shit. There Nole stood, looking all good and shit. “Um, hey. What are you doing here?”

“I was wondering if you were busy for lunch?”

Shit! Hurry up make up some stupid ass excuse. Just make him go away.

“Well, I actually have some work to get done and I was going to skip lunch. Sorry. Rain check?” Please say yes.


Damn it!

“You're not blowing me off anymore. We're going to lunch whether you like it or not.”

Whatever. “Fine Nole, we'll go to lunch, okay?” I smiled and nodded. Super! For whatever reason the feelings I once had, and thought I had again for this man, were suddenly nonexistent.

Hmm, interesting!

Amanda Bennett's books