Misguided Heart



As we pulled up outside of Cadillac Ranch, I kept getting a nagging feeling in my gut. I have no idea what it was, but something seemed off. Although, it could have possibly been the amount of wine we consumed before heading out. We all emerged from the limo I decided to splurge on, when I noticed the long line of people waiting outside.

“Since when is ladies night on a Monday, so busy?” I asked Shelby, not knowing where she was.

“I've never seen it this busy on a Monday. Too weird.” Annie answered.

“Right!” I shrugged my shoulders knowing that we would get right in regardless. One of the bouncers was an old fling but we had remained friends.

“Hey Chandler.” I waved, with a flirty smile following close behind. “What's with the line?” I hitched my thumb back towards the never-ending line of scantily clad women.

“Some rich jerk rented out the whole club, requesting only women to be allowed in. Can you believe that?”

“Are you serious? Who does that?” I rolled my eyes just before planting a kiss to his cheek. “Well have a good night, hun. I'll make sure to say goodbye when I leave.”

“Sounds good love.”

I grabbed Shelby's hand as we made our way through the front door. When we entered into the large open space, all you could see for miles were women. Seriously, not one single man in sight besides the bartenders? I looked at Shelby in confusion. We all shrugged it off and headed to find a table.

Minutes later, an extremely gorgeous waiter came strutting up to us. “What can I get you ladies to drink?” Holy shit, he was the epitome of sex.

“You?” Now when I drink, I tend to get very aggressive. Not that I'm not in my normal everyday life, but when I consume alcohol, I end up saying and doing things that my brain refuses to filter.

He leaned in super close to my left ear, “I believe that could be arranged?”

No shit!

My mouth hung a bit open in astonishment. “Well, see what you can do.” I winked in his direction then proceeded to order us a round of shots and a bottle of Moët. I was determined to have a great time tonight, and barely remember it tomorrow.

The heavy bass from the speakers was vibrating through my body, sending my muscles into dance mode. Two rounds of shots later, we were pouring our glasses full of champagne and heading out to the dance floor. I held my glass above my head, swaying my hips to the fast music blasting through the sound system. As the words to "Sexy Bitch" by David Guetta came pouring through the speakers, Shelby and I began mouthing every line while shaking our ass along with the electronica beat.

My eyes became hooded and I could feel the sheen of sweat building up on my forehead. The songs bled into one another as I pressed the rim of the glass to my wet lips. I caught a glimpse of Ariel and Annie a few feet away from us, in what seemed like a pretty heavy conversation. I danced my ass over to the two of them, determined to make them have a good time.

“What are we doing ladies?” I was all but screaming in their faces over the loud music.

“Oh nothing, nothing. We're just dancing and drinking.” Annie gave me a halfhearted grin as she raised her champagne glass in my direction. I could see her and Ariel share a contorted glance, and I wondered what exactly those two were hiding.

I raised my glass in return and smiled wide. “Well, enjoy yourselves ladies.”

Just as Usher's velvety voice bled through into the next song, my gorgeous waiter saddled up behind me, taking my hips into his strong hands. I smiled over my shoulder and pushed my backside into his hips, just enough to have him wanting more. We moved our hips to the music in unison and I could feel my body responding to the closeness. This man was so hot! I was sweating just looking at him, imagining all the things I would let him do to me.

I laughed in my head as a wide smile settled into his expression. He had to be around six feet four inches, and built like a linebacker. His broad shoulders pulled the simple black V-neck shirt he was wearing nice and tight, emphasizing every muscle. His hair was a sandy blonde and unruly, but in a very sexy, understated kind of way. I noticed his sky blue eyes next, as my eyes made their way down to his luscious plump lips. I bit down on my bottom lip, pushing my sexual fantasies to the back of my mind. Just as I was about to pull back from him a little bit, to get a better look of course, his hands gripped my hips, pulling me into his chest.

“I will have you, regardless of what your boyfriend says.”

The smile I was wearing dropped off of my face and my breath caught in my throat. “Excuse me? What boyfriend?” I was utterly confused and seemingly pissed off.

“Your boyfriend, over there.” He pointed in the direction of a man sitting across the room in the dark. All I could make out was the glass he raised at me.

I squinted my eyes, trying to get a better view of this mysterious man. With the strong liquor and champagne flowing through my veins, I pulled up my big girl panties and made a beeline for this stranger. I pushed my way through the sea of women and to the other side of the dance floor. When I reached the first step headed up towards mystery man, I took a step back realizing exactly who I was staring at. Anger, rage, jealousy, animosity, and annoyance all came boiling up to the surface. I threw my hands up in exasperation and pointed my finger at him. I shook my head and turned on my heel. I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had all but ruined my night in one fell swoop.


Amanda Bennett's books