Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

That feeling of its life force and Heavenly Energy both leaking away, out of its control, was just too terrifying. Not to mention it already had a certain intelligence, even a low level Heavenly Beast’s base instincts would be terrified of such a feeling… such a person!

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “Heh heh, don’t be afraid. I will make sure I do not kill you. After all, my hopes of cultivating fast are all on you.”

The poor trapped Eight-Eyed Demon Spider was ultimately unable to escape the clutches of Zhou Weiqing and his Devour. Of course, Zhou Weiqing did not dare underestimate the spider as well, making sure to enter the Demonic Change State first as a precaution despite its energy waste.

In truth, the previous Devouring of the Eight-Eyed Demon Spider was less than a tenth of its overall Heavenly Energy, and after four hours, it had already fully recovered the energy. Alas, more importantly, the recovery of life force was not so quick, and it had only recovered a little of that when Zhou Weiqing had pounced upon it again.

And so, one dejected terrified spider faced its impending disaster, as Zhou Weiqing continued the cycle of Devour, Absorb… Rinse and repeat, and Zhou Weiqing’s own Heavenly Energy grew at an astonishing rate!

Thirty two hours passed swiftly, immersed in his cultivation. It was already the third day of them entering the Heavenly Jewel Island, and finally Zhou Weiqing wasn’t able to continue from sheer hunger. Exiting the Skill Storing Palace, he returned to the inn.

Besides the massive hunger, Zhou Weiqing could sense something else - that he had Devoured way too much Heavenly Energy, his own control and finery unable to reach the same level as his Heavenly Energy. He would need to stabilize for some time before he could go about doing this again.

As soon as he entered the inn, Zhou Weiqing bumped into Drunken Bao.

When Drunken Bao saw him, he was taken aback momentarily, before quickly giving him a light punch on the shoulder, saying: “Weiqing, you little rascal, why didn’t you tell us you were heading to the Skill Storing Palace, and for such a long time!? If not for the fact that we asked the employees of the island where you were, we would be all at a loss about where you were! Tomorrow is the finals match, everyone is waiting for you and Leader to discuss our strategy tomorrow.”

Zhou Weiqing scratched his head sheepishly, saying: “Sorry, I did take too long in the Skill Storing Palace. Bro Bao, let me just go grab a quick meal, you get the rest of the team to gather in Leader’s room. I’ll be there as soon as I finish eating.”

The past few days he had spent fully engrossed in cultivation, and his spirit usage wasn’t high, and the steady improvement of his cultivation and Heavenly Energy, as well as the usage of Devour, had kept his body in tip top condition. As such, he did not need much rest currently.

After less than an hour, and a massive meal later, Zhou Weiqing reunited with his teammates in Lin TianAo’s room.

Little Witch was there as well, and from her smiling face, they could easily tell that she had accomplished her goals in the Heavenly Jewel Island, and definitely had no small gain.

Chapter 96 Lustre Spatial Realm (2)

Lin TianAo glanced at Zhou Weiqing before saying: “Yesterday, we all discussed a simple strategy. Since it should be a team fight, then we will be fighting on overall strength. Little Witch has heard that for this fight, all eight members, both main team and reserve team alike, will have to fight. That is to say, all eight of us will get to take action. Since we are not sure of the exact rules, location of the fight or who we are fighting, we’ll just plan accordingly to our own strengths for now. When we fight, I will be right at the front handling our defenses. Crow, Drunken Bao, both of you will be at the flanks guarding our sides. Weiqing, you’ll be right in the middle, in charge of controlling the battlefield and supporting us all. Xiao Yan and Ye Paopao, both of you are skilled at long ranged attacks, so you will be right behind, and will be our main damage. Little Four, you will be in charge of scouting and supporting attacks. Little Witch, you will stay with Weiqing in the middle. You will be our ace, and when we meet any powerful enemies, you will have to give them a sudden surprise, unleashing all your power to defeat them in a quick swoop.”

Finally finishing, Lin TianAo looked towards Zhou Weiqing and said: “Weiqing, that is our draft plan so far. Do you have anything you want to add?”

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment, then said: “Do any of you know whether or not Heavenly Beasts can be used in this final fight?”

Little Witch said: “I do not know the exact rules, but it should be allowed. After all, the WanShou Battle Team will definitely have Beastmasters amongst their ranks. If they are not allowed to use Heavenly Beasts, that will have a huge impact on their power, and it will not be a fair fight at all. My guess is that there will be some sort of restrictions, perhaps on the numbers allowed or something else, but they should be allowed in general.”

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: “Good. In that case, we can add a Icy Soul Heavenly Bear to each flank to support our defenses. They are extremely strong, and with the Wind and Ice Attribute to boot. With them added to our defenses, it will be a great effect. This way, it will also allow Drunken Bao and Crow to put some of their offensive power to good use.”

Drunken Bao grinned and said: “What about your little white tiger? That little fellow has evolved once right, we almost got killed from that, shouldn’t it be of good use in a fight as well?”

Hearing Drunken Bao bring up Fat Cat, a mysterious smile flashed across Zhou Weiqing’s face, and he said: “There is no hurry, let’s wait and see what happens when the fight starts. I will not let Fat Cat take action easily.”

Little Witch covered her mouth to conceal a giggle as she looked at Zhou Weiqing, a strange, amused look on her face. Only she could somewhat understand what Zhou Weiqing meant.

Lin TianAo said solemnly: “We do not know the exact details and rules of the fight, and there is also no point in guessing wildly. Since we have already entered the top four, we have already accomplished more than we set out to do. From now on, however further we go is up to us to pit our skills to the test. Let me remind everyone once more that I’d like everyone to keep safety first in mind. You have all just gotten a Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Scroll, and you have a great future ahead. Your lives are much more important now.”

Everyone nodded in agreement. Zhou Weiqing stood up once more, stretching lazily before saying: “If that’s all, I’ll be heading off again.”

Lin TianAo started, before saying: “Tomorrow is the fight already, where are you going now?”

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “I’m heading to the Skill Storing Palace once again. Do not worry, I’ll be back tonight, and I won’t take as long this round. I will definitely not miss tomorrow’s fight, you know how important it is to me as well.”

After saying that, Zhou Weiqing turned to leave with a wave of farewell to his friends.

The finals fight was about to start, and he had something very important to do. The past two days of cultivation had a clear and amazing effect, but he was still missing the last two Time Attribute Skills. If he could gain two more powerful skills before the the finals fight started, it would undoubtedly be a huge boon to not just himself, but the entire Fei Li Battle Team.