Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

“In truth, to invade such a small city who are not even prepared for us, do we really need any strategy? Let me ask you… can their arrows penetrate our defenses? It is most likely a resounding no. Furthermore, the city gates will soon be open from within… besides charging as fast as we can, what else can we do?”

Under Zhou Weiqing’s command, the Peerless Regiment soldiers entered their formation. The Gold Crow and Berserker Tribe Heavy Cavalry soldiers were in front, and the four hundred and fifty Peerless Cavalry behind. Zhou Weiqing and the classmates that he had brought from the Fei Li City remained behind the main troop. For this particular fight, they would not even be needed to join in. Zhou Weiqing wanted to let them familiarize themselves with how the Peerless Regiment soldiers fought, at the same time displaying to them the sheer power of their Peerless Regiment.

Crescent City. City Walls.

A group of patrolling soldiers strolled about lazily on the city walls. Technically, they were supposed to be on shift for eight hours before the guard would change, but in truth, it was already considered very good when there were three or four Companies in total on guard[1. Previously the information Kou Rui scouted out was the ‘technical’ shift of 1000 guards, so they are saying only 300-400 are actually present at most times]. Most of the Kalise soldiers were complacently resting in their barracks.

The Crescent City was a prosperous city with good positioning, and thus there were many visitors, especially traveling merchants, and it was without doubt that income was good. Taxes aside, which had to be sent back to the Kalise Empire, just the soldiers charging for entrance fee was already a rather large sum of gold and income for them.

“Eh? Did you all hear something?” One of the soldiers with sharper ears suddenly asked.

“I think so as well, rolling sounds of thunder… is it going to rain?” Another soldier said, even looking up into the skies. However, it was currently mid afternoon, and the skies were clear, bright and sunny with not even a cloud in sight. The weather was definitely good… what rain was there?”

The Kalise soldiers were all puzzled, as the sound of rolling thunder grew more and more obvious.

All of a sudden, one of the soldiers’ expression changed. “Could it be… cavalry soldiers?!”

As he spoke those words, in the distance, a brilliant glint of reflected sunlight flashed into their eyes.

It was the titanium mail of the Peerless Regiment Cavalry soldiers, reflecting light as they charged! More so, the two hundred Heavy Cavalry soldiers right in front were like majestic beasts charging forth.

The speed of the Unicorn Heavenly Beasts were far superior than any ordinary warhorses, even if they were carrying the thousand jin Gold Crow and Berserker Tribe warriors.

“Enemies…! We are under attack!!” Screams and shouts began to rang out from the city walls, and the alarms soon began to ring as well.

For a time, chaos reigned upon the city walls. Ever since they had invaded and conquered the Heavenly Bow Empire, these Kalise soldiers had enjoyed peace and quiet in the Crescent City for too long. This sudden surprise attack from these unknown cavalry soldiers caused them to fall into a panic, the city walls thrown into confusion.

One of the Company Leaders was relatively calm. “Do not panic, hurry up, remember your training! Prepare the ballista, archers get into position! Hurry, hurry! You there, get the brothers below to shut the city gates immediately!”

Just as he was shouting out a flurry of commands, all of a sudden, a soldier beside him stared wildly into the skies, point as he yelled: “Wha… What is that?!”

A few dozen figures had somehow floated in the skies. They had wings behind their backs, and in that instant, a shower of death rained down from the skies.

In just a single salvo of arrows, all the soldiers around the eight ballista lined up along the city walls fell down. Some of the Kalise Empire soldiers with quicker reactions raised their bows returned fire.

Alas, shooting arrows down from a vantage position was different from firing it upwards at such a distance. Let alone with most of their range was insufficient to reach the flying figures, even if their arrows could reach them, how could they possibly break through the titanium mail of the Peerless Regiment soldiers?

For the sake of stability and safety, to prevent the ballista from causing any potential problems, Zhou Weiqing had specially arranged for another fifty Peerless Regiment soldiers to fly into the air to give the soldiers on the city wall a heavy blow. Furthermore, it would also be a good distraction for Lei Zi’s force inside.

Almost at the exact same time, the city gates below was also in a mess. At this moment, Lei Zi was leading his fifty Peerless Regiment soldiers, clearing away the Kalise Empire soldiers guarding it like they were cutting melons and cabbages[2. Literal translation, basically means with great ease]. Fifty Jewel Masters, what kind of notion was that? That was already the sum of the Heavenly Bow Empire’s total number of Jewel Masters in the past! Towards ordinary soldiers, it was akin to wasting talents on trivial tasks, with not the least bit of suspense at all towards the completion of the task.

Zhou Weiqing’s voice suddenly rang out in all the Peerless Regiment soldiers’ ears. “All of you better listen carefully. Once we enter the city, besides the Kalise soldiers, you are not to kill anyone or rob anyone. Otherwise, you will be strictly dealt with in our military code. It is not that Your Father, I, am unreasonable, but this is my homeland. Once we revive my homeland, and it is time to counterattack and invade the Kalise Empire, or even the Bai Da Empire, there will be chance for you to loot and plunder all you wish. Now, charge with all your might! Those who attempt to stop you, slaughter them all!”

Suppression from the air, control of the city gates… In the end, the Peerless Regiment soldiers’ charge did not meet with much resistance at all. The arrows from the few Kalise archers who actually managed to shoot at them were just like a mere joke, so much so that the Heavy Cavalry soldiers in front did not even bother swinging their weapons at the arrows, allowing the arrows to bounce off their armour.

By the time the garrisoned troops in the Crescent City had begun to react, the Peerless Regiment had already charged into through the open city gates. What followed next was just a pure one-sided slaughterfest.

Towards these Kalise Empire soldiers who were occupying his homeland, Zhou Weiqing did not hold any thoughts of being lenient. If one came, he would kill one. If two arrived, he would slay the pair.

Even the powerful WanShou Empire armies and their terrifying combat prowess had failed against the Peerless Regiment, let alone these ordinary soldiers from the Kalise Empire. Within a short period of a mere hour, more than a thousand of the garrisoned Kalise Empire soldiers had died, with the remaining surrendered.

For Kou Rui, Yan Zhexi, these classmates that had followed Zhou Weiqing from the Fei Li Military Academy, they were all staring at the sight before them with their mouths agape, totally dumbfounded. This battle had totally overturned the military knowledge they had learned in the past few years!

Just like Zhou Weiqing had told Tian’er, this was a battle which needed no strategy. Simple, direct, a headon clash. Yet, the result was a complete victory, perhaps ‘crushing’ victory would even be more apt. As the saying goes, what you hear may be false, but what you see is true… Zhou Weiqing had used actions to prove to them that following this big bro was definitely a right choice.