Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 701-Chapter 833)

In other words, no matter what Li Qingshan did to kill him, he would always have sufficient time to respond and blow up his soul nascence.

“Aren’t I stuck like this then?” Li Qingshan frowned slightly, feeling a little annoyed. There just happened to be a chance that his phoenix nirvā?a would not succeed, where he would really end up perishing with the Myriad Poison Ancestor if he were careless.

“There still are ways to deal with this…” The Great Banyan Tree King faltered.

“Please go on, fellow!” Li Qingshan clasped his hands.

“On the South sea, I have an old friend who’s skilled at creating illusions and mirages, which can delude people and subvert reality. If he’s willing to help out, then this can be resolved easily.”

Ru Xin was currently focused on reading a text on poisons. When she heard that, she raised her head in surprise. “Are you talking about the Clam King of Mirage Sea?”

“That’s right, the Clam King of Mirage Sea,” said the Great Banyan Tree King.

“The Clam King of Mirage Sea,” Li Qingshan murmured.

Li Qingshan had read about that name in a book before. Among the Seventy-two Daemon Kings, he could be regarded as the most mysterious. The Clam King of Mirage Sea never left the ocean and always resided in a place called the “Mirage sea”. He had never been involved in any major incidents among the nine provinces either, so the information on him was limited.

“The Clam King of Mirage Sea is truly the most appropriate choice with what he’s capable of. I only need to lure Myriad Poison into the illusions for a while, and I’ll be able to deal with him. But will he help me? Will he have any conditions?”

Li Qingshan had his doubts. The Seventy-two Daemon Kings did differ in strength, but as long as they had not ascended and were still alive, they were basically all on par with the Dragon King of Ink Sea with several thousand extra years of consolidation. Even ten Myriad Poisons might not be an opponent for them, so ten Li Qingshans obviously stood no chance either. He did not want to leap out of the frying pan, only to end up in the fire and dooming himself for good.

“He has no conditions. He’ll definitely help you. Go to the South sea and find him!” Unlike how hesitant he was before, the Great Banyan Tree King spoke firmly now.

“So you have so much trust in this Clam King of Mirage Sea, fellow!”

Li Qingshan was slightly surprised. He had known the Great Banyan Tree King for all these years. Whenever he spoke, he always left room for maneuver. After all, the matters of the world were unpredictable. Not even he could predict everything with his intelligence, so leaving some room for himself was always a good idea. Rarely did he ever speak with such confidence, which made Li Qingshan think.

Don’t tell me this Clam King of Mirage Sea is actually a female daemon and there is something going on between the two of them? Heh, speaking of which, the South sea and the Mist province are neighbours, and they never leave their territories either. It does seem like they would cherish one another from afar.

“Stop letting your imagination run wild! I understand him very well. You only need to say you’re my subordinate. With our many years of friendship, he definitely won’t make things difficult for you,” said the Great Banyan Tree King.

Ru Xin raised an eyebrow and glanced at Li Qingshan, wanting to say something. The Great Banyan Tree King’s voice rang out in her head. “I know you come from the South sea. Try not to say too much!”

How strange, even stopping me from saying anything. But the Great Banyan Tree King shouldn’t be trying to harm him, so I’ll just wait and see, Ru Xin thought. Coincidentally, Xiao An gazed over with her clear, deep eyes.

Ru Xin communicated to her. “Were you warned by the Great Banyan Tree King too?”

Xiao An looked away silently, basically admitting to it. She sank into her thoughts slightly.

The descriptions of the Clam King of Mirage Sea was limited in the books that Li Qingshan had read. The Great Banyan Tree King claimed there would be absolutely no danger, but Ru Xin and Xiao An’s understanding of this was the exact opposite. The legends regarding the Mirage sea were terrifying stories Ru Xin had grown up listening to, while from the resources Xiao An had read, countless cultivators had died in there before.

It was unlike regular zones of danger that guaranteed safety as long as they avoided it from afar. The Mirage sea drifted around on the South sea, making it unpredictable. Whether it was mortals or cultivators, humans or otherfolk, they would struggle to emerge again once they set foot in there.

There were a multitude of rumors and legends regarding the Mirage sea. There have been a few lucky survivors over the several millennia it had been around, but their description of the Mirage sea all differed. Some said it was a demonic island where ghosts and monsters wandered, while others said it was a mountain of treasure, littered with gold and silver. It only added to the eeriness of the Mirage sea.

Most of the survivors were mortals, and not a single cultivator, despite being countless times more powerful, would normally emerge. As a result, the most popular belief was that the Clam King of Mirage Sea intentionally spat out clam qi, drawing cultivators into bizarre illusions and mirages before devouring their essence blood, merging their souls with the clam qi and strengthening the illusions. Mortals were too weak and beneath attention, so they had a chance of slipping away.

TL: If you’re wondering how clams and mirages or illusions are connected, that’s because the Chinese traditionally believed that clams were responsible for creating mirages. The bubbles they spit out (the “qi” they produce, or clam qi) can create illusions.

As a result, the Mirage sea was recognised as the greatest zone of danger in the South sea, such that even the merpeople of the South sea refused to approach it. Li Qingshan had absolutely no idea about this, so he was basically walking towards an abyss with his eyes blindfolded, yet the Great Banyan Tree King refused to let anyone warn him, which was far too strange.

Of course, it was also possible that the Great Banyan Tree King was on very good terms with the Clam King of Mirage Sea. Perhaps it was a place of danger to others, but since it was the Great Banyan Tree King sending him, he could emerge unscathed. Though, surely he still had to make everything clear!

“I’ll have to rely on your assistance again,” Li Qingshan said sincerely. After going through all this, he trusted the Great Banyan Tree King very much.

“It’s a mere trifle, so there’s no need to be so serious. Perhaps I might need your help too one day.”

The Great Banyan Tree King felt rather astonished. Before he knew it, he had already forced a great cultivator into dire straits, where he had to resort to threats of blowing up his soul nascence. Li Qingshan had basically been advancing at an extraordinary rate. His obscure senses about fate became clearer too. There would be a day when he needed his assistance.

“Feel free to mention it when you do. I’ll return to my dwelling and recuperate first then. I’ll proceed to the South sea and find the Clam King of Mirage Sage once I recover,” Li Qingshan stood up and bade farewell.

The Great Banyan Tree King said, “You can heal here. I’ll help you out.”

“Then I’ll be troubling you. I just happened to be wanting to ask what kind of daemon this Clam King of Mirage sea is. That way, I’ll know how to deal with her when I see her,” Li Qingshan agreed happily.

Before he had even noticed it, he actually began to feel that the Clam King of Mirage Sea should be a female. There were far too many males among the Seventy-two Daemon Kings. That threw everything off-balance!