Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 501-Chapter 600)

He was aware that Little Marten’s retreat was about to be end…

The crack lines appeared one after another. Half an hour later, Lin Dong unblinking eyes spread over the entirety of the light cocoon. A mysterious and deep purple black light seeped out from within those crack lines. That kind of fierce aura was becoming increasingly dense.

Crack crack!

A fragment of the light cocoon finally fell from it when the number of crack lines had reached its limit…


This fragment of the light cocoon that had fallen appeared just like the final pressure that would spark the volcanic eruption. At that instant, an enormous light cocoon directly exploded in front of Lin Dong’s shrunk eyes. An incomparably majestic purple-black glow directly charged to the clouds, appearing just like an atrium. The entire sky had been covered by a purplish-black mysterious light glow at this moment.

Lin Dong raised his head. His eyes stared intently at the permeating purple-black light gow. An incomparably large black figure slowly gathered at that spot. After which, a “puff” sound appeared. Two hundred feet large purple-black bats shot out from the light glow. It fanned slightly and a wild and violent hurricane swept over.

Enormous bat wings flapped and a pair of faint purple-coloured glowing eyes surfaced from within the black-purple curtain. After which, it raised its head and let out a sharp howl!


A strange and unique howling voice that appeared to be real, carried a kind of wild joy and excitement that could not be concealed, as it spread over the light curtain in a deafening manner. The Pill River below was also shaken to the point where many great waves were created.

Those sonic wave spread in all directions and Lin Dong was also wrapped within it. Seeing this, Lin Dong waved his hand and a circular light barrier spread out from within his body, covering him within it.

Boom boom!

The sonic wave struck onto the gold light barrier, causing waves of intense ripples to appear over it. However, it did not completely burst apart…

Lin Dong did not bother about the ripple on the gold light barrier. His eyes were staring intently at the sky. The purple-black light curtain at that spot had gradually disappeared. After which, a hundred feet large Demonic Beast, that had a shocking visual impact, appeared in front of his eyes.

That was an thousand feet enormous Demonic Beast which was completely purple-black in colour. A pair of large bat wings slowly spread behind it, appearing to cover the sky and sun as it did. Its two purple-black arms were thick and huge. There seemed to be some mysterious symbols flashing over it, emitting a frightening feeling as it did so.

Those arms were exceptionally large and their sharp nails flickered with a cold glint. That kind of sharpness was such that Lin Dong felt his body turn chill upon seeing it. He did not doubt that this pair of claws possessed a frightening strength that could easily rip through him.


The enormous beast was suspended in the sky. That pair of large bat wings on his back flapped slowly, as an aura that could not be described swept out from within his body. Even the sky itself appeared somewhat dim under this aura.

This was a true peerless fearsome beast!

This kind of feeling was such that even that green dragon, which Lin Dong had seen earlier, appeared a little weaker when compared with it!

“Is this the actual body of the Celestial Demon Marten…” Lin Dong looked at this enormous beast that caused even him to feel a great amount of pressure. His eyes were filled with a shocked expression as he softly muttered to himself.

In the past, he had always heard Little Marten blowing the trumpet, saying just how mighty and unbeatable it was. However, Lin Dong had never placed those words in his heart. Only after he had personally seen the actual body of the Celestial Demon Marten, did he have no choice but to believe that this tribe might really possess the terrifying domineering aura that could devour the dragon tribe.

The Heaven Demon Marten was suspended in the sky as it howled towards it. The soul stirring howl only weakened gradually after a long time. It slowly lowered its head after that and its pair of mysterious and unique purple-black eyes looked towards Lin Dong.

Lin Dong raised his head. His eyes made contact with it but did not shrink back even a little because of the latter’s soul-stirring aura.


The eye contact lasted for an instant before an extremely sharp cold glint suddenly shot out from the Celestial Demon Marten. Both of its wings were flapped and it actually transformed into a ray of light that shot out. That golden claw that could easily penetrate through a three Yuan Nirvana Stage expert directly shot towards Lin Dong.

This scene caused Lin Dong to be slightly startled. His eyes merely stared at the pair of purple-black eyes. The golden body cover that originally wrapped around his body automatically scattered at this moment.

Lin Dong was able to see a familiar emotion within those pair of eyes. He did not believe that Little Marten would attack him!


Little Marten’s speed was so quick that it was impossible to describe. After merely a flash, it penetrated through the sky, carrying an enormous dark shadow as it appeared in the air above Lin Dong. That pressure was sufficient to cause one to tremble with fear.


Little Marten’s purple-black eyes stared at Lin Dong. That kind of sharp chilling glow became increasingly dense. In the next instant, its claw was swung out. However, the claw suddenly changed direction just when it was about to make contact with Lin Dong’s body. Instead, it actually smashed towards an empty space behind Lin Dong.

Little Marten’s somewhat densely cold voice resounded over this space after this sharp wind from its claws shot out.

“Come out now!”

Chapter 543: A Mysterious Old Man

* * *


When Little Marten’s claw swiped across the air, it seemed that even the dimension of space was being ripped apart. Even Lin Dong’s facial expression changed drastically at this moment. However, his facial expression did not change because of Little Marten’s attack, rather it was because of what Little Marten had shouted earlier.

There was someone hidden in this place!?

He had been training silently for this period of time and he did not sense the presence of anyone else. However, what else could Little Marten’s words imply?

Someone had been spying on them all this while?

As this thought materialized in his mind, a cold shiver went through his entire body.

Resplendent golden glow surged out from Lin Dong’s body. With a sharp tap on the ground with the balls of his feet, Lin Dong flew up into the sky. Then, he made a sharp turn in the mid-air and stared gravely at the space of nothingness, where Little Marten’s attack was directed at.

Little Marten’s attack was extremely ruthless. A purple-black glow was coagulating in its claws. Even Lin Dong’s eyes froze when he witnessed that kind of might.

“Haha, truly deserving to be called a Celestial Demon Marten. Your attacks are always merciless….”

Under the fixated gaze from Lin Dong, a ripple undulated bizarrely from the space of nothingness. Then, an old-man sounding laughter came through.

As the laughter came through, a wizened hand reached out from within and waved lightly. A seemingly gentle gust of wind blew across and expelled Little Marten’s powerful sharp claws violently.

Little Marten’s huge body recoiled slightly. A sombre look appeared in its purple-black eyes. It then descended from the sky and landed beside Lin Dong. Its enormous bat wings flapped slightly, forming a hurricane that engulfed and protected Lin Dong.

“Who is he?” Lin Dong asked softly after he shot a glance at the fiendish Little Marten.