Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 701-Chapter 833)

He would have never imagined that the Great Banyan Tree King would selflessly support a “human”, helping him control his formations and mediate his conflict. With the Great Banyan Tree King’s assistance, Li Qingshan instead had an easier time in the Mist province than in the Green province.

The news of the battle spread through the south very quickly, followed by the entire Mist province.

The Myriad Poison cult was a very renowned sect in the Mist province, yet they had actually been devastated by the King of Savages, Li Qingshan, in a single battle. Even the Myriad Poison Ancestor was unable to stop him. Everyone found this unbelievable.

After hearing Qian Liangmu’s report, the King of Southern Yue also became surprised. He fiddled around with the chess piece and forgot to take his move. He said to his opponent in chess, the Great Banyan Tree King, “Sure enough, you didn’t take notice of him for no reason, fellow. Though, it does make my urge to kill him grow heavier.”

“Perhaps making peace would be better!” The Great Banyan Tree King smiled.

The King of Southern Yue raised an eyebrow, and the surprise in his eyes became even heavier. The Great Banyan Tree King’s stance on this issue was even more obvious than last time. Last time, he said he was merely establishing a good tie of friendship, and it was not exactly sheltering just yet. However, his intention to shelter him was very clear now, which was very much worth some thought.

It had to be said that when the Great Banyan Tree King agreed to control the formations of Savage mountain and went to such great lengths to intervene between him and the Shadow Queen, he was no longer in a position of absolute neutrality. Even for someone as wise as him, it was impossible for him to not have likes and dislikes, to not be closer with certain people than others. When others saw Li Qingshan, they only treated him as a genius disciple of the Chan Monastery of Deva-Nāga, but to him, he was a supreme genius of the Daemon race rarely seen in a thousand or even ten thousand years, and they were on good terms.

The King of Southern Yue contemplated. “No wonder this Li Qingshan is bold enough to come to the south and take office. With just a single order from you, fellow, just who’s still bold enough to even touch a hair on him?”

“Life and death are decreed by fate. Riches and honour are matters decided by heaven.”

The Great Banyan Tree King expressed his stance. If the King of Southern Yue had really made up his mind about eliminating Li Qingshan, he would not go out of his way to stop him. This was the burden that came with the term of reference “fellow”.

“For people like us, aren’t we all trying to oppose the heavens and change fate?”

The Great Banyan Tree King only smiled.


“Li Qingshan, are you bold enough to face me in battle?”

Above Savage mountain, the Myriad Poison Ancestor rode on his poisonous cloud; his voice boomed like thunder. He made no attempt to hide his fury and agitation.

“Myriad Poison you oldie, you’re still bold enough to kick up a fuss at Savage mountain? You’re not afraid I’ll make your Myriad Poison cult die out for good?” Li QIngshan stood at the top of the mountain and laughed aloud.

“Are you bold enough or not? I only need a single answer!” the Myriad Poison Ancestor said.

“What if I say I’m not?” Li Qingshan said slowly.

“Then remove your name as the King of Savages, because you’re unworthy!” the Myriad Poison Ancestor said.

“Someone seems to have told me that in the past. Hehe, whether I’m worthy or not is not for an old bastard like you to decide! You want me to come out. That’s exactly what I’m not going to do,” said Li Qingshan.

“Alright, alright, alright. If you think you’re good enough, why don’t you stay in there for the rest of your life? I’d like to see just how long you can hide in there!” the Myriad Poison Ancestor pointed at Savage mountain and said in exasperation. He had truly been angered this time, going as far as to use such a foolish method to show Li Qingshan what was what.

“You can stay there for as long as you like. I’m going to be cultivating in my dwelling, having the time of my life!” Li Qingshan said.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor snorted coldly and just sat on the cloud. He made up his mind about waiting Li Qingshan out.

“If he remains outside Savage mountain, the cave masters outside won’t be able to report back,” said Xiao An.

“You can just let him wait outside for a little longer. I’m only pissing off this old bastard first. I’m obviously not going to hole up here and see who’s more patient. He’ll be perfect for getting some practise,” Li Qingshan said while rubbing his hands, itching to try the Myriad Poison Ancestor.

Although cultivators had a lengthier lifespan than mortals, their concept of time was not as clear as mortals. That became even more the case the higher their cultivations were. In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor had absolutely no intentions of leaving. He seemed to be cultivating, but he kept an eye on Savage mountain below the entire time. As soon as Li Qingshan left the formations, he definitely would not be able to escape his senses.

Let alone a month, he could even afford to wait a year, or even a decade. It would only affect his cultivation a little, but increasing his cultivation had already become incredibly difficult at his current realm. Coupled with his resentment and anger, it was not like he would cultivate any faster even if he were in the Myriad Poison cult. By remaining above Savage mountain the entire time, it instead put him in a slightly better mood. No matter how he looked at it, he was not losing out on anything.

Chapter 807: Bursting Open the Door | Legend of the Great Sage

But Li Qingshan was different. He had achieved success while still young, earning the King of Savages as a title in his mere thirties. Now that someone was blocking his main entrance, how could he accept that? He would definitely grow restless, which would affect his cultivation, and if he could not put up with it and was bold enough to face him in battle, that would be for the best. He was confident he only needed a single move to claim his life.

The Myriad Poison Ancestor had a calculated plan, so he was in no hurry. He simply sat on the cloud, weighing over Savage mountain like a mountain.

On this day, clouds loomed across the entire sky, pitch-black like ink and weighing down heavily.

The thunder rumbled as drizzle drifted down with the rain. A storm was about to pour.

Li Qingshan stood on the top of the precipitous cliff and gazed up. He could not see the Myriad Poison Ancestor, but he could clearly sense he was still there.

“It’s about time.”

During the past month, he had cultivated in the Asura Field, focusing on the Demon Suppression Statuary. He allowed the malice of the tiger demon to surge before converting it into the demon heart’s power, gradually diluting the spiritual qi from the Ocean pearl. His demon qi became more and more pure, and he began craving a battle.

“I’ll watch over you.” Xiao An stood beside Li Qingshan, gazing at the boundless clouds with her clear, pure eyes.

Li Qingshan wanted to forge the tiger demon’s battle spirit through this battle, to minimise his chances of killing the Myriad Poison Ancestor, so there was no need for Xiao An to take part and expose his trump card. However, since Xiao An was watching over him from one side, she was obviously waiting for this slim opportunity to appear as well.

With a clang, Li Qingshan immediately demonified, becoming clad in armour. Many minor details of his outer appearance changed, now smeared with the colour of blood. It made him seem even more vicious.

With a boom, the rock beneath Li Qingshan’s feet collapsed and shot off into the surroundings. He had already taken off into the clouds, arriving five kilometers away.