Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 501-Chapter 600)

“That is the leader of the Lone Moon Empire, Mu Lin.” Su Kui stared at that individual while he solemnly said.

“Very powerful indeed.” Lin Dong gently nodded his head. From Mu Lin’s body, he could sense an extremely dangerous sensation. Immediately, he silently sighed inside his heart. He was truly envious of the members of these super empires.

When Lin Dong observed Mu Lin, the latter also detected him. Immediately, he turned around and looked right at Lin Dong. Following which, he gently smiled at him.

When he saw Mu Lin’s friendly gesture, Lin Dong immediately returned it with a smile. He was no fool. Unless he had no other choice, he did not want to cross these powerful super empires.

Not long after the Lone Moon Empire members appeared, two other groups entered the arena in a dazzling fashion. Under the attention of the crowd, they landed at the forefront of the arena.

“That man is Wu Ta from one of the Four Great Super Empires, Forest Empire. He is similarly a powerful individual who has reached the heaven category on the Nirvana Monument…”

Su Kui pointed at a green-robed man. The man’s hair was jade-green as well. However, the skin of his body was extremely dry and it even showed signs of cracking. Therefore, he looked quite peculiar. Nonetheless, the aura from his body did not lose out to Mu Lin.

“Besides him, is Mo Fen from the Lihuo Empire. They used to be a powerful existence that commanded an entire region…”

On the other side was a muscular man with fire tattoos emblazoned on his back. He was seated on a stone chair while a savage and dry Yuan Power rippled from his body, causing the air several feet around him to turn exceedingly dry.

“The heads of the other two super empires…”

Lin Dong’s eyes glanced at the two individuals who had powerful auras. Promptly, he gently nodded his head. They were indeed individuals who were able to obtain the heaven category on Nirvana Monument. Sure enough, they would not be easy to deal with.

Even though most of the people who could reach this place were pretty powerful, compared to the three of them, the difference was immediately apparent.

“The ones who are going to appear next should be the Wind Cloud Empire?”

Lin Dong’s eyes slowly narrowed. Moments later, his heart violently shook. He could feel two extremely powerful Yuan Power vibrations suddenly surge from a distance away. Like a hurricane, it swept into the arena and blew the crowds away.

“Haha, it seems like most of you guys have arrived early. However, this Heaven Soul Treasure is something that my Wind Cloud Empire must have. Today, let me witness who has the ability to snatch something away from our Wind Cloud Empire!”

A savage wind blew, while a hearty laugh wrapped with by potent Yuan Power, boomed across the large arena, causing many people’s eardrums to ache. However, none of them dared to reveal a dissatisfied expression on their faces.

Lin Dong slowly lifted his head and turned to look in that direction. At that spot, a savage Yuan Power hurricane gathered together, before two figures appeared flambloyant in front of the crowd.

Right now, those two figures also turned around. Immediately, their eyes, which were several times sharper than Luo Tong, fixed onto Lin Dong’s body with a slightly icy glint.

The originally chaotic arena turned silent quiety. In fact even Mu Lin and the rest tilted their heads and stared at this sight.

“The Wind Cloud Empire is truly domineering…” Lin Dong’s eyes met with those two pairs of eyes. Promptly, they crisscrossed under the stares of the crowd while he softly said.

While he softly spoke, a man with a centipede-like scar on his face, instantly chuckled. Promptly, his bone-chilling laughter ricocheted across the entire arena.

“Are you Lin Dong? Very well, your life is mine.”

Chapter 569: Wanxiang Auction

* * *

His sinister laughter resounded throughout the auction area. However, what changed most people’s facial expression, was that they could sense the strong killer intent within that laughter.

All their attention was finally shifted towards Lin Dong. However, what surprised everyone was that even when Lin Dong was being threatened by the notorious leader of the Wind Cloud Empire, his face was still as calm as a serene lake. Countless faces were reflected in his eyes. No one knew what this youth was thinking of when he actually dare to provoke the Wind Cloud Empire.

Beside Lin Dong, Little Marten shot an indifferent glance at the guy with a scar on his face. His purple-black eyes seemed to be surging with chilliness.

At this moment, the silly smile on Little Flame’s face disappeared as well. A terrifying baleful aura began to emit from him slowly. He raised his head and a tinge of scarlet was rising in his eyes. Then, like a great beast from the desolated land, he warned with a deep and brutal voice, “I dare you to try it.”

The auction house became silent once again and everyone was looking at the giant-like Little Flame. Suddenly, a fiendish aura extended outwards from his body, frightening a lot of people.

Even Mu Lin and his counterparts were startled by this sight. Soon after, an astonished look appeared on their faces. They had never expected that even when faced with a threat from such a vicious individual from Wind Cloud Empire, Lin Dong’s faction still dared to oppose them.

“Such a daring fellow!”

Because of Little Flame’s actions, that man with a centipede-like scar on his face raged and then laughed. A similar fiendish aura surged out from his body continuously. It appeared that he had the intention of attacking on the spot.

“Anyone knows how to brag. I think it’s best to settle all our grudges after the auction has ended,” Lin Dong suddenly waved his hands at Little Flame and said, while looking at the scarred guy whose body was surging with a fiendish aura.

“Hehe, you’re right. After the auction has ended, all those who are enemies of the Wind Cloud Empire will not escape.”

The figure beside the scarred man turned his head around and revealed an especially pale-white face and stared at Lin Dong. After a while, he gave a knowing smile before he sat back down on the stone chair.

“I will let you live a little bit longer. Cherish the little amount of time you have left!” The scar on the scarred man’s face wiggled, appearing extremely sinister. He looked eerily at Little Flame and then slowly sat down under everyone’s gazes.

As both sides sat down, the hostile atmosphere in the huge auction market relaxed significantly. Several pairs of eyes were scanning Lin Dong’s figure continously. Apparently, they did not understand where did the Lin Dong trio’s courage came from. Even when they are facing two notorious leaders of the Wind Cloud Empire, they did not display any fear at all.

The other three great super empires were looking peculiarly at Lin Dong and his counterparts as well. There seemed to be an indescribable look in their eyes.

As time passed, more and more terrifying influxes of people were converging at the auction market. From afar, it looked as if there was no end to the pitch-black sea of the attendees’ heads. That kind of full-to-bursting atmosphere made one’s hair stood on his or her end.

“Previously, the man with scars on his face is called Meng Lie. There’s another name for him in the Wanxiang City, The Butcher. Reportedly, ever since he stepped into the Ancient Battlefield, the blood on his hands amount to more than a hundred lives. Furthermore, his killing methods are extremely brutal,” Su Kui informed Lin Dong in a soft voice.