Live Me

I huffed, walking around to sit at the kitchen bar, and began chopping the lettuce. “Your loss. So tell me about your family. This way I know what to expect when I meet them.”

“There’s not much to know. You know all about my dad. Mom’s different. She loves me to death and tries to sympathize with me but always winds up defending him. I know she means well, but it gets old. And Victoria—she’s a spit-fire that one. I think you’ll like her.”

“Can’t wait. It should be interesting to meet the people responsible for Blake Turner.” I drizzled balsamic vinegar and olive oil into the salad and began to toss.

He set the plates in front of me, and sat down beside me. “Trust me, no one is responsible for Blake Turner but Blake Turner.”

“Well, either way, I’m grateful they brought me you. No matter how you feel about them.”

Blake opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something and then closed it just as quickly. I felt bad he was still so in the dark about me, but for now, it had to stay that way. I leaned forward and breathed in the most divine scent. “This smells amazing.” My stomach flared to life. I didn’t realize how famished I was.

“Dig in. It’s my specialty.”

“Is there anything you can’t do?”

Blake popped a forkful of food in his mouth and tapped his chin. “I can’t sing worth a shit. But I make for a damn good show trying.”

“Really? I’ll have to see that one day.” I laughed.

“Let’s wait till you’re really head over heels before you do. I wouldn’t want that to be what sends you running.”

My taste buds soared as the most delicious bite I’d ever taken flooded my mouth. “Wow.”

“Good huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?” My tone was sarcastic. “You know, if you weren’t so cute, you would never get away with being so cocky.”

“Confident you mean?” Blake tipped his head at me winking.


“You know you love me.”

He rocked his shoulder into mine and I smiled thinking maybe he just might be right.

We paused before entering Sandra’s hospital room.

“You ready for this?” Blake whispered.

My smile answered for me. We were going to tell them about us, and I was more than ready.

Jessie and Jace were already there when Blake and I walked in hand-in-hand. We didn’t earn any head tosses since they were growing accustomed to his constant hold on me. But when I clamped his face between my hands and pushed a big sloppy kiss to his lips, Sandra nearly rolled off the bed, and Jace leaped into Jessie’s arms, howling, “Yazzzz!” His fabulous version of “yes”, of course.

I giggled and rested my head on Blake’s chest, hugging him tight. “You can all give a round of applause to Ms. Sandra here for opening my eyes.”

Jace made the sign of the cross. “Praise baby Jesus! I said a million novenas for this.”

“Stop being so dramatic,” I chastised.

“Who’s being dramatic? I was about to jump that boy’s bones myself. For Blake’s sake, of course.” He winked, and we all laughed.

“So, I have you to thank for this then?” Blake asked Sandra, smacking my ass. I yelped and hopped away from him, but he caught me by the arm and yanked me back into his chest. “Uh-uh. I don’t think so. Not anymore, sweetheart. You’re all mine now.”

A round of cat-calling and atta-boys erupted around the room as I rubbed my sore bottom. “Take it easy there, killer, or I’ll cut you off before you can seal the deal.”

“You wouldn’t.” He folded his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

I leaned my head against his chest as a wave of butterflies took flight inside me. My hand slid against his thumping heart, and a warm smile spread, knowing he was feeling the same. “You’re right. I wouldn’t.”

Blake’s mouth descended toward mine, and I licked my lips in anticipation.

“Oh boy. I can tell how things are gonna go now that you guys can finally have at each other.” Jessie fanned herself, folding her leg beneath her to sit on the bed beside Sandra.

I cleared my throat. Showing enormous restraint and willpower, we both took a second to compose ourselves and loosened our hold ever so slightly.

“Well, I’m glad there was some good in all of this.” Sandra waved a hand over her battered form. “And I’m glad you paid attention to what I said. I love you, chick. I just want you to be happy.”

“I love you more.” I put a knee to the edge of Sandra’s bed and brushed my thumb along the top of her hand. “How do you feel today? Any better?”

“Better than death? Yeah. I have a crazy headache twenty four-seven, but I know what it could’ve been, so I’m just grateful to still be here. Anything else is cake.”

“That’s my girl.” I lightly patted her bruised arm, happy to see she was more herself today.

Jace took Sandra’s hair in his hands, delicately fingering strands into a braid, careful not to disturb her bandages. “That hurt, love?”

Celeste Grande's books