Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 701-Chapter 833)

The force was invisible and beyond touch, but it definitely could not be cut off or severed, gripping the Myriad Poison Ancestor firmly. He discovered in shock that not only did he fly slower and lower, he actually came to a halt in the end before gradually approaching Li Qingshan.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor was overwhelmed with fright. He roared hoarsely, desperately contending against this force. If he were in peak condition, then perhaps he still stood a chance, but he was heavily injured now. In order to distance himself from Li Qingshan, he even went as far as to worsen his condition. He was already a spent force.

Li Qingshan was quite injured too, but the Strength of the Earth could be unleashed at full capacity regardless of his condition, even if he were on the brink of death.

And when he faced others in a contention of strength with earth as his foundation, no matter what the contention was, he was confident he would never lose.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor watched helplessly as the Myriad Poison cult grew further and further away and Li Qingshan pulled closer and closer. He finally began to panic. “Li Qingshan, you really won’t let this end until one of us is dead, will you? I’m an honoured guest of the King of Southern Yue’s estate. If you kill me, the King of Southern Yue won’t spare you.”

Li Qingshan’s face was determined as he remained completely silent, giving off a sense of tenacity where he would not give up until he reached his objectives. Regardless of what attempts of threats, intimidation, temptations, and pleadings for mercy the Myriad Poison Ancestor threw at him, he remained completely unfazed—I just want you to die today!

Five kilometers, three kilometers, half a kilometer.

Three hundred meters, thirty meters, three meters…


Li Qingshan let out a furious roar of utter satisfaction and threw a punch at the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s face.

Exhausted, the Myriad Poison Ancestor was unable to dodge. To a spectator, it seemed like he had offered his face up to be punched. His face twisted, caved in, and shattered loudly!

ps: 久违的二更啊,久违的……

Chapter 810: Soul Possession, a Clash in the Sea of Consciousness | Legend of the Great Sage

The power of tremors shot through the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s entire body, which cracked open like parched earth. He collapsed silently.

Suddenly, a streak of green light shot into Li Qingshan’s forehead. It moved a hundred times faster than the Myriad Poison Ancestor even when he was in peak condition. Because of the Gravity of the Earth, it travelled at top speed. Even Li Qingshan was unable to react in time. He only managed to catch a glimpse and saw the green light was a fist-sized infant. It was half-transparent and bore some resemblance to the Myriad Poison Ancestor, its face twisted with resentment.

Soul projection!

After undergoing the third heavenly tribulation, human cultivators converted their golden core into a soul nascence, which condensed all of their cultivation in their soul. Even when their bodies were destroyed, their lives would not be endangered. As long as they found a new body, they could possess it and be reborn.

Third heavenly tribulation existences were very difficult to kill. Daemon Kings were difficult to kill because of their tough bodies and startling vitality, while human cultivators had the wonders of the soul nascence. If they chose to flee, they were extremely difficult to capture, and at certain times, it could even turn the tides of the battle.

At this critical moment, the Myriad Poison Ancestor had struck back.

This was Li Qingshan’s first time seeing a soul nascence. Let alone being unprepared, even if he was prepared, he could not respond in time. With a flash of green light, the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s soul nascence vanished into his forehead.

Li Qingshan’s body stiffened, remaining in the posture he had thrown his fist in. Even the delight on his face did not disperse completely.

Li Qingshan, oh Li Qingshan. If I didn’t have the slightest way to fight back, wouldn’t I blow up my soul nascence immediately to take you down with me? I didn’t want to use this move, but you’ve really gone too far. I’ll let you understand the difference between us right now!

Li Qingshan’s sea of consciousness was illuminated by green light. The Myriad Poison Ancestor’s soul nascence arrived there like a sovereign descending on the world, both with the delight of turning the tables, but also filled with indignation and regret.

Although he could be reborn through possession when his body was described, the price he would have to pay was extremely great too. As a result, no great cultivator would choose this path unless they had no other choice. The Myriad Poison Ancestor had been forced into dire straits, making him put up a desperate struggle.

He was confident he had already gained complete control over the situation. Even if Li Qingshan had all the wondrous abilities in the world, he would not be able to use them in his sea of consciousness. No matter how tough his body was, a qualitative difference still existed between his measly soul and his soul nascence.

Although this was Li Qingshan’s home court, he possessed an absolute advantage without the slightest doubt in this clash in the sea of consciousness. All he had to do now was completely crush Li Qingshan’s consciousness and then completely possess this body.

I’ve managed to condense a soul nascence, but I’ve been stuck at early Soul Nascence the entire time, unable to break through. I never really had a chance at undergoing the fourth heavenly tribulation and ascending, while this body is as tough as a Daemon King’s, so it’ll definitely increase my strength drastically. Even if there’s some conflict and discomfort, I’m not losing out by too much. Li Qingshan, oh Li Qingshan. You’ve gone to such painstaking efforts, but it’s all mine for the taking in the end!

But before that, he wanted to hear Li Qingshan wail and beg. He wanted to enjoy the delight of revenge.

“If you beg me and listen to my instructions, I can consider sparing your life.”

The Myriad Poison Ancestor emitted the thought, except the green light from the soul nascence shone brighter and brighter, contaminating Li Qingshan’s sea of consciousness like poison.

“Demon suppression!” Li Qingshan bellowed inside, erupting loudly in his sea of consciousness like thunder.

The Demon Suppression Statuary had always been about suppressing his own internal demonic nature first before suppressing the demonic natures of the external world, but at that moment, the internal and external had become one. The strength of Li Qingshan’s demonic nature went without saying, while the Myriad Poison Ancestor also happened to be a prominent existence among the demonic community.

The Demon Suppression Tower appeared in the sea of consciousness imposingly, standing as tall as a mountain. It slammed down violently over the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s soul nascence.

With a boom, the green light vanished, and the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s soul nascence had been suppressed under the tower. Thick, serpent-like Chains of Demon Suppression shot out, criss-crossing the Demon Suppression Tower firmly.

“If you beg me, perhaps I might spare your life!” Li Qingshan’s voice boomed through the sea of consciousness. Even he had never expected the Demon Suppression Statuary to be so effective. It really was Chan Monastery of Deva-Nāga’s ultimate cultivation method after all.

“A piece of cake!”

The Myriad Poison Ancestor bellowed out in the Demon Suppression Tower. Immediately, the black Demon Suppression Tower was dyed green and light began to seep out.
