Live Me

“No, you’re good. I must look like a train wreck.” Sandra held the side of her head, self-conscious.

Jace waved her off. “You’re gorg. Now shutty.” He finished off his handiwork and twirled the edge of the braid between his fingers just as a knock sounded on the door.

We all swiveled to see Jeremy standing in the doorway, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a teddy bear and a balloon in the other. “Did I come at a bad time?”

A blush crept over Sandra’s cheeks, and she strained to scoot up higher in the bed. “No, no, perfect timing. Come in.”

I cleared my throat and nodded my head to the others. “We were just leaving.”

Sandra sent a look of thanks my way as Jace hopped off the bed, looking Jeremy up and down. “Rawrrr,” he purred, accentuating with a clawing, catlike motion. I loved how Jace needed to test the newbies.

Jeremy, bless his heart, didn’t flinch.

He’s a keeper.

“Don’t worry about it, dude. He’ll ease up.” Blake winked at Jeremy who stood motionless, not three feet from the door. Lacing his fingers with mine, Blake bent to give Sandra a quick peck, and we all followed suit.

“When I come back, I’m signing that cast.” I smiled over my shoulder as Jeremy moved to hover by the foot of Sandra’s bed, looking lost for words. I’m sure, just like the rest of us, he was struck with the severity of what she’d gone through.

The next few days leading up to my date were excruciating. They were divided between classes, work, visiting Sandra, and squeezing my legs shut so tight in Blake’s presence, I was sure they’d lose circulation.

Jessie seemed to have the same life-changing moment as me and forgave Rick, thank God. I couldn’t take the two of them being on the outs anymore with her quieter than I ever imagined was within her capabilities, and him a pain in the ass to work with. Jace popped in to see Sandra now and again, but was MIA for the most part, which could only mean one thing—man candy.

I sat, gnawing at the inside of my cheek, feeling Blake’s eyes peering into the side of my skull.

“Something wrong, Angel?”

“Huh? Oh. No, I’m fine.” I tried to focus on the white board at the front of the classroom.

“You sure?” He brushed his knuckle along my cheek. “You look nervous, and I’m afraid the inside of your mouth could use a stitch or two.”

I released my clenched teeth and exhaled. “I’m fine. Really.” You’re not fine.

Blake paused, his head tilted as he studied me. “Does this have anything to do with our date tomorrow night? Because we can wait. There’s no rush, babe.”

“What? No.” Yes. “Shut up!”

“What?” Blake’s face screwed in confusion.

Fuck, I’d said that out loud. “Nothing. Just drop it.” I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Blake’s features didn’t budge—he knew me too well. But he acquiesced and leaned back in his chair. For the remainder of class, I felt his eyes on me periodically, but I pretended not to notice as I scribbled down an exorbitant amount of notes. Knowing we’d go our separate ways from here, I stilled my heart and forced myself to push all the racing thoughts from my mind until I could be alone. I didn’t want him to know what a mess I was inside.

At the dismissal of class, I gave him a chaste kiss on the lips and tried to disregard the look of concern in his eyes.

“See ya tonight?” he asked, hopeful.

“Huh? Oh. I, um . . . I have plans with Jace, and then I have to work. I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you.”

“Oh.” Disappointment marred his beautiful features. “It’s okay, I can give Eric a call. I haven’t seen him much. He’s been acting weird lately. We’re still on for tomorrow though, right?”

“Of course.” I flashed an unconvincing smile.

Blake hooked his finger with mine. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Uh huh. I gotta go, or I’ll be late for my next class.” I lifted on my tippy toes to give him a swift kiss, but he caught me in a bear hug, tipping me back and pressing his lips firmly to mine.

Instantly, all thoughts flitted from my mind, and I became light on my feet. My legs turned to squishy fuzzballs while he held me there, long enough for all doubt to wash away. When he finally broke the kiss, his eyes were half lidded, his breathing slow as a soft smile spread across his lips. “See you tomorrow night, Angel.”

Nervous queezies overlapped the underlying jelly still in my belly from that kiss, but I shoved them down and smiled. “See you tomorrow night.”

Tomorrow night.

When I was sure Blake was out of sight, I turned and headed for my apartment. There was no way I could sit through class. My nerves were jumping out of my skin.

Celeste Grande's books