Live Me

I huffed out a huge breath and looked away.

He let out a tired sigh. “You’re broken, yes. But I haven’t seen you this happy in years, Eva. You may not see it, but you’ve already begun to fix yourself. It’s working, baby girl. Just don’t give up on it yet.” He paused. “Not when I’m so close to getting my friend back. I miss her.” He maneuvered my chin to face him. It was one of the rare times he’d ever been serious, and I knew what he was saying meant a lot to him.

“I’m sorry I’m a mess and that you’re always having to deal with me. You know I love you. But, Jace . . . tomorrow—God, I’m so fucking scared. What if I can’t do it?”

“Then you don’t do it,” he said, simple and to the point. “Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure if you’re not ready, that boy’s still gonna be there waiting till you are.”

He was right. Of course he was. “I know,” I whispered.

“So then what’re we talking about? Hush it. Relax and let’s pick us a sexy little number for you to wear.” He slapped my thigh. “Come on, let’s raid your closet.”

“There’s one more thing. I told Blake I was hanging with you until I had work later. He also doesn’t know I skipped class. I may have had a slight freak out earlier.” I pinched two fingers shut for emphasis.

“You’re hopeless.” He shook his head, exasperated. “So let me get this straight, you’ve already succeeded in insulting the guy and pushing him away. Am I reading through the lines correctly?”

“Maybe.” I winced.

“Well then, I guess we’ll just have to turn the sexy up another notch.” I nearly tripped as he grabbed my hand, forcing me down the hall.

“Um, I don’t think so.” I snorted out a giggle.

“I’ll call him and let him know you’re a jerk and that he should come to the bar tonight. I swear I’m gonna put a dog collar on you and zap your ass every time you’re out of line. I’ll teach you.”

Walking hand-in-hand, we both laughed as we retreated to the bedroom.

Hours later, my mind was reeling, torn between wanting to find Blake and jump on him, and wanting to run away and live under an assumed name. I was staring off into space while my finger absentmindedly wiped sweaty beads of water dripping down my half-filled glass.

Rick’s hand blurred my vision. “Earth to Eva. Thirsty people here.”

I startled and my cheeks grew warm. “Sorry. I’m somewhere else right now. It’s been a crazy week.”

He placed a friendly hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. Wanna take off? I can call someone in.”

“Nah. Jasmine will be here soon anyway and I could use the distraction. Thanks, though.” I was lucky to have found such a considerate boss.

Time passed as though I was in a vacuum. Any attempt to turn off my brain was futile. Blake still hadn’t shown up, and it was beginning to weigh on me. He always showed up.

Happy by Pharrell Williams, blared through the speakers from the cover band. It was an upbeat tune that I usually loved, but I just couldn’t force myself to get into it.

Rick approached me, clapping his hands along and bopping his head. “You know what time it is, don’t you?”

Head tilted, I frowned at him, too distracted to catch on.

“Time for you to get your butt up there and belt out some tunes.” He grabbed my hands, forcing me to clap along also, while he jiggled his hips.

I pulled my hands free and dragged them along my thighs. “Oh, I don’t think so, Rick. Not tonight. I’m just not feeling it.”

“You have no choice. It’s your gig now. People come here waiting to hear your pipes. You can’t disappoint them.”

“He’s right,” Jasmine chimed in. “At least five people asked me when you’re singing already.”

“Do I have to?” I whined.

“Yep.” Rick spun me around and ushered me out from behind the bar.

Jace smirked. One day I really am going to haul off and slap him. He got too much enjoyment out of my misery lately.

The lead singer leaned into my ear. “What song do you want?”

I thought for a moment as a vision of Blake’s eyes flashed before me, and I decided to get out my feelings through song tonight. “Demi Lovato. Lightweight.”

He smiled and turned to the guys, instructing them of my selection. “The lady wants Demi’s Lightweight.” They nodded, coordinating as I inhaled a deep breath. I swallowed hard, curling my fingers around the barrel of the mic, and getting into the moment.

The quiet beginning notes started, and I sang in a soft, breathy voice. My eyes were closed as I imagined all of Blake’s sincere words and felt every bit as lightheaded as the song implied. I crossed my arms over my chest, rubbing the tops of them as my feelings bled out of the lyrics.

Celeste Grande's books