Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Everyone started upon hearing the voice. For the past three days, they had faced so many Heavenly Beasts, but this was the first time they had met any other humans. After all, this was quite a distance from the road, and even if any traveller were resting at the side of the road, they would not head so deep into the forest.

Along with the bell-like voice, a young lady walked out from the trees. She looked to be even younger than Shangguan Bing’er, about sixteen to seventeen years of age. Two black braids of hair at her sides, she looked the picture of the girl next door. Her large eyes were bright and touching, but the thing that caught their attention the most was her pupils, which were a dim grey colour. That was definitely something rare.

The young lady was not very tall, about 1.6 metres tall or so. However, she was pretty well-proportioned, in the bloom of puberty, full of the attraction of youth. Wearing a long black dress, she looked attractive. However, the strangest thing was that although they were in the forest, her feet were naked, yet she did not seem to feel anything as she walked across the forest ground.

At this moment, she was looking at the blood in the area, and the mass of dead Heavenly Beasts. Patting her chest, her large eyes widened as she blinked, a picture of fear.

Crow laughed and said: “Little sis, where did you come from? Where are your parents? It’s dangerous to come into the forest alone.”

The black clad young lady looked at Crow, face full of surprise as she said: “Wow! Big sis, you are so tall! I have never seen a sister so tall like you, much much taller than me!” As she said that, she used her hands to motion the difference between their height.

Crow laughed again, walking towards the girl, lifting her hands as if to pat her on the head. However, just as she was about a yard from her, her hands suddenly shot out, striking out towards the girl’s neck.

At this point, for such a strange young lady to appear all of a sudden, how could anyone not be suspicious. Although Crow was thick-skinned [2. See 1], she was definitely not stupid. In fact, the reverse was true, with her hiding her intelligence behind a seemingly foolish appearance. With her taking action so suddenly, not only was the black clad girl caught by surprise, even the rest of the team were also taken aback.

How strong was Crow? With her strength, even if Lin TianAo at his higher cultivation level was caught by the neck by her, he would probably not be able to resist.

However, just as her hands were about to reach the girl’s throat, the girl seemed to slide aside like a puff of smoke. Seemingly slow, but easily sliding out of the grasp of Crow without any problems. Her large eyes seemed so innocent as they misted over, looking over at Crow with a wronged face.

It was afternoon, and the sun was shining bright above, streaming down through the trees, bringing a gentle warmth to everyone amongst the shadow of the leaves. However, accompanying that easy sidestep of the black clad young lady, everyone’s heart was suddenly gripped by a deep chill.

Chapter 68 Mysterious Black Clad Young Lady (3)

The reason for the sudden chill was because they could clearly see six deep red Physical Jewels glowing around the right hand of the black clad girl, showing a large contrast with her black outfit.

Amongst Physical Jewels, the Red Jade referred to coordination, and the pure colour also signalled that she was a Heavenly Jewel Master. None of the team members had expected that someone so young like her, looking only sixteen years old, could have such a powerful cultivation level! Furthermore, with her movement like a black mist earlier, it showed that her Elemental Jewel had at least the Darkness Greater Attribute!

Something out of the ordinary definitely signified something was up, and a sense of danger sparked in all their hearts. Lin TianAo quickly shouted. “Crow, come back!”

Accompanying Lin TianAo’s shout, although everyone was extremely exhausted, they gathered their energy and quickly gathered together, blocking the cave entrance. Though Crow was vexed that she had not succeeded, she followed his instructions, quickly jumping back and taking her position with the rest of the team.

The black clad girl who still had a wronged look on her face just a moment ago suddenly giggled as she looked them, saying: “Oooh, you guys are so vigilant! Am I that scary?”

As she said that, she took a step forward, her body seeming to fly ahead close to the ground, and in a matter of moments, she appeared right in front of Lin TianAo, her ivory palm moving towards his chest…

Without question, this black clad lady was an enemy, and not a friend. In the short time, she had already determined that Lin TianAo was the leader of their team.

With a flash of white light, Lin TianAo had released his full five-shield Assembly Set. However, as compared to three days ago, its glow was a lot dimmer. No matter how tough Lin TianAo was, how much he focused himself now, fighting with all his might for three days and night had definitely taken his toll, and he was barely able to unleash fifty percent of his full power.

A soft *poof* sounds rang out, followed by a ear-splitting crash. That seemingly simple palm had actually managed to leave a small grey palm imprint on Lin TianAo’s Ultimate Shield! As for Lin TianAo himself, his entire body shuddered as a icy cold, evil air invaded his body through the shield. If not for the fact that his shield had taken the brunt of the blow, perhaps this attack alone might have finished him off. Even so, his already wounded body was once again damaged, and a sweet taste rose in his throat as he vomited out a large mouthful of blood. As the blood flew in the air, it turned into an icy mist, finally coalescing into a solid red ice ball and falling onto the floor. However, Lin TianAo had managed to expel this extravasated blood, and barely warding off more damage from her blow.

“Eeh?” A hint of surprise appeared in the girl’s eyes, clearly taken aback that her palm had not finished off Lin TianAo. In the next instant, her body had turned into black smoke and wafted aside for an instant. Crow’s axes smashed right through the black smoke, and right after that, a golden barrier appeared, surrounding the girl.

Everyone could clearly tell that the black clad girl definitely had the Darkness Attribute, and naturally the best attribute against that was the Light Attribute. However, her power was just too strong. Ignoring the fact that she seemed to be able to easily avoid physical attacks with her mist skill, which was clearly at least from a King Stage Heavenly Beast or higher, just her strange offensive power on Lin TianAo had stunned everyone.

A flash of grey light appeared, and although the golden barrier had totally enveloped the black smoke, it was quickly swallowed by the grey light.

The black clad girl’s voice, sounding like silver bells, rang out once more in the air: “You have the nerve to use such a puny amount of Light Energy to face me? All of you… Die!”

As the voice rang out, her body reformed once more in a strange flash, swiftly avoiding Xiao Yan’s Chain Fireball attack. As she landed on the ground, she had already appeared beside Drunken Bao, and a swift palm shot towards his head.

Facing such an attack, the team members’ faces changed. After all, even Lin TianAo with his ultimate defense had been wounded by her palm. If she managed to hit Drunken Bao, he would likely be killed.

However, at this moment, Drunken Bao also showed his power as a Five-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master. Earlier, when he had attacked the girl with his Light Attribute Skill, he had already guessed that he would be the next target. After all, the Light Attribute was the natural enemy or counter to the Darkness attribute. As such, although he wasn’t in prime condition, he was still ready for the attack.