Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 701-Chapter 833)

“Fuck off!”

Li Qingshan cursed out of exasperation. He suddenly unleashed his power, and two long streaks of flames tailed behind him. He had already shot off into the air, chasing right after the Myriad Poison Ancestor.

“Lowly scum, you’re asura? Why do you listen to Li Qingshan’s orders? Were you the one who infiltrated the Myriad Poison cult and killed the people?” the Myriad Poison Ancestor barked.

Having clashed with Yin Qing several times, the Myriad Poison Ancestor was amazed by the ingenuity of her “movement technique”. However, it also made him wonder about who was behind the massacre of the Myriad Poison cult.

Originally, he thought it was Ghost Shadow, but he simply did not have the ability to pass through the formations. Even if he did, he would only kill the regular disciples at most. The protectors and elders definitely could not be slain so easily. He had finally found the answer to this question that had puzzled him all this time. This woman, this asura, does have the strength!

“Did you like what you saw on the square? And those words on the screen wall were pretty, weren’t they? I put my heart into writing them. After all, it’s been so many years since I’ve last written something.”

Yin Qing smiled as her body faded about. Although she had constantly avoided direct clashes with the Myriad Poison Ancestor, her situation was not looking good. A small part of her right arm had been eaten away, and because of the poison, it was unable to heal. She had countless other injuries elsewhere. In order to keep the Myriad Poison Ancestor busy, she had paid quite the price.

But despite that, she was just as vicious and sharp as before. This was the will of an asura she had tempered.

“It really was you!”

The Myriad Poison Ancestor flew into a rage. The followers of the Myriad Poison cult had all been annihilated by Li Qingshan all because something had happened in the cult, which drew him away. Now that he had seen the person behind it all, how could he not grind his teeth in hatred? Moreover, he regretted underestimating Li Qingshan yet again. Originally, he merely treated him as a young greenhorn, but never did he expect him to possess so much strength, where he could even freely order around an Asura Commander.

“So what if it’s me?”

Yin Qing was completely unconcerned, but she appeared several hundred meters away, distancing herself from the Myriad Poison Ancestor a little. She thought, Who knows if this old man still has any trump cards left. I better be careful. I can’t let him grasp an opportunity, or my life might really be in danger.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor said sunkenly, “You want to keep me busy so that Li Qingshan can catch up, but little do you know that he’s been poisoned by me. He’s even struggling to save his own hide right now, so why would he still care about you? I’ll be killing you for sure today!”

With that, he suddenly raised both hands. “Mutual Burial of Myriad Poison!” However, it made green blood spurt out from his mouth first. Even when his body was in perfect condition, he faced some pressure when he used this secret technique of the Myriad Poison cult, so let alone right now. He harmed himself before he even laid his hands on the opponent, but for the sake of revenge, he could not care so much anymore.

Most importantly, he did not want an assassin like her coming and going as she pleased while he rested and healed in the Myriad Poison cult, able to threaten him at any time.

The poison on Yin Qing erupted with a hundred times the potency. Her eyes became completely covered in green veins before withering away in the blink of an eye. Her ears, eyes, mouth, and nose she had been carefully guarding the entire time were immediately disabled, leaving her deaf and blind. She did not panic, immediately hiding away in the space there.

However, the poison continued to spread madly. If this continued, she definitely would not be able to last too long.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor did not budge, maintaining his posture with his arms raised and circulating his powers at full strength. Green blood constantly oozed out of his mouth, but his lips curled into a brutal, vengeful smile. He did not need too long. He only needed to last a while longer until she died from the poison. Then he would return to the Myriad Poison cult with ease and recuperate before finding Li Qingshan for revenge.

This time, he wanted Li Qingshan dead for good even if he had to cast aside his pride and invite a few “honoured guests” he was on good terms with.

Actually, he had a thought that even he himself refused to acknowledge, which was compared to revenge, it was perhaps better described as self-defence. He had been frightened by this battle. If Li Qingshan and Xiao An were free to continue cultivating, then the day either one of them underwent the third heavenly cultivation would be the day he died.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor’s mouth violently sprayed with blood. He suddenly looked at the horizon. A streak of fire shot over.

Li Qingshan gazed at the Myriad Poison Ancestor from afar, but before he could even celebrate, he felt the poison he had suppressed after so much difficulty suddenly erupt violently, invading his body and even his soul madly. It left him surprised.

This old bastard still has this trick up his sleeve! But when he uses this, it doesn’t seem like he can move. If he were seated on the jade throne and allowed to use it calmly, it really would be troublesome.

Li Qingshan had no idea that this was the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s original plan. Unfortunately, his defences had crumbled before he even had an opportunity to use it, forced into dire straits. After being heavily injured, it was even less likely for him to use it rashly. With Li Qingshan’s strength, he would have thrashed the Myriad Poison Ancestor that had been reduced to a sitting duck to death before he even came close to dying from the poison.

At this moment, Li Qingshan and Xiao An had basically walked into the move, but unbeknownst to them, they helped Yin Qing share much of the burden, while the Myriad Poison Ancestor felt several times more pressure. The more poison he erupted with, the greater the pressure he had to endure too. His wounds worsened further.

He was tempted to grind down Li Qingshan like this, or gather his focus and kill off this asura first, but he saw Li Qingshan charge right towards him again after pausing momentarily. He was much slower than before, but it would not take him too long to reach him, so the Myriad Poison Ancestor immediately paled in shock. He no longer dared to continue with this, stopping the technique in a hurry and flying away.

Yin Qing used the last bit of strength left in her to leap out of the space. Then she gave way, falling out of the sky.

Li Qingshan extended his hand and caught her. He said,”Thanks.” before sending her into the Asura Field. Then he handed the Asura Field to Xiao An. He instructed her. “Take her back to Savage mountain to be cured!”

Xiao An hesitated before nodding. She had also been influenced by the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s Mutual Burial of Myriad Poison, which made the poison in her act up again. Her regenerative powers were not as great as Li Qingshan’s, so if she continued with the pursuit, the body of white bone she had tempered after so much difficulty would probably sustain even greater damage.

Li Qingshan flew away. His scarlet eyes locked firmly onto a green speck. He only had a single thought in his head. He could not let the Myriad Poison Ancestor return to the Myriad Poison cult safely!