Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

As Zhou Weiqing was fully covered by the blue light, his wounds were fully presented to Long Shiya’s senses. The more he examined all the wounds, the greater the cold light in Long Shiya’s eyes. To any ordinary person, perhaps even for other Jewel Masters, such a body of injuries… even two others would have died long ago. His internal organs were jarred out of position, with a great loss of blood, and at least a dozen bones were broken in various different areas. With Zhou Weiqing’s physique and toughness, one could imagine how many attacks and how much power had been behind those blows.

The Lion Prince Gu YingBing… Long Shiya definitely knew of him. After all, he had ascended the Heavenly Snow Mountain more than once. Long Shiya was not ashamed about Zhou Weiqing losing to him. After all, Zhou Weiqing was more than a dozen years younger than he was, and more so, he had been the First Disciple of the Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord for so long, as compared to the short time that Zhou Weiqing had been cultivating. There was absolutely nothing to be ashamed about such a loss. However, Long Shiya’s heart was filled with rage. No matter what the reason was, this Lion Prince had almost killed his only disciple and successor, and he would not let things rest so easily. He would have to look for that old monster Xue to get justice.

A dense Water Attribute Heavenly Energy slowly infused into Zhou Weiqing’s body, first carefully moving his internal organs to their correct positions before covering them with a protective layer, enriching and healing them. Next were the bones… with Long Shiya’s fine control, all the bones were re-set into their proper positions.

Slowly, the amount of Heavenly Energy infused increased, improving the healing effect, cleansing the body, clearing his meridians, fixing all the various injuries major and minor. In the end, such critical injuries that would look fatal to most was now recovering swiftly with the aid of the Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor.

Of course, in this unbelievable recovery speed, not only was Long Shiya’s power and cultivation of utmost importance, the toughness and sheer recovery rate of Zhou Weiqing’s own body played a major role as well. With the aid and restoration of the Water Attribute Heavenly Energy, his energy whirlpools were able to draw energy from outside to help his body sustain and recover.

Two whole hours passed, and as the worst of his injuries slowly recovered.

Zhou Weiqing’s eyes fluttered open at last.

There was no pain.

However, at this moment, Zhou Weiqing felt his entire body itching like crazy. This was the feeling of the many wounds recovering so quickly. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Long Shiya standing before him, a sombre, angry look on his face.

“Master.” Zhou Weiqing said with some embarrassment, attempting to get up.

“Don’t move.” Long Shiya said. “Your wounds might have healed, but you must rest for at least a day before you can even get up, otherwise you might leave some unforeseen long term consequences…”

Right at that moment, the tent flap raised, and Duan Tianlang entered from outside. In the entire Peerless Battalion, only he would dare to walk into Long Shiya’s tent so casually.

“Fatty Long, what is going on? What were you howling about just now?” In truth, Duan Tianlang had reached a while ago, but he had sensed Long Shiya circulating a massive amount of Heavenly Energy within the tent earlier, and had not wanted to disturb him. He had waited outside until he sensed the Heavenly Energy reverberations stop, before entering the tent.

“Hmph! Weiqing was almost beaten to death, what do you think I was yelling about? Old Duan, you remain here first. Later, when Weiqing is better, I will head to the WanShou Empire to beat up that little bastard Gu YingBing, then I’ll head up the Heavenly Snow Mountain to look for that old bastard… Old Monster Xue… and get justice for this matter. Weiqing, you don’t have to worry about anything. Hmph, having the disciples of the Old Monster Xue coming to bully my disciple, your Teacher will stand up for you…”

What kind of teacher was the most loved by their disciples? Without question, it was the protective ones who would take their sides!

On hearing that his Master would actually go up the Heavenly Snow Mountain to confront the powerful Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord on his behalf, Zhou Weiqing’s heart was filled with warmth, as if the pain in his entire body lessened considerably somehow.

“Master, don’t go. At least, not now…” Zhou Weiqing quickly said.

“What? Are you afraid I cannot beat that Old Monster Xue? Don’t worry, even if I can’t defeat him, this old man can still let him pay a heavy price.” Long Shiya said angrily.

Zhou Weiqing remained silent for a moment, his eyes flashing in a firm resolute light before he said: “Master, do you have any way for me to grow in strength quickly in a short period of time?”

Long Shiya furrowed his brow, both a surprised glee and worry warring in his heart. The surprised happiness was that Zhou Weiqing had not been brought down by this defeat, still holding much fighting spirit, and he was very happy about that. As for the worry, naturally that was because the Heavenly Snow Mountain was no mere trifle to go up against.

“Weiqing, tell your Senior Uncle, why did that Lion Prince come looking specially for you? For someone like Gu YingBing and his status in the entire WanShou Empire, to actually come all the way here to look for you and yet not killing you, I’m afraid there is more to this matter right.” Duan Tianlang was much calmer and cool-headed than the enraged Long Shiya, and he asked the critical question.

An embarrassed look flashed across Zhou Weiqing’s face, but he dared not hide any details. As such, he spoke in detail about how he had met Tian’er so long ago, and all the years he had spent with her… all the way to when she left him, as well as the real reason why the Lion Prince had looked for him, even down to the letter Tian’er had written to him and his own analysis of it.

To be beaten up like that because of a woman, it was not something glorious indeed. However, Zhou Weiqing had his own plans, and he knew that only if he stated things clearly to his teacher and explain what he thought about the letter… only then could he have that last small chance to gain her back.

Hearing Zhou Weiqing’s words, both Long Shiya and Duan Tianlang were stunned into silence momentarily, staring dazedly at each other.

At last, Long Shiya asked Zhou Weiqing uncertainly: “Little Fatty, are you trying to say that… you got together with that Old Monster Xue’s daughter? And she has also fallen for you?”

Zhou Weiqing lowered his head in shame and nodded slightly, thinking to himself: Sigh… to be beaten up to such a state for a woman’s sake, this is truly a huge loss of face. Looks like I’ll have to suffer a bout of scolding from Master first.

However, what happened next left him at a loss whether to cry or to laugh…

Long Shiya abruptly slapped his immense belly, causing it to shake, as he shouted excitedly: “Damn! That is bloody great! Such a satisfying feeling hahaha!”

Duan Tianlang was also laughing heartily as he said: “Weiqing, well done! You have truly gained face for our entire Legacy of Strength Sect!”

These two inglorious old fellows looked at each other as they continued laughing smugly loudly.

Chapter 162 Advance Awakening - Solidified Dragon Spirit! (1)

Looking at Long Shiya and Duan Tianlang laughing away like that together, Zhou Weiqing only had one thought in his mind… That was, it was as if there were two Mu En teachers standing right in front of him. These two elders, why were they laughing so wretchedly.

“Master… have you perhaps… gone muddled from anger?” Zhou Weiqing asked tentatively.

“Anger? Why would I be angry? I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am. Heh heh, you little brat, well done, that beating you took is definitely worth it.” Originally, Long Shiya had been full of rage from Zhou Weiqing being beaten up so badly. However, it seemed like his anger had all dissipated now.