Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Just like the passerby had said, the Pavilion was the largest building on the entire street, equal on sight to the Fei Li Empire’s Skill Storing Palace, needing to ascend nearly thirty large steps before reaching the huge, ancient styled building. The Pavilion had six levels, with elaborate carvings decorating it [2. The phrase is actually referring to a specific building style from the ancient times - http://baike.baidu.com/view/128708.htm], glowing in the sun like they were treasures, and could be said to be one of the top architectures of the world.

There were guards in the front of the door, requiring all visitors to register and be issued with an identity plaque before entering, although that did not require any fees. In that, it was much kinder than the Fei Li Trading Center.

Upon entering, the ancient beauty of the wide hall struck them, simple and tasteful yet full of beauty. It did not seem to be a place for buying and selling, but more like a grand library. Zhou Weiqing examined the wood of the ornaments, and was surprised to see that not only were the ornaments made of the same wood, the pillars and even walls were also… More importantly, the wood was extremely familiar to him, the extremely rare Stars Wood that was only produced in the Heavenly Bow Empire!

In the Heavenly Bow Empire, it was considered a valuable strategic material, reserved for crafting bows and arrows. Yet, here, it was merely a building material.

Shangguan Bing’er had clearly also discovered the same thing, and was equally surprised. Just as the two of them were staring in shock, a tall youth dressed in white robes walked up to them, bowing slightly before saying: “Hello honoured customers, what are you looking for? I am a guide in the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, and I can introduce you and bring you to what you require.”

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said: “I wish to purchase some materials for Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, may I know where I can find them?”

The white robed youth said politely: “Sir, this is your first time in our Consolidating Equipment Pavilion right? Let me give you a quick introduction. There are six levels in total for our Pavilion. The sixth level is our auction level, and an auction is held every week. As for the other levels, they are all selling Consolidating Equipment Scrolls or materials. Each level is separated into five zones, respectively selling Consolidating Paper, Consolidating Ink Materials, Completed Consolidating Ink, Completed Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, and advice or counsel with Consolidating Equipment Masters. All five levels are the same in that regard, with each level having different limits, naturally the higher the level, the higher level the items sold.”

Zhou Weiqing couldn’t help but praise admiringly in his heart as he asked the youth: “Alright, for us, what level are we able to ascend to?”

The white robed youth said: “Currently, both of you may only shop at the first level. Only after spending more than a million gold coins can you enter the second level, the third level would be ten million gold coins.”

Zhou Weiqing was dumbfounded. “So much? Is there any preferential treatment?”

The white robed youth continued: “Of course there is. If both of you are Heavenly Jewel Masters or Consolidating Equipment Masters and join our Empire’s Skill Storing Palace or Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, you can enter the first three levels without any limits.”

Zhou Weiqing sighed inwardly. It was clear that the more powerful the Empire, the greater and wiser their methods of drawing powerhouses to join them. Of course, they had the resources, ability, and power to do so!

Shangguan Bing’er asked curiously: “What about the fourth and fifth level? Who can enter?”

The youth smiled faintly and said: “The fourth level and fifth level are the VIP areas, and the requirements for entry are a lot more stringent. Only members of our Empire’s Skill Storing Palace or Consolidating Equipment Palace are able to ascend to the fourth level, and they must be Heavenly Jewel Masters of at least Lower Level Zong Stage and above, otherwise no matter how much spent, you will still not be able to enter the fourth level. As for the fifth, it is even more stringent, with only Higher Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Masters and above being able to enter, with the addition of having contributed significantly to the empire, and with two current level five VIP guests to introduce you.”

Chapter 75 Heaven’s Expense Infinitum Set (1)

Hearing the guide’s introduction, both Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing’er sucked in a cold breath. The requirements to enter the fourth and fifth level of the Pavilion were actually the seventh and ninth Heavenly Jewel, with an additional caveat of them being members of the ZhongTian Skill Storing Palace or Consolidating Equipment Pavilion! Such an overbearing requirement, yet they could easily do it.

Seeing their surprise, the white robed youth continued: “Both of you should not feel uncomfortable about not being able to enter the higher levels. In truth, our first three levels are all top quality products that are sufficient for most needs. Although their prices may be slightly higher than outside, the quality is definitely guaranteed.

After a brief moment of surprise, Zhou Weiqing recovered and continued asking: “What about the auction level? Are we able to enter? What sort of items are sold there?”

The youth replied: “Definitely, only the best items are sold there, top quality guaranteed. Most of the times, each auction is only a single or two items, but to enter the auction level, one needs to be able to at least enter the fourth VIP level or higher.”

Hearing his words, Zhou Weiqing understood instantly. Indeed! If he were the leader of the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, or part of the ZhongTian government, he would also do something similar. After all, that was the only way to ensure that the best resources and talents would be kept within the Empire, and also best able to recruit the top talents from outside.

Looking at Zhou Weiqing who seemed deep in thought, the youth asked: “Sir, do you have any other questions?”

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said: “No, thank you very much. We will head to the first level and look around.”

Their guide continued giving them some simple introductions as he led them to the first level, pointing out the various zones before turning to leave so they could look around on their own.

Shangguan Bing’er muttered: “Little Fatty, no wonder so many people want to enter the Heavenly Jewel Island. In the ZhongTian City alone, there is already such an amazing place like this Consolidating Equipment Pavilion… can you imagine what sort of quality items and power they have on the Heavenly Jewel Island? I think that the items sold on the fourth and fifth level are likely to be from the Heavenly Jewel Island.”

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: “You are right indeed, that is a high possibility. The ZhongTian Empire’s ability and method of recruiting talent is indeed much more brilliant than most other empires. Come on, let’s go around to have a look.”

As the two of them walked around the first level of the Pavilion, wandering around the various zones. Before looking, he hadn’t had a huge expectation, after all it was just the first level, but after much walking around, Zhou Weiqing was stunned, sucking in a deep breath. All along, he had thought that Consolidating Equipment Scrolls were extremely expensive, but exploring the Pavilion, he realised he had been a frog in the well. [1. Pretty common idiom, pretty sure you guys have seen it before :) basically referring to a narrow outlook on things (life?)]

Here, not even counting the completed Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, even a set of Consolidating Ink for a low level Consolidating Equipment Masters cost a sky high price of three thousand gold coins, while a set of Consolidating Ink for High Level Consolidating Equipment Masters cost over twenty thousand gold coins! As for the completed scrolls, their prices were even more absurdly high, with even low level Consolidating Equipment Scrolls costing more than a hundred thousand gold coins.