Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 701-Chapter 833)

They were his and the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s sumeru rings. He was preparing for the worst as he tried to come up with a counterplan.

If he ejected his daemon core and fled far enough, then even if the Myriad Poison Ancestor blew up his soul nascence, he could still maintain a ray of hope and undergo nirvā?a rebirth. This could be considered as his final trump card.

However, once he lost his daemon core, his strength would decline drastically. He would immediately lose control over the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s soul nascence, instead allowing him to escape. As a result, he had to transfer the daemon core to his clone the moment the Myriad Poison Ancestor blew up.

The timing was far too difficult to grasp. If he ejected it too early, then the Myriad Poison Ancestor would stop the self-destruction. If he ejected it too late, then the daemon core would be sucked into the explosion, so how would he still have a chance to be reborn?

Even if he used the spirit turtle’s divination to grasp the timing, a round of nirvā?a rebirth would still take several years before he full recovered. When he turned into a phoenix embryo, he could not even maintain basic consciousness. It was the worst plan possible.

However, the worst plan possible was still a plan. It was still better than having no plan. Li Qingshan eased up. At most, I’ll just do it and undergo rebirth again! Who’s afraid of who?

“Send me back to the Myriad Poison cult, and that’ll be the end between us.” The Myriad Poison Ancestor put forth his condition.

“Heh, you can keep dreaming. If I entered the Myriad Poison cult, you’ll probably activate the formations and kill me as soon as you emerge!”

Li Qingshan bought time as he accelerated. As long as he returned to Savage mountain, he could make Xiao An’s clever brain come up with an idea, not to mention there was the Great Banyan Tree King whose wisdom was as deep as the sea.

“I’m not going to make things difficult for you. You don’t have to enter the Myriad Poison cult. Just the edge will do. You can remove this turtle and allow me to sense the outside world, and I’ll leave,” said the Myriad Poison Ancestor.

Li Qingshan fell silent. Only when the Myriad Poison Ancestor asked again did he say, “Since you already know my identity, you’ll definitely make it public once you return. If the Dragon King of Ink Sea comes knocking, I’ll really run out of options then.”

That was exactly what the Myriad Poison Ancestor was planning. Originally, he planned on feigning ignorance over the matter between Northmoon and the Dragon King of Ink Sea, but now that he had laid it out in the open, there was nothing he could do. He countered with a question. “What do you want then? Do you really want us to thrive or die together?” As he said that, he behaved like he was going to blow up his soul nascence again.

“If you have to be like that, then do it. Even the Dragon King of Ink Sea couldn’t kill me in the past. You’ll be no different!” Li Qingshan said coldly.

“Alright, alright, alright. Then let me try whether I can drag you down with me!” the Myriad Poison Ancestor said. All of the resentment and indignation in him had erupted, making him a little hysterical.

In the centre of the soul nascence, the green light grew brighter and brighter.

Li Qingshan’s heart tensed up, and he immediately stopped flying. A piece of the Spirit Turtle’s Profound Shell flew out before him, as smooth as a mirror, except it reflected the scenery of Cloud Dream marsh over several tens of thousand kilometers away. He spat out his daemon core and let it pause by the edge of the mirror.

But a while later, seeing how Li Qingshan did not respond at all, the soul nascence that was on the brink of exploding settled back down. The Myriad Poison Ancestor said viciously, “Kid, let’s just say you got me good! I’ll just remain in your sea of consciousness forever. Let’s see how you cultivate now!”

The older a person was, the more afraid of death they became. They instead lacked the courage of young people. Unless they had no other choice, they really were reluctant to choose mutual destruction.

Moreover, the fact that Li Qingshan had survived the Dragon King of Ink Sea did leave him fearful. If he laid down his life, only for Li Qingshan to be alive and kicking again within a few years, then that would be a great loss. This kid had far too many tricks hidden up his sleeve.

But since he wants to negotiate with me, he’s still scared of me blowing up my soul nascence after all. As it seems, even if he can escape alive, he’s either not that confident, or he’ll pay a hefty price, or it’s a combination of both. Hmph, I refused to believe you can keep me trapped in your sea of consciousness forever. Let’s see who can outlast who.

“You better calm down so that we can come up with something that makes the best of both worlds!”

Li Qingshan could not help but laugh aloud, but he felt relieved inside, as even until the moment when the soul nascence was about to blow up, he had not accurately grasped the timing. All he could do was take a gamble.

It was even possible that this opportunity did not exist at all…

Chapter 812: Return | Legend of the Great Sage

“The poison from the Myriad Poison Ancestor sure is vicious. Do you have any good ideas, senior tree king?” Ru Xin asked with her arms crossed, rubbing her chin.

They were inside one of the tree holes beneath the great banyan tree, created from the huge, twisting tree roots. It was extremely spacious in there, and it was filled with the refreshing smell of tree resin.

Yin Qing laid on a platform composed of roots. Her body had been reduced to just a humanoid figure from the poison, and her aura was extremely weak. A drop of yellowish-green poison dripped onto the ground from her body and produced a plume of smoke.

As an asura, her body and vitality far surpassed regular cultivators or even Daemon Commanders, but she did not have an extraordinary cultivation method like the Nine Transformations of the Demonic and Divine or the Path of White Bone and Great Beauty after all. She could not withstand the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s poison.

“I can only keep her alive. The poison is still deeply rooted in her, constantly spreading and growing as it devours her vitality. Nothing can be accomplished without the necessary means. The secret techniques unique to the Myriad Poison cult require a corresponding antidote. All we can do is see if he can bring back the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s sumeru ring.”

The Great Banyan Tree King’s voice echoed through the tree hole. A verdant aerial root drooped down and channelled the tree sap into Yin Qing.

“He’s as petty as he can get. Even if someone glares at him, he has to glare back at them. Myriad Poison has offended him, so what good outcome could he face?” Ru Xin smiled.


Li Qingshan talked nonsense with the Myriad Poison Ancestor as he flew over the sea of trees. Compared to the nervousness and intensity of the situation when he came, it was much more relaxed now that he returned, except the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s existence was like a fishbone in his throat. He could not find relief until he spat it out.

It was getting late, and Savage mountain was in sight.

The hole blasted in the clouds had already closed up and vanished, currently pitter-pattering with rain.

Xiao An stood on the top of the tower on the main peak. Her black hair was like mist as if it merged with the night rain. Only when she saw Li Qingshan did she smile, flying up to receive him.

Li Qingshan told Xiao An what had happened, and even Xiao An struggled to come up with a good idea. “You better ask the Great Banyan Tree King for ideas!”

“How’s Yin Qing doing?” Li Qingshan asked as he passed through the sea of mist.

“Ru Xin has already stabilised her condition. She’s currently thinking of a way to cure her,” said Xiao An.

“Ru Xin? I almost forgot! She’s a disciple of the school of Medicine. C’mon, let’s go take a look!”