Knotted Roots


The drive home from the hospital was filled with mindless chatter, with Chase and I both uncomfortable broaching the topic of what would happen next. I had a mission of my own that I would deal with, but I knew that her condition was worrying him as well. I had to stop thinking of myself for five minutes and be there for him as well. When we pulled into the yard, Chase cut the lights off on his truck and left the vehicle idling.

“I’ll come by tomorrow and we can head back up to the hospital,” he said as he rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand. “If you want, that is.”

“You could always stay,” I replied quietly. “I mean, what’s the point of leaving if...if you’re coming back in the morning?”

He looked at me intently, studying my face as he kept a silent rhythm on my hand. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea Roxie. Betty would kill me.” He let out a nervous laugh, his breathing becoming shaky.

“I think she would understand,” I said as I reached over and turned off the truck. As I leaned back my hand grazed his thigh, causing a sharp intake of breath from both of us. I looked at him and found his eyes devouring me hungrily.

“I don’t think...I can’t stay away from you Roxie,” he replied, his voice strained.

“Then don’t,” I replied as I leaned towards him. I placed my hand on his arm and pulled him closer to me. I lightly kissed him on his cheek, the stubble on his face gently abrading my lips. His smell intoxicated me, drawing me closer to him. Before I knew what was happening, he had his hand at the back of my neck, guiding my mouth to his.

When our lips met I thought my body would combust right there in the cab of his truck. A strange tingling sensation shot from my lips all the way to my toes, causing them to curl. It felt like he was lighting my entire body on fire. Our mouths meshed together, our lips parting slightly only to draw in a breath. When his tongue slipped between my lips I felt lightheaded, like there was suddenly no oxygen in the small space. The feel of him against my mouth caused a ball of heat to gather in my stomach, the burn letting me know I was truly alive.

When we finally broke apart we both struggled to draw breath. I didn’t dare pull too far away for fear of never feeling that way again. I had been kissed a few times in my life, but nothing compared to what Chase made me feel. My lips felt swollen from our passionate kisses, the feeling both unnerved and intoxicated me. I closed my eyes as his hand reached up and cupped my cheek, his thumb wiping away a lone tear slipped down, unheeded.

“Please don’t cry,” he whispered, his lips mere inches from mine. His lips lowered gently to mine again and I gasped, the sensations sending my body into overload. He gently ran his fingers through my curls, his touch sending shivers through my body. My body craved more from him, my fingers exploring his body as we kiss.

“Chase,” I moaned, releasing him from the kiss. I sat back and took a deep breath as our eyes locked together. His chest was rising and falling quickly, his body reacting in a similar fashion as mine. “Wow.”

“That’s the best compliment I’ve ever been given,” he said with a charming grin plastered on his face.

A giggle escaped my swollen lips as I smoothed my hair down from where his fingers had tangled during our embrace. “Are you staying?” I bit my lip as I asked. I was both excited and nervous as I waited for his answer. I wanted him there with me, close by in case I needed him, or he needed me.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” he asked from under hooded eyes.

“I have never been surer of anything in my life,” I replied.

“Remember that answer when Betty is threatening to cut my...ahem jewels off.”

I laughed loudly, and then leaned over to give him a quick peck on the lips. He groaned against my mouth and I nearly came undone right there. There was something so sensual about him. No other guy had ever made a groan sound as inviting and enticing as he did. I pulled away quickly, stopping both of us from getting caught up in each other again. I opened the passenger door and slid out of the cab, smiling back at him as he hurried to keep up with me.

* * * *

I closed my bedroom door behind him, the sound echoing in my ears. My nerves took the opportunity to flare up, causing my palms to sweat as I watched him walk around my bedroom. His eyes caressed every surface as his fingers trailed over the few trinkets I had sprinkled around the room. Even after being here for two months I didn’t feel as if it was really my room. He picked up a framed picture on the desk and studied the picture of me and my parents.

“Do you miss them?” he asked in a hushed voice.

“Some days more than others,” I replied with a chuckle.

He glanced over his shoulder, a sad smile on his lips. He stared at the photo for a few more moments before replacing it on my desk. I sat down on my bed, my back ramrod straight, as I tried to wipe the sweat on my pants. I had never felt this nervous with him before. Evidently being in my bedroom, alone, with no one home, had made my conscience decide to come out and torture me.

He walked over and sat beside me, his fingers immediately seeking mine out. “I think it would be a good idea if I slept on the floor.” He smiled at me, but there was still a hint of sadness in his smile. I leaned my head on his shoulder and inhaled his scent, causing my head to spin again.

“I think Grandma would appreciate that if she were here.” He kissed my forehead and removed his hand from mine. I felt the loss of his warmth and comfort, my brain finally able to fully function again. “I’ll get you some pillows.”

I moved to stand but his hand caught my arm. He pulled me down gently, my feet tangling with his, causing me to stumble. I landed in his lap, my hands finding their place on his chest. I could feel his shallow breaths as I tried to right myself. Instead of allowing me to pull away, he drew me closer instead.

Our lips connected, the heat surging through my mouth. I gasped against his soft lips as his hands traveled slowly to my waist. His fingers skimmed the exposed skin between my shirt and my jeans. The rough pads of his palms felt foreign, but not unpleasant. My mind began to wonder what they would feel like in other areas. Areas that no other guy had ever been privy to.

I pulled my lips from his and kissed his cheek, then moved to his neck, my teeth nipping lightly at his skin. He let out a contented sigh as I explored his neck with my mouth, his hands slowly cruising over my skin, making their way higher and higher, until they found the underside of my bra. His fingers grazed the undersides of my breasts and I immediately tensed and pulled away.

“I’m sorry. Too far, got it,” he said in a breathless whisper.

I wanted to tell him how good it felt, how right it was, but I just wasn’t ready for that next step. I was still a virgin and I knew that if I felt his hands caressing one of my most sensitive spots, I would be giving up my V-card moments later. I promised my parents years ago that I would remain a virgin until marriage, and as unlikely as that seemed now, I had to at least try.

“I’m sorry Chase. It’s just-”

“No, you don’t have to explain it to me,” he said with a smile. “Just promise me something. No matter what happens, I want you to know that you can always say stop. I would never push you to do something you’re not ready for. I’m not that kind of guy.”

“I know that,” I whispered before I kissed him again, my arms wrapping around his neck. Our tongues danced lightly, the fervor from before subsiding, replaced with something more. It was languid, careful, and infinitely tenderer than anything I had experienced so far and yet the passion still pulsed under the surface. When we broke away from each other we were both smiling from ear to ear.

“What was that for?” he asked with a grin.

“That was for being you. For being so understanding.” I stood up quickly, pulling him to his feet with me. “Now, let’s get those pillows. It’s gonna be an early morning.”

Ruthi Kight's books