Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

Fei Li Empire. South Border. The zone where the original Heavenly Bow Empire was about to begin.

From the Fei Li Empire borders, in the southwest direction slightly more than a hundred li away, there was a small city, almost a town. This small city originally belonged to the Heavenly Bow Empire, and its name was the Crescent City[2. Quite an interesting name (City, or XianYue. Together it means crescent, but Xian refers to bow or bow string, and Yue refers to moon, just thought it was poetic for the Heavenly Bow Empire to have such a city name :D]. The city was not large at all, but its position was extremely good, with its back towards the Fei Li Empire, rolling hills and mountains to its right, and to its left was the largest river in the Heavenly Bow Empire which flowed through the entire Empire. As such, it was very well connected in terms of traffic, and was considered one of the more prosperous cities in the entire north of the Heavenly Bow Empire. The population of the city was about two hundred thousand families, numbering slightly more than a million citizens in total. Although their city area was not large, the population density was one of the highest in the entire Heavenly Bow Empire, behind only the capital city Heavenly Bow City, and another important city to the far west of the Heavenly Bow Empire.

Twenty Li from the Crescent City, in the depths of a forested region.

Zhou Weiqing led his Peerless Regiment soldiers, silently hiding amongst the trees as they waited. There were advantages to having a small number. Since they only had seven hundred men, all of them cavalry soldiers as well, it had not been a difficult task to sneak past the borders via the Fei Li Empire and entering the (ex) Heavenly Bow Empire without being discovered.

The Peerless Regiment soldiers were all resting on the spot. All of a sudden, a figure rode in from the distance, heading directly towards Zhou Weiqing.

“Boss! Oh, uhm, Commander, I have returned.” The person was not tall, but looked shrewd and capable. He was dressed in commoner’s clothing, and he ran all the way to Zhou Weiqing before he finally stopped.

“How was it? Kou Rui, what is the situation in the XianYue City?” Zhou Weiqing asked smilingly.

The one who had arrived before Zhou Weiqing was his old classmates in the Fei Li Military Academy, Kou Rui. As the Heavenly Bow Empire diplomatic party arrived in the Fei Li City, Zhou Weiqing had prematurely ended the three-year promise he had with his classmates, bringing those willing along with him. His war to revive his Empire was about to begin, and all sorts of talents were of great importance to him.

Kou Rui had always been adept at intelligence gathering, and he was a great scout. However, this was still the first time that he had actually been on an actual scouting mission that wasn’t a lesson, and he couldn’t help but feel extremely excited.

“Commander, I have investigated the situation in the Crescent City in full detail. I’m not sure if it is because the Kalise Empire thinks that the Fei Li Empire would never attack them, or for some other reason, the defenses in the Crescent City are far weaker than we had even expected. The garrisoned troops in the city number only three Battalions, three thousand in total. Furthermore, they usually cycle their rounds for guards, and the normal number of soldiers guarding the gates and walls would be only a thousand men. They are all the Kalise Empire soldiers.”

As he said that, Kou Rui squatted down, grabbing a small twig on the ground and drawing a simple diagram of the layout of the defenses and the normal positions of the enemy soldiers.

“According to the information that I heard, the nearest camp or garrison to the Crescent City is at least a hundred li away, there is an entire Regiment of soldiers there. However, from the time for them to send news and return, the fastest possible time they can get here would be four hours. Possibly more.”

Kou Rui displayed his talents as an outstanding scout, acquiting his duties with conscientious professionalism. Furthermore, he only provided the information that he had scouted out in detail, not mixing in any of his own opinions. That was not the job of a scout.”

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment, then said: “Alright, very good. Thank you. Since we have already fully verified the situation, then it is time for us to take action. Lei Zi.”

“Here.” The First Main Company’s Company Leader Lei Zi appeared swiftly before Zhou Weiqing. The wild and intractable nature he had when he had first entered the Peerless Battalion had now vanished. It was not that he had taken too many blows, but because he truly loved the atmosphere and environment of the Peerless Regiment. Although the training was tough, their treatment was also top notch, so much so that he had never even heard of such a thing. Of course, the greatest attraction was still the Consolidating Equipment Scrolls and Stored Skills.

More importantly, towards this young Commander of theirs, Zhou Weiqing, he truly felt a strong sense of respect and heartfelt admiration. Even a nine-Jeweled stage Heavenly Jewel Master, he was still able to take him down. Lei Zi knew he would not be able to do such a thing.

In the entire Peerless Regiment, Lei Zi’s power was definitely one of the top ranked. Not long ago, he had just broken through to the seven-Jeweled stage, being a Low Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master.

“Lei Zi, I want you to choose fifty of the strongest brothers with high cultivation level. Disguise yourselves to enter the Crescent City. When we launch our attack from outside, your mission is to lead these brothers to open the city gate.”

“Understood!” Lei Zi was overjoyed. Such an auspicious [2. I suspect a play on words here, the phrase for auspicious is literally ‘’ or ‘Open door Red’ It can also mean ‘a good beginning’] job, he was more than happy to do so. It was after all just a small city, and with the opponents likely being only three thousand ordinary soldiers, most likely without even any Jewel Masters… as a Low Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master, he was confident of completing this mission even alone, let alone with fifty of his strongest brothers.

Zhou Weiqing glared at him and said: “Do not be too complacent. This is an extremely important fight, and we cannot afford to make any mistakes. Not only do I want you to open the gates, I want you to ensure that all fifty one of you are unharmed. Otherwise, you can wait to be punished by the military code. If your mission is completed well, once we occupy the city, any gold we gain from the three thousand soldiers, the bunch of you can get five percent.”

Lei Zi grinned and said: “Heh heh, Boss, do not worry. We are all tough ones who treasure our lives so much, with these trash from the Kalise Empire, are they even capable of injuring us?”

Lei Zi headed off to prepare, and Tian’er moved beside Zhou Weiqing with interest. “Little Fatty, how are you planning to invade this city later?”

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly, looking composed and confident as if he had an ace up his sleeve. “This commander naturally has my own brilliant schemes.”

One hour later, when the Peerless Regiment warriors were starting to move out, Tian’er stared at Zhou Weiqing with her jaw agape as she listened to him give the order. “This is your so-called brilliant scheme?…”

The order that Zhou Weiqing had given was unbelievably simple. Two words. “Charge!”[3. It’s two words in mandarin ()]

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “Silly girl, sometimes people over-complicate things… it is exactly when they start thinking too much that things become complicated.”

Chapter 194 Crescent City! (3)