Misguided Heart



I was beyond livid as I looked into his smoldering amber eyes appraising me. I should have known that his pompous ass was behind all of this. Though as I stood there, staring at him with my best 'f*ck you' glare, I could feel my body responding to him. I could feel the wetness in my skirt, so I forced myself to walk away. I wanted to run to him, wrap my arms around him and have my way with him, right there on the stool he was perched on.

But I didn't!

Instead, I turned and ran off to find the girls. This night was turning out to be far more than I had anticipated. As much as I wanted to see Sloan, a bigger part of me was throwing up caution signs all along the way.

When I made it back up to the bar, I found Annie flirting shamelessly with another one of the hot bartenders. He was a bit smaller than Auggie, but just as good looking. I laughed as I saddled up next to Ariel. She seemed enticed by her drink as she slowly stirred the straw around in her glass.

“Hey lady, what's wrong? Are you not having a good time?” Ariel was a very pretty girl. She was around Annie's age but looked about five years older. Her chestnut brown hair was cut in a sleek bob and it suited her very nicely. She was a thin girl, but not too thin and her face looked like porcelain. I wonder why she didn't have a boyfriend?

“No, I'm having a great time. Thanks so much for inviting me.” Her face read something completely different.

“Of course. I noticed you haven't been dancing a whole lot. Do you not like dancing?” For some reason, I felt compelled to get to know this girl.

“No, I love to. My mind is just a little preoccupied, that's all.”

“I'm sorry. Is there somewhere else you'd rather be?” She was acting really strange and I was getting worried.

“Aston, I have to tell you something.”

“Okay.” I looked at her intently, not ready for what she was about to confess.

“I helped Sloan plan this. I thought I was doing the right thing, but now I just feel awful. Especially after I saw how mad you got when you saw him. I'm so sorry.”

I threw my head back in laughter, which caught the attention of Shelby and Annie. They both gave me perplexed looks as I tried to tame my laughing down to a minimum.

“Oh hun, I don't care. I know how persuasive that man can be. I have been on the receiving end one too many times. No worries, love. Now cheer up and have a good time.” I raised my glass, clinking it with hers. “Bottoms up girl.”

A huge smile hit her face and I was pleased that she was letting loose. There was still something off with her, but I brushed it aside, not wanting to dwell on it. I grabbed all of the girls by the hand and pulled them behind me and onto the dance floor. I caught Sloan out of the corner of my eye with some blonde, all but attached to him and laughed knowing she was a horrible replacement.

As the night began winding down, I realized what time it was and made my way over to Shelby. “Hey girl, it's one o'clock. I need to get home and sleep some of this alcohol off before work. You guys going to stay?”

She nodded in response then spoke. “I'm going to stay. Since you blew off that Auggie fella, I think I might partake in him. As long as you don't mind?”

“Have at him, Tiger. I'll call you tomorrow.” I kissed her on the cheek and made my way though the crowd to the front door. I didn't see Annie or Ariel anywhere, so I made my way out of the club.

“Chandler, have you seen the other two girls I came with?” I knew I was shouting but my ears were ringing at full volume.

“Yeah, they took off a little bit ago.”

“Shit!” Damn it, those bitches took my ride home.

“Do you need a ride, babe?” I had always hated that he called me that. I swallowed down the bile creeping up my throat as I shook my head. Before I could fully answer, a familiar voice answered for me.

“I've got her.”

Ugh! Why couldn't he just leave me alone?

“I'm fine, thank you. I'll just take a cab.” I shrugged his arm off of my shoulder as I searched my handbag for my phone.

“No you won't. I don't mind, really.”

“You may not mind, but I'm sure your date does. Honestly Sloan, I'm fine.”

His finger was under my chin, pulling it up so I was looking right into his eyes. “Number one, she's not my date. The only reason I was hanging out with her is because you wouldn't come and hang out with me. Number two, I'm taking you home. I don't trust a cab driver to not pull over and have his way with you, especially dressed like that.” His eyes raked down my body and my nipples instantly hardened.

Oh man, was I in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

I nodded my head and let him lead me in the direction of his car.

Amanda Bennett's books