Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “Heh, beautiful lady, the saying goes that bimbos have large breasts and no brains, but your breasts aren’t large but your brains aren’t much to speak off! Why should I be so reckless as to take your blow for no reason? Earlier, we already won two fights, so we can afford to lose this one. Since you already used the Self Sacrifice skill, you will not be able to join the future fights. If you have the ability, you can always send out another member of your Mi’Ou Battle Team as powerful as yourself. Since I am confident of winning anyway, why should I risk potential injury or death to take your bow? Do I look that stupid to you? I’m very scared of dying you know? Anyway, come on, who’s fighting the fourth fight.”

“You….. shameless!” Jiang Fei’s face turned even whiter, as she vomited another mouthful of blood with a *Wah* sound.

Wu Zhengyang and Zhu HeiSan quickly jumped up onto the stage, supporting Jiang Fei as they glared at Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing gave an innocent look as he shrugged: “What… is being scared of death against the law? You’ve already won this fight, why do you still say I’m shameless? That’s called strategy!”

“Both sides, please get off the stage, we will need to repair it.” The judge’s rather gloomy voice sounded out.

Zhou Weiqing smiled at Jiang Fei and said: “Beautiful lady, I’ll see you later then.” As such, he headed back to the Rest House.

As soon as he entered the Rest House, the smile on his face vanished as he sucked in a deep breath, saying to the other three members: “What a terrifying self sacrifice skill… what a powerful ultimate offense Heavenly jewel Master. Just now, I saw that the stage was still being corroded and eaten away constantly, lucky we dodged the attack just now.”

Crow said curiously: “Weiqing, do you also know this Self Sacrifice skill?” She knew that Zhou Weiqing also had the Darkness Attribute. [1. My memory must be failing me… anyone know when she found out?]”

Zhou Weiqing said with a bitter smile: “No, I do not. Each and every self sacrifice type skill are all secret techniques, they are a learned skill, not Elemental Jewel Stored Skills. I do not have any teachers in that matter, nor have I researched into it myself, so I naturally do not know. I am sure that my dad knows though, in the future I will learn it from him. Earlier, when I dragged you down the stage, it was actually because of the judge’s reactions. His shocked face, his quick summoning of his defenses… as a six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master trusted to be the judge, if he has such a reaction, naturally it will be something we will find extremely difficult to handle. That was the main reason why I guessed it was a self sacrifice skill.”

Ye Paopao furrowed his brow and said: “This Mi’Ou Battle Team is surprisingly tough, if their other team members are just as strong, we will be in deep trouble.”

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly and said: “The Mi’Ou Empire might be stronger than my Heavenly Bow Empire, but not by such a huge margin, and is definitely weaker than the Fei Li Empire. For it to have one or two geniuses is not surprising, but if a large number of geniuses appear, I’m sure that their surrounding empires will be the first to react. Do not worry, I am very confident that Jiang Fei is their strongest member, and none of their other members will be as powerful as even Wu Zhengyang.

That fight was probably the most exciting, most violent fight of the tournament thus far; having even the entire stage destroyed!

In all the battle teams’ respective Rest Houses, all the members were discussing the fight. Without question, Jiang Fei’s power had totally eclipsed Zhou Weiqing and Crow’s light, and could be said to have overshadowed everyone thus far. A Darkness Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master who knew the self sacrifice skill was definitely a terrifying force, furthermore she was an ultimate offense type Heavenly Jewel Master.

Chapter 74 Darkness Self Sacrifice Skill (2)

However, any discerning observer could tell that this was likely the end of the Mi’Ou Battle Team’s run in this tournament. Jiang Fei had been too rash, using the self sacrifice skill in the first round. Although it might not be as damaging to oneself as the Flame of Life Skill, it would still take her at least half a month to fully recover. Without her power as the mainstay, how could the Mi’Ou Battle Team possibly reach second in the group, especially with this round likely being a loss.

An old man abruptly appeared out of nowhere, dressed in the robes of the ZhongTian Skill Storing Palace, but with a purple-gold crown on his head. Walking slowly, almost casually, he stepped into the air as if walking up the stairs, and in moments he stood above the tournament stage.

Lifting his right hand, he pressed downwards in the air towards the stage, and it was clear to the observers that the air seemed to twist violently as a silver light flashed. In the next instant, the huge stage that was still being corroded suddenly vanished, with not even a speck of dust to show it was once there.

All the battle team members who had been chatting animatedly amongst themselves were suddenly silenced by that sight, as if their necks had been gripped by an invisible vice. The entire plaza fell into a strange silence as they watched in fascination.

Next, several men dressed in the ZhongTian Skill Storing Palace uniform came out one after the other, supporting a huge Diamond Rock. Within the time taken to brew a pot of tea, a brand new stage had been built.

The old man floating in the air said passively: “Let the tournament continue then.” After saying that, he seemed to take a step forward in midair, vanishing instantly.

If one observed very carefully, one might discover that in the corner of the VIP Stage, a person appeared suddenly.

Ye Paopao swallowed hard, saying with some difficulty: “What sort of power level is that?”

Zhou Weiqing sighed and said: “Spatial Attribute… If I’ve not guessed wrongly, he is likely a King Stage Heavenly Jewel Master with the Spatial Attribute. Ahhh, damn, just too strong! No wonder they say that from the nine Jeweled cultivation level onwards, it’s a whole new frontier. Just like that old man just now, I’m sure he could take out all of us twenty four battle teams easily without breaking a sweat.”

After saying that, Zhou Weiqing stood back up and headed towards the stage, while a short, plump youth walked forward from the Mi’Ou Battle Team at the same time.

The judge had also changed, and the new one said solemnly: “Fei Li Battle Team versus Mi’Ou Battle Team, fourth fight, one versus one, both participants please introduce yourselves.”

“Fei Li Battle Team, Zhou Weiqing.”

“Mi’Ou Battle Team, Little Worm.”

On hearing his opponent’s name, Zhou Weiqing almost laughed, thinking to himself: With your size, you’re still called Little Worm? You should be called Meat Worm!


As the judge shouted, the fight officially started, and both sides sprang into action. Little Worm took two abrupt steps back, his stubby arms lifting up as a thick yellow light shone forth. Instantly, a tall earth wall sprang up in front of him like an immense shield, and his next movement was actually to push this three yard wide, 2 yard tall wall as he charged towards Zhou Weiqing with it in front of him.

What was that about? Zhou Weiqing couldn’t help but think curiously as he released his own Heavenly Jewels.

Little Worm ran rather quickly, and wall after wall rose rapidly on the stage, closing in from both sides of Zhou Weiqing, boxing him in and restricting his movement.

As Little Worm unleashed his earth walls, Zhou Weiqing saw the Physical Jewels around his right hand; similar to his own, there were three Icy Jade signifying the Strength Attribute. As Zhou Weiqing had expected, the three members who had appeared in the first three fights were already the most powerful amongst the Mi’Ou Battle Team.

Watching Little Worm push the earth walls towards him, Zhou Weiqing suddenly understood what he was trying to do.

Obviously, he was afraid of his arrows, and was using these earth walls to restrict his movement and his arrows. As for pushing the wall towards him in a charge, it was likely to use that to knock him off the platform. Although this plan was rather strange, against an ordinary archer and with the rules of the tournament of fighting on the platform, it would have some chance of success.