Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

“Big sister, I’m coming out, wait for me a while.”

Zhou Weiqing looked on silently as the blushing Shangguan Bing’er dressed. He did not say anything, just quietly looking at her, helping her comb her hair, which had been messed up in the night.

As he did so, the more Shangguan Bing’er could not bear it, and tears welled in her eyes, though she forced herself not to cry.

“Little Fatty, don’t see me off alright… please?” She said pleadingly.

Zhou Weiqing’s voice was rather hoarse as he said: “Let me send you to the entrance of the Heaven’s Expanse Palace. Every second with you is worth it.”

Shangguan Bing’er shook her head, tears glittering as the motion jerked them into the air. “No! Little Fatty, if you do so, I’m afraid I will not be able to stand it. I will wait for you, no matter how long it takes, I will always wait for you. I will not go anywhere, nor will I leave the Heaven’s Expanse Palace until you come back, lest you aren’t able to find me. Alright?”

Zhou Weiqing held her tightly once more. “Bing’er… Bing’er… I will not let you wait long. I promise! In three to five years, I will definitely come back to the Heavenly Jewel Island and defeat your sister, to officially marry you!”

Shangguan Bing’er turned back, hugging him back with all her strength before finally releasing him, running out the door without looking back.

Shangguan Xue’er was standing at the doorway, and she had naturally heard their conversation. When Shangguan Bing’er ran past her, there was a strange look in her eyes, and she turned to Zhou Weiqing and said: “Do not disappoint Bing’er.” After that, she quickly left to catch up with her sister.

Zhou Weiqing stood at the door, dazed. He did not chase after them; he did not want to go against Bing’er’s last request to him. Yet, at that point, an indescribable sense of loss and intense longing overwhelmed him.

Zen Note: As you all might have guessed, the title of this chapter is “Zhou Weiqing’s Coming of Age ‘Ceremony’”. Though not NSFW, it was harder than expected to translate! *Phew*

Chapter 95 Zhou Weiqing’s Coming of Age ‘Ceremony! (3)

In the corner of the room, Fat Cat popped her head out, staring blankly at Zhou Weiqing in the doorway, a complicated look in her eyes as well as she pawed the couch in front of her with her claws.

After a long moment, Zhou Weiqing finally seemed to snap out of it, abruptly turning around and saying: “Come on Fat Cat, let’s go to the Skill Storing Palace.”

Although it was already in the small hours of the morning, Zhou Weiqing could not still his restless heart. Fat Cat started a little, but quickly jumped onto his shoulder and sliding down into her usual spot in his arms. She did not know why, but at that moment, she particularly wanted to feel his warm embrace.

Feeling the warm furry body of Fat Cat in his arms, the empty feeling in Zhou Weiqing’s heart felt a little better.

After exiting the inn, the fresh cold air cleared Zhou Weiqing’s mind in a flash. Looking up, he was instantly caught by the breathtaking sight of a sky filled with stars, as if they were winking at him from a close distance, just a hand’s reach away from him.

Taking a huge breath, he held it in until his lungs felt like they were about to explode. Only then did Zhou Weiqing stop, expelling out his troubles in that one long breath.

The troubled look on his face disappeared, replaced by a resolute edge to it.

Zhou Weiqing was only seventeen years old, and yet, at this moment, he had finally truly grown up.

And his earlier re-uniting with Shangguan Bing’er, was just like his coming of age ceremony, signalling that he was now truly an adult, a man!

The Skill Storing Palace on the Heavenly Jewel Island was very close to their inn, and before long Zhou Weiqing had entered it. With the Heavenly Jewel Plaque, he easily gained access.

At first, he had been worried that the Skill Storing Palace might be closed at night, but on reaching his destination, he found that his worries had been unfounded, and that the Skill Storing Palace on the Heavenly Jewel Island was actually open everyday, at all hours.

The Skill Storing Palace here had a slightly different payment system as compared to the others Zhou Weiqing had visited before; when entering, no matter which level of Heavenly Beast one wanted to Skill Store from, every day was a flat fee of fifty thousand gold coins.

As compared to the lowest prices in some of the Empires’ Skill Storing Palace of five hundred gold coins, it was more than a hundred times more.

Still, no one would complain of it being too pricey.

That was because each and every one of the Heavenly Beasts in this Skill Storing Palace was painstakingly chosen, and only the best would be allowed to stay here, each having only the best, strongest or most useful Skills.

Amongst them, there was no lack of Heavenly King or even Heavenly Emperor stage Heavenly Beasts!

As for whether there were even higher stage Heavenly God Heavenly Beasts, not many people knew.

Under normal circumstances, entering the Skill Storing Palace, the first thing Zhou Weiqing would have done would be to first Store his two last remaining Skills of the Time Attribute.

Yet, the current him was filled with the image of Shangguan Bing’er, and he could not maintain a calm head. In such a state, he had no patience to slowly look for the most suitable Skill for himself. Coming here in the dead of the night, his target was not to go through Skill Storing.

Under the guidance of an employee, Zhou Weiqing entered the depths of the Skill Storing Palace. The size of this place was actually smaller than that of the ZhongTian Empire Skill Storing Palace, but at every passageway there was a Lustre Gem.

The guide who brought Zhou Weiqing in asked him: “Which Heavenly Beast Attributes are you looking to Skill Store?”

Zhou Weiqing hesitated a moment, before asking solemnly: “Do you all have any Heavenly Beasts with both the Darkness Attribute and Demonic Attribute? Any stage is fine.”

The white clad guide looked at him in surprise, saying: “Please hold a moment, I will have to check regarding that request.”

As he said that, he walked to one of the Lustre Gems at the side and started to search for the required information.

Naturally, Zhou Weiqing had a reason for choosing a Heavenly Beast with both Darkness and Demonic Attributes. The reason he came here this night was actually to Devour a Heavenly Beast’s Heavenly Energy in order to cultivate faster.

After seeing Shangguan Bing’er, his thirst for power had grown to new heights, and he wasn’t even willing to waste any time, wanting to grow stronger in the shortest possible time to gain back his Bing’er.

As for why one which had both the Darkness and Demonic Attributes, there was naturally a reason for that as well. After reading through the Demonic Manual, Zhou Weiqing had a much deeper understanding of the intricate profound mysteries of the Devour Skill.

According to the records in the Demonic Manual, when using the Devour Skill for the purpose of cultivation and training, the easiest for one to purify and absorb was the Heavenly Energy from Heavenly Beasts with both these attributes. That was because the Devour Skill was after all a Demonic Skill, and the Demonic Attribute was intricately linked to the Darkness Attribute.

In truth, having both the Darkness and Demonic Attributes was the hidden foundation that one had to have before they could actually have the Devour Skill.

As such, when the Devoured Heavenly Energy consisted of those two attributes, it would have the greatest fit with Zhou Weiqing’s own Heavenly Energy, allowing him to gain a greater proportion after purifying and absorbing, reducing wastage and greatly further increasing his rate of cultivation.