Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 701-Chapter 833)

The green tumour in the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s hand suddenly swelled up, beating like a heart. With each thump, it would grow ten times in size, highlighting its green strands and vessels.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor produced an inhuman roar, “Die!”


Li Qingshan narrowed his eyes and forcefully wrenched back his fist. His phoenix wings flapped forwards violently, and he rapidly pulled back. Xiao An drew out her sword as well, but they were already a step too late.

The green tumour turned into a green sun. Thousands of rays of brutal-green light shot out, drowning out the sun overhead and swallowing them up.

The green light landed on a mountain far off in the distance, and the mountain collapsed silently, landing on the jungle below. Whether it were the trees or rocks, it was all reduced to fine powder, turning into a pit of white sand in the blink of an eye.

The light receded, and most of Li Qingshan’s flesh was gone as if he had been gnawed away by invisible insects. It revealed his jagged bones, but they no longer shone with a metallic luster. They had become extremely frail.

Xiao An’s white bones were also coated in the colour of rust. She arrived beside Li Qingshan, “Are you alright?”

“It’s not enough to kill me. That old bastard has escaped!” Li Qingshan said.

As she asked that, Xiao An used the Samādhi Flames of White Bone to suppress the spreading “rust”, while Li Qingshan used the Spirit Turtle’s Method of Sea Suppression to stop the poison he was coated in. Even though he had grasped an opportunity, killing a third heavenly tribulation cultivator still was not that easy.

Having been kept busy for a moment, it was enough for the Myriad Poison Ancestor to flee back to the Myriad Poison cult. The formations of the Myriad Poison cult even surpassed the ones on Savage mountain. With the Myriad Poison Ancestor personally controlling them, although it would not be as great as the Great Banyan Tree King, he could still unleash enough power. Even if the two of them were in peak condition, they would not be able to break through.

“We’ve played all our cards this time, but he’s still managed to escape. There’ll probably be quite a lot of trouble from now onwards.”

“The hunting hound has already been sent out. Perhaps she might be able to keep him busy for a while,” said Xiao An.

“The hunting hound? Oh!” Li Qingshan suddenly realised what she meant. He smiled. “You really are the one who thinks things through.”

Asura Commander Yin Qing flew through the air, constantly flashing through space as she tailed a streak of green light closely. She searched for an opportunity and was ready to strike at any time.

When Li Qingshan began facing the Myriad Poison Ancestor, Xiao An had given her this mission. She had remained on the mountain peak the entire time, spectating the battle carefully. When the Myriad Poison Ancestor blew up the cult treasure and fled from Savage mountain, she set off immediately with a single mission—keep the Myriad Poison Ancestor busy.

She was tense. The opponent was a great cultivator on par with Asura Kings. Although he was heavily injured and currently fleeing, it only made things more dangerous.

Chapter 808: A Pursuit of Ten Thousand Kilometers | Legend of the Great Sage

In the boundless sky, the Myriad Poison Ancestor tore through the air. His face continued to twitch. Apart from his fury and humiliation, he mostly felt shaken up. He had almost messed up such a simple task with his visit to Savage mountain this time.

After blowing up the tumour, he wanted to use the opportunity to kill the two of them, but his vigilance still ended up gaining the upper hand over him. He could not ignore the feeling of danger in his heart anymore. He felt that protecting himself first was the priority, so he flew back to the Myriad Poison cult without even looking back.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat. He looked back, only to see a blood-red blur tailing right behind him, constantly flashing about and growing closer and closer. He called out, “Don’t even think about it!”

The bellow demonstrated his great bearing as a great cultivator, powerful enough to halt a river. He did not seem weakened at all.

If regular cultivators heard that, they would definitely become stricken with fear. If they were a little weaker, even developing inner demons from fright and losing their wits was possible.

However, Yin Qing’s lips only curled up. The words of a defeated general bore no weight. She had been overestimating this old man by treating him as an Asura King. She had faced countless battles of death in the Asura realm, so how could she be frightened by something like that? It only demonstrated the fear he was trying to hide.

She swung her hand, and the circular blade flew out, piercing through the sky and arriving right in front of the Myriad Poison Ancestor.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor sent the circular blade flying with a furious palm strike, but it did make him halt momentarily. Yin Qing suddenly appeared above his head and wielded her fingers like a blade, plunging them towards the top of his head.

Li Qingshan had just grabbed the Myriad Poison Ancestor by the head and given him a thrashing, which the Myriad Poison Ancestor viewed as a deep disgrace, so how could he let anyone touch his head again? With a wave of his great sleeve, the poisonous gas rolled out and forced Yin Qing back. A shrivelled hand was hidden inside, ready to strike like a venomous snake. He suddenly grasped an opening, and it shot towards Yin Qing like an arrow.

Yin Qing’s figure vanished, having hidden herself in space and moved several dozen meters away, which made the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s lethal strike miss. However, the poisonous gas got her body. The flesh and blood beneath her skin in some places had been directly exposed, going from a charming beauty to utterly hideous.

But she did not care about it at all. Instead, her mind settled down. The poison of this old man sure is potent, but it’s not lethal to me. I’ll continue keeping him busy like this.

With the undying body of an asura, even Li Qingshan was not confident he could kill her in a single punch.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor could vaguely sense that something was amiss.

Currently, Li Qingshan gulped down the tree sap he had obtained from the Great Banyan Tree King on Savage mountain. At the same time, he used the Watermirror’s Image to draw out the spiritual qi within the Water God Seal of Cloud Dream marsh, slowly recovering his daemon qi. His flesh began to regrow.

Xiao An waved the Blood Sea Banner, which produced a dragon of blood that rinsed her white bones. It diluted the toxins, which she then purified with the Samādhi Flames of White Bone.

If regular cultivators were caught by the Myriad Poison Ancestor’s poison, then it would be a colossal problem. If they could not find the antidote, perhaps they would have to spend the rest of their lives contending with the poison, and they would probably still end up dying. As a result, even other great cultivators on par with him would be as cautious as possible when they clashed with him. Unless they had no other choice, they were all reluctant to have him as an enemy. That was also the major reason why the Myriad Poison Ancestor could dominate in the south.

However, Li Qingshan and Xiao An practised cultivation methods that far surpassed this world, bestowing them with extremely powerful bodies and leaving them unafraid of being poisoned to death. However, the poison was still extremely potent and stubborn. They could only suppress it for now, where completely cleansing it would still take a very long time.

Li Qingshan did not wait for his wounds to completely heal. When he had recovered just a bit of strength, where many parts of his body was still bone, he suddenly unfurled the phoenix wings and wrapped a hand around Xiao An. The fierce wind fanned the flames, constantly building up power.

Right when he was about to set off, he suddenly heard a familiar voice. Looking back, he only saw Ru Xin standing at the top of the mountain, waving at him. “Have a safe trip! Remember to write back!”