Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 501-Chapter 600)

Lin Dong nodded his head slightly. Other than those super sects who controlled this dimension, there was no one else who could enter and exit the Ancient Battlefield at will.

“Little Marten, change back to your human form. If you leave this place in this form, I’m afraid it may cause a commotion,” Lin Dong turned his head around and reminded Little Marten.

After being reminded by the mysterious old man, Lin Dong had no choice but to be more prudent. If Little Marten really revealed its identity, both of them would be in trouble. Those super sects that had grudges against the Celestial Demon Marten tribe might take it out on Little Marten.


Little Marten heeded Lin Dong’s words. Even though it understood the reason behind this, it was mincing with embarrassment. This scene surprised Lin Dong, and yet, he still had to remind Little Marten.

Under Lin Dong’s reminders, there was nothing much Little Marten could do about it. Dense purple-black glow surged out from its body and its enormous body started to shrink rapidly.

As the glow surged, Little Marten’s body finally became human-sized. After the glow dissipated, a humanoid figure appeared before Lin Dong. The figure’s facial expression was slightly rigid.

The figure before him was a young man who was wearing a purple-black garment. The youth was extremely elegant and handsome. The smile on his face made him seemed devilish yet extremely striking and some girls would be smitten with such facial features once they saw him.

Lin Dong was not a girl, and hence, he would not be smitten with him. However, for a moment, he was stunned. He simply could not associate Little Marten with these facial features with the sly and wicked image that he had of Little Marten in the past.

“Grandpa Marten…..”

The corner of Lin Dong’s mouth twitched as he looked at the embarrassed youth before him. He suddenly got the urge to kick the youth.

Chapter 544: Coming Out Of Seclusion

* * *

“Haha, you seem very surprised….” The transformed Little Marten laughed dryly while looking shyly at Lin Dong, whose face looked dumbstruck.

The shock in Lin Dong’s mind lasted for a moment, before disappearing gradually. He stared oddly at Little Marten and then, a tinge of eccentric smiling expression appeared in his eyes.

“Lad, what kind of expression is that? Even though Grandpa Marten is considered a youth in the Celestial Demon Marten tribe, the number of years that I have lived is still more than you. There’s no loss for you to call me Grandpa Marten,” Little Marten could not help but said promptly, when he saw Lin Dong’s mocking smile.

Lin Dong gave a chuckle and ignored him. Upon seeing this, Little Marten felt the urge to roll his eyes. He knew that once his human form was revealed, the astute and rigorous image that he built painstakingly for Lin Dong, would be completely ruined…

“It seems like my hunch was right.”

Lin Dong stretched his back and stared smilingly at Little Marten, who had a gloomy face. Sometimes, from Little Marten’s tone, Lin Dong could sense that even though Little Marten had more experience than him, he still lacked the venerable aura of an old man who had experienced various hardships in life.

“Since you have now recovered your physical body, what do you plan to do next?” Lin Dong changed the topic and asked.

“What’s there for me to do? I will first follow you around. Even though I have recovered my physical body, I still need a long time to regain the powers that I have in my peak form,” Little Marten thought for a while, before shooting a glance at Lin Dong and continued, “Furthermore, a person like you stirs troubles everywhere you go. If Grandpa Marten leaves you, I’m afraid I will have to return and collect your corpse in a few days’ time.”

Lin Dong was unconcerned with regards to such regularly-used comments from Little Marten. As he looked at this fellow, who was even more devilish handsome than the Great Yan Empire’s prince, Mo Ling, a tinge of warmth flashed across his heart. Lin Dong knew that Little Marten did not want to want leave because he is worried about Lin Dong travelling alone in the Eastern Xuan Region.

After pursing his lips, Lin Dong held out his hand and patted Little Marten lightly on his shoulders and said softly, “Brother.”

Both of them acquainted with each other at their lowest moment. After travelling together for the past few years, their relationship had indeed deepened.

Little Marten quickly shook off Lin Dong’s hand. Then, he turned his head to one side and swore, “Lad, can you not do this kind of thing, it’s so corny.”

Lin Dong chuckled and then muttered, “After we leave this place, as long as we are in the Eastern Xuan Region and not in any critical situation, don’t reveal your identity as a Celestial Demon Marten. I think that given your capabilities, even if you have not recovered one-tenth of the powers you have in your peak form, as long as you try your best to hide your identity, not many people can recognize who you really are.”

“Most of the Celestial Demon Marten’s powers depend on that body. If I don’t use that body, my powers will be reduced even further,” Little Marten folded his eyebrows and replied.

“That’s still better than attracting those super sects, which have a grudge against the Celestial Demon Marten tribe. Don’t worry, there is still me and Little Flame. It’s not an easy task to force us into that kind of dire straits,” Lin Dong reassured.

Upon hearing what was said, Little Marten could only shake his head helplessly. He also understood that even if he could return to his peak form now, it was impossible for him to travel without the slightest scruple in the Eastern Xuan Region. On this piece of vast and boundless land, there were numerous terrifyingly powerful entities.

Those super sects were able to establish themselves successfully on this piece of vast land for thousands of hundreds of years and even disputed with numerous races from the Demon City at the same time. That kind of mightiness could not be described by words easily

Lin Dong was satisfied when he saw Little Marten nod his head in agreement. Lin Dong was not interested in investigating the issue of what conflicts that the Celestial Demon Marten tribe had with some of the super sects in Eastern Xuan Region. All he knew was that Little Marten was his brother.

“It appears that if we are to enter those super sects in the future, we must find one that has no grudges against the Celestial Demon Marten tribe. Otherwise, we will be in for some trouble…”

As this thought came across Lin Dong’s mind, he suddenly thought of the mysterious old man whom he met earlier. That old man should be a member of a super sect and it seemed that they had no grudges against the Celestial Demon Marten tribe. The only issue was that he did not know which super sect that old man belonged to. Otherwise, that super sect would be a good choice for them as well.

“Let’s go.”

Flinging his head, Lin Dong tossed out the numerous thoughts in his head. The time they spent in this dimension had not been short. It seemed that the situation in the Ancient Battlefield now was getting considerably volatile. That was because the real Hundred Empire War was starting soon!

After nearly one year of various silent and arduous training, those practitioners who usually concealed themselves from the public were about to display their sharp canine teeth and became dazzling entities in this Ancient Battlefield.