Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 501-Chapter 600)


Lin Dong’s bid immediately caught everyone’s attention. Countless people were looking at him stunningly. Their gazes were somewhat eccentric. Clearly, they treated him as a foolish spendthrift.

“Brother Lin Dong.”

Upon hearing Lin Dong’s bid, Su Rou’s quiet and exquisite face changed slightly. She knew that Lin Dong bidded for the Balance Spirit Fruit for her sake. However, the bidding price of one million Nirvana pills made her distressed and touched at the same time.

On the auction stage, Song Tai was shocked by the unexpected bid as well. His gaze shifted towards Lin Dong while containing a tinge of astonishment.

After Lin Dong bidded, no one wanted to increase the bid. Apparently, they did not want be crazy like Lin Dong. After seeing this scene, Lin Dong grinned. However, just as he was about to speak again, a cold voice came gently from the front row, “One million and two hundred thousand Nirvana pills.”

The voice belonged to Feng Cang of the Wind Cloud Empire.

After yelling out his bid, he turned his head around and scanned Lin Dong with an indifferent look. The corners of his mouth were slightly curled, as if he was sneering at Lin Dong.

Lin Dong squinted his eyes slightly and stared at the troublemaking Feng Cang. With He withdrew the glint of fury in his eyes and counterbidded, “One million and five hundred thousand.”

“One million and seven hundred thousand.”

Feng Cang retorted lazily. Even though he already planned to get Lin Dong and his counterparts after obtaining the Heavenly Soul Treasure, he felt that it was rather amusing to tease his opponents.

“Two million.” Lin Dong opened his mouth and bidded again.

“Brother Lin Dong,” Su Rou’s huge eyes could not help but become teary. She casted a look of hatred at the troublemaking Feng Cang. If Su Kui was not holding her back, she would have asked Lin Dong to give up on this meaningless contest.

“Don’t worry, it’s definitely worthwhile to pay two million Nirvana pills for the Balance Spirit Fruit,” Little Marten reassured plainly. It was obvious that his handsome face was rather pissed off. Feng Cang’s action was indeed despicable.

“Hehe, you are truly worthy of being the inheritor of the four great mysterious sects’ inheritance. You are rather well-off. Since you want it so much, you can have it then.”

Waving his hands, Feng Cang smirked coldly and looked at Lin Dong mockingly after raising the bidding price to two million Nirvana pills.

Lin Dong looked at Feng Cang and smiled after a while. A Qiankun bag then flew out of his sleeves and landed on Song Tai’s hand. After taking a look at it, the latter nodded his head slightly. With a snap of his finger, the Balance Spirit Fruit flew towards Lin Dong, who kept it after receiving it.

“That fellow is simply too despicable!”

After seeing Lin Dong kept the Balance Spirit Fruit and sat back onto his chair, Su Rou was still seething with anger. She was not happy with the fact that Lin Dong had to pay an extra one million Nirvana pills due to Feng Cang’s meddling.

“Don’t worry, I will make him pay back both the capital and interest next time around.”

Lin Dong gently smiled. Within that smile was a slight bit of chilliness. It was obvious that Lin Dong was infuriated with Feng Cang’s meddling….

Chapter 571: Desolate Heavenly Cow

* * *

The attention in the auction gradually shifted away from the seated Lin Dong. From what they had seen before, everyone knew that the Wind Cloud Empire was deliberately provoking him. All they wanted was to force Lin Dong to pay a higher price.

It was very clear that Lin Dong had lost out in this contest. One million Nirvana pills was no small sum for most individuals.

At the front of the Lone Moon Empire, Mu Lin was also observing the situation. He was rather surprised with Lin Dong’s ability to keep his cool. Promptly, he held the latter in even higher regard.

“It is not wise for Feng Cang to provoke Lin Dong…” Mu Lin gently smiled while he softly spoke.

“Does big brother truly believe that Lin Dong can threaten the Wind Cloud Empire?” Beside him, Lin Muyue’s gently raised her brows. Even though she had never underestimated Lin Dong, their opponent this time around was the Wind Cloud Empire, which had even forced back their Lone Moon Empire.

“Until things are concluded, who knows? Since you have met Lin Dong once, you should also know that he is no brute. Since he is neither a brute nor a newbie, yet still dare to openly fight against the Wind Cloud Empire, would you believe that he is not capable?” Mu Lin smiled as he said.

Mu Hanyue was startled. Promptly, her beautiful eyes involuntarily turned to look behind her. After keeping the soul fruit in his bag, Lin Dong had shut his eyes and his facial expression was completely calm as if his previous loss had never happened.

“Seems like things are getting more and more interesting…” Mu Lin glanced at Feng Cang with a sadistic smile on his face, before he softly laughed and said.

In the field, the heated atmosphere caused by the Balance Spirit Fruit gradually began to die down. Meanwhile, from atop the auction stage, Song Tai turned away from Lin Dong and continued the auction.

The next auction item was a low grade Soul Martial Art. This type of martial arts was quite appealing for most of the elite practitioners here. Therefore, its auction price reached one million and five hundred thousand Nirvana Pills.

However, Lin Dong was naturally not interested in this low grade Soul Martial Art. Nonetheless, even though he was not interested in it, this did not mean that others were not. Even though they were many treasures in the Ancient Battlefield, it was still the case of too little porridge and too many monks. Therefore, there were very few individuals who could obtain an inheritance and they had no reason to give up on the Soul Martial Arts in front of them.

“One million, six hundred thousand!”

“One million, eight hundred thousand!”


Lin Dong observed the explosive auction. Most elite practitioners were bidding till their ears turned red. This goes to show the frightening allure of a Soul Martial Art. Thanks to their intense bidding, the price of that low grade Soul Martial Arts had already reached two million Nirvana Pills in several minutes.

After an intense fight, the low grade Soul Martial Arts was finally sold for two million and three hundred thousand Nirvana Pills to a high rank empire that had fought the hardest. This finally allowed the heated atmosphere in the auction hall to gently subside. However, everyone knew that with less items being auctioned, the atmosphere would grow increasingly heated.

The following items that were up for auction were all Soul Martial Arts. However, their quality grew increasingly better. Meanwhile, the auction price also increased from the initial one million and five hundred thousand to two million and five hundred thousand.

The second time Lin Dong made a move was for a mid-grade Soul Martial Art called ‘Desolate Wild Cow Charge’. The auction price for this martial arts was two million and eight hundred thousand. This price was enough to scare off most bidders.

Of course, there was many people who were attracted to it despite its cost. Nonetheless, after Lin Dong raised the price of three million and five hundred thousand, most of them were forced to back off.

When he saw the crowd turn silent, Lin Dong chuckled. It looked as if he was extremely keen on that martial art.

However, just as the smile surfaced on Lin Dong’s face, a casual voice sounded out from nearby, “Three million and eight hundred thousand.”