Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

Zhou Weiqing said seriously: “Tribe Leaders Ma Long and Hong Yu, since you both have trusted us enough to actually migrate your entire Tribes here, how could we possibly stand by and do nothing when you run into danger? That is our responsibility.”

At this point, everyone had reached. Hong Yu had a similar character with Ma Long, frank and straightforward. All of sudden, she asked solemnly: “Battalion Commander Zhou, may I know how you are planning on arranging our Tribesmen?” This was the question that both she and Ma Long were most curious about. Choosing to migrate their entire Tribes to seek Zhou Weiqing, it was mostly because the Fei Li Empire were just trying to squeeze too much out of them, and their lives were just too difficult… even the survival and continued lineage of their tribes was starting to be a problem. Otherwise, who would be willing to leave their homeland?

Towards Hong Yu’s question, Zhou Weiqing had long expected it and was fully ready for it. With a faint smile, he said: “Tribe Leaders, regarding the Gold Crow and Berserker Tribes, this is my plan. I’m sure that both Ma Qun and Crow have already told both of you my current situation, and I also have nothing to hide. I am a man whose homeland has been conquered… the Heavenly Bow Empire is my homeland, and it had been destroyed by the Bai Da Empire. The reason I have formed this Peerless Battalion is mainly to return to my homeland to restore it, to defeat the conquering enemies and recapture my Empire.”

“Perhaps, our current numbers might not seem like much. However, I have always believed that for an army, the most important thing is quality, not quantity. With our Peerless Battalion’s power, I believe that recovering my homeland is not just a foolish dream, but a definite possibility in the future. I can promise both of you that once I successfully recover my homeland, and restore the Heavenly Bow Empire, then I will open up a section of fertile lands for the Berserker and Gold Crow Tribes to be your territory, and both your Tribes will be my Heavenly Bow Empire’s honoured Guardian Tribes.”

Ma Long furrowed his brow and said: “Battalion Commander Zhou, I am indeed highly interested in your terms. However, all of that is extremely far in the future. Your Heavenly Bow Empire has been destroyed by the Bai Da Empire, and we know very well what the Bai Da Empire is like, especially since we are from the Fei Li Empire. No matter what, it will not be an easy task to restore your Empire. I understand what you mean, and we are willing to fight on behalf of your Peerless Battalion. However, we also need to know how our Tribes will survive… how many of us will be left alive by the time you succeed in restoring your Homeland and are able to fulfil your promise to us.”

Ma Long’s worries were also shared by Hong Yu. Although both of them had already accepted and approved of Zhou Weiqing in their hearts, they were after all Leaders of their Tribes, and they had to consider the futures of all their tribesmen. They could not make any decisions easily without full thought and clarity into the entire situation.

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: “I have previously considered and laboured over the very same concerns that the two Tribe Leaders have brought up. Both of you can rest assured that I have already come up with an appropriate series of methods to deal with everything. How about this, each of your Tribes will contribute a thousand warriors; this number should be within acceptable confines for both of you. As for these two thousand warriors, their training, equipment, including their Consolidated Equipment and Stored Skills, all costs for that will be borne by our Peerless Battalion.”

Chapter 162 Advance Awakening - Solidified Dragon Spirit! (3)

“As for the normal resources the rest of both your Tribes require, I will also provide it. If, in any case, these thousand warriors take more than thirty percent losses, then both of your tribes no longer need to join in any of my Peerless Battalion military actions. At the same time, I will first advance each of you five million gold coins. If the thirty percent casualties actually happen, both of you can leave at any time, even keeping all the provided equipment.”

Thirty percent of a thousand men, that was three hundred men. Although the Gold Crow and Berserker Tribes barely numbered more than ten thousand tribesmen in total combined, a loss of that number was still barely acceptable for them. This was a chance that they had to choose whether to bet on or not.

Ma Long and Hong Yu exchanged looks, as if somehow communicating silently, then they both turned back to look at Zhou Weiqing once more.

Zhou Weiqing’s gaze was honest and sincere, and facing their gazes, he just smiled faintly in good faith.

Ma Long couldn’t help but ask: “Battalion Commander Zhou, are you that sure that in all the future fights, our losses will not cross thirty percent? After all, that is extremely difficult to guarantee in a battlefield. In the end, if you want to restore your homeland, you will need to fight many battles, and it will be a long process indeed.”

Zhou Weiqing said: “Vice Commander Wei.”

Wei Feng took a step forward and said respectfully: “Yes, Sir?”

Zhou Weiqing said: “Please inform the two Tribe Leaders about our Peerless Battalion’s military exploits and accomplishments since we have formed.”

Wei Feng nodded in agreement and turned to face Ma Long and Hong Yu, saying solemnly: “Two Tribe Leaders, Greetings. Our Peerless Battalion has been formed for about nine months or so. In this period of time, we have fought a few times with the WanShou Empire. In our first fight, we faced a Company of enemy forces, managing to kill them all. Our losses, zero. Next, we met with the WanShou Empire Swift Wolf Regiment, ten thousand cavalry soldiers attacking us. At that time, our Peerless Battalion numbered one thousand five hundred. We killed over four thousand of them, and our losses were zero. Yesterday’s fight, we numbered five hundred of our elite, killing over three thousand enemies, and once again, zero losses.”

Hearing Wei Feng’s short and succinct summary, both Hong Yu and Ma Long’s faces showed surprise. In Wei Feng’s report, there was one thing that was constant - the zero losses of the Peerless Battalion fighters. That was to say, every single fight of theirs up until now had been a total and complete victory.

Perhaps, if they had not experienced the fight yesterday, having been saved by the First Main Company of the Peerless Battalion, it would have been extremely difficult or even impossible for the two Tribe Leaders to believe Wei Feng’s words. However, having seen the power of the Peerless Battalion with their own eyes, they naturally did not suspect anything. After all, no matter what, when the Peerless Battalion had come to rescue them yesterday, they had definitely been facing two powerful Regiments of enemy soldiers, and they had experienced the fighting capabilities of the two for themselves. In that fight, the Peerless Battalion First Main Company’s main enemy had even been the stronger of the two, the Unicorn Cavalry Regiment!

After Wei Feng finished his report, he returned to his seat silently.