Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

After striking out with the palm and knocking Lin TianAo back, Little Witch did not stop to admire the results. Without any hesitation, she moved swiftly, the grey short blade in her hands flickering out like lightning, striking thirteen times. Each of the strikes landed on the Legendary Axes, and it could clearly be seen that the fiery red light around the axes were slowly diminished as the grey light overtook it, before finally being overwhelmed with the grey light. That grey light then continued on through the chain, flowing down towards Crow. Even all the Energy that Crow had infused into the chain was not able to halt the progress of the grey light, and the axes fell down, smashing heavily onto the ground as Crow lost control.

Right at the same time, Little Witch spun on her feet like a black whirlwind, taking on Little Four’s onslaught. In a series of swift clashes, Little Four gave a strange cry, as he was slammed back nearly twenty feet before catching his balance again. Pausing, blood flowed out from his mouth, the Consolidated Wings behind his back vanishing. His face was grey and ashen, and the buff from Drunken Bao’s ‘‘Brilliant Light - Heaven and Earth’ Skill had been eliminated from him.

In the short span of time, Little Witch had beaten back three of the team members. At that point, her beautiful face was stained in a red flush, as a brilliant blue light expanded outwards, and the Blue Rain Hibiscus Mutabilis appeared once more, floating in midair.

At that moment, Shangguan Bing’er tried to retreat, but it was already too late. She felt that her entire body was surrounded by an icy cold aura, slowing her movements by a huge margin. Before she could react, her body had been engulfed by the blue light, freezing her in place.

Little Witch twirled around in a half circle, the grey blade in her hands slashing down towards Shangguan Bing’er, and a grey light seemed to split the air between them. If Shangguan Bing’er were hit by this, she would undoubtedly perish immediately.

Chapter 69 The Powerful Little Witch (2)

This all happened so quickly. From the time that Lin TianAo had been knocked back, to everyone else being struck down, to Shangguan Bing’er facing her death, it had barely been the time taken to take two breaths. At this moment, no one would able to save her!

All of a sudden, a brilliant gold light shot forth from within the cave, smashing into the grey light that Little Witch had struck out at Shangguan Bing’er. With a loud explosion, both lights disappeared at the same time. It was only at this point that everyone abruptly realised that unknowingly, the white shield of light at the entrance of the cave had dissipated.

Seeing that her attack had been blocked, Little Witch was shocked. Her gaze turned to the cave entrance, before she sighed and said softly: “So, it really is you… What a pity… I really came too late. Since you’ve already succeeded in evolving, then that’s it for today. I will catch up with you one day!” Lin TianAo and the rest were puzzled by her words, but she ignored them as she glanced around at the injured team. Breaking into a brilliant smile that seemed so lovable and innocent, she then disappeared in a buff of black smoke and vanished into the forest.

From the time that Little Witch had appeared to the end of the fight had been a very short period of time. However, in those few minutes, this young girl had left a profound impression on all the members of the Fei Li Battle Team. Besides Ye Paopao who had already been unconscious when the fight started, out of all the other six, only Shangguan Bing’er and Crow had escaped injury. Lin TianAo, Drunken Bao, Xiao Yan, Little Four, all four of these main team members had sustained severe injuries.

Presently, Crow was sitting on the floor, panting and gasping for breath. It was true that she had immense strength, but she was after all still a three-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master. Facing Little Witch had put her under immense stress, especially the last thirteen strikes on her axes, and the Evil aura that had invaded her body from that, had indeed put a huge pressure on her. In fact, all of them were now enduring the different degree of Evil Aura’s invasion.

Shangguan Bing’er also collapsed on the floor, exhausted. With the massive exertions in the last three days, and facing such a close shave with death moments ago, she felt entirely drained, and she couldn’t even head into the cave to have a look like she wanted before she collapsed.

Within the cave, the four coloured lights and the cocoon had both disappeared. Zhou Weiqing was lying on the floor unconscious, the black tiger tattoos on his body slowly dissipating. However, he was covered in a shimmering white light about three inches from his body, giving forth a light suction power, drawing Energy from the atmosphere around and into his body.

Tian Er, totally naked, stood right beside Zhou Weiqing, her back to him as she faced the cave entrance. Her purple eyes glowed indistinctly, and it could clearly be seen that the original six Heavenly Jewels around her wrists had now turned into seven. The blue tiger tattoos around her body had already disappeared, and her alluring body was fully revealed in the air, though no one was around to witness the sight. Her white hair fell down along her back down her entire body, and she gave forth a rather cold, profoundly mysterious, even holy aura.

“She was actually nearby… this time I am really in debt to this scoundrel’s companions.” Tian Er muttered to herself. As she did so, she turned back to look at Zhou Weiqing who was sleeping soundly, and a complicated look appeared in her eyes.

“Why! Why can’t I kill him! I obviously can, and should kill him, to get the most benefit from him. That was my plan all along… but why can’t I do it? I’ve followed him for two years, and that scoundrel has kept bullying me! I should have taken the fruits of my labour in this level up! Sigh… yet I am still unable to do so? Furthermore, during this level up, it wasn’t just me who benefitted greatly, he has also benefitted quite a lot? Hmph, that rascal has gotten the advantage again.”

Squatting down slowly, Tian Er examined Zhou Weiqing closely again, her eyes unclear. Lifting her hand, she placed it gently on Zhou Weiqing’s face, and feeling the warmth of his skin, she flushed lightly.

“This scoundrel, hmph, he dared to catch me and force me to bathe with him. I want to kill him, really!” As she said that, she gave his face a savage pinch and twisted it.

Suddenly, she burst out giggling: “This rascal is really the worst that I have ever seen. Fine, I’ll let him live for now. When I break through the King Stage, that’s when I can get the greatest benefit from his death, at that point I will be able to harden my heart. Yes, that’s right.” [1. Lol, Excuses!!!]

Having made her decision, Tian Er seemed to relax, her face showing her relieve. Looking at Zhou Weiqing’s body who was coming into sight as the black tiger tattoos vanished, the blush on her cheeks deepened. Lifting her right hand, she tapped his forehead with her index finger, and a pale purple light entered his head. At the same time, she was enveloped in a bright white light, and her body shrank slowly. By the time she reappeared, she was in the form of the cute little white tiger once more.

Looking at him exasperatedly, she opened her mouth and bit Zhou Weiqing hard on the arm, before huffily climbing onto his chest and lying down to sleep.

Deep in sleep, Zhou Weiqing did not know that he had been bitten by little Fat Cat, but he certainly felt the pain. Shuddering, he slowly regained consciousness.

When he opened his eyes, he felt rather dizzy, as if his brain was muffled. Looking around in the cave, he was totally at a loss at what had happened.

Where am I? Why am I here? What was I doing? What happened?! He stared dazedy at the surroundings for a moment, before his memory started to return.

Oh! I should be with Fat Cat, protecting it while it levelled up! Zhou Weiqing leapt up abruptly on that thought. Alas, that caused Fat Cat, who had just settled down comfortably, to fall down, and as her soft body tumbled down Zhou Weiqing’s body, he did not think much about it. However, when her body fell down to his legs, it was stopped by something…

As she opened her eyes, she saw that ‘ugly thing’ right in front of her, and was almost enraged to death. Zhou Weiqing! I will kill you! Just as she was about to lift her little claws to thwap the ‘thing’ in front of her, she suddenly felt her body rising up.