Live Me

We all yelled the familiar opening lyrics in chorus. The whole place was shouting, jumping up and down in unison. Blake whirled me around and dipped me. We rocked our bodies side to side and I felt so free. So alive. My blood pumped fiercely, and my heart was full.

With a tight grip on my back, Blake sang close to my face, telling me we had each other, followed by something so simple and unexpected heat spread to my girl parts instantaneously. He scrunched his nose in the sexiest way, sending my hyper-aware body into overdrive and with a wicked grin, he sang the rest of the words, exclaiming that we’d give this a shot.

I laughed as he propelled me out, then pulled me in and swung me onto his back, just in time for the ending few verses.

As the song ended, excitement buzzed through me. Panting, my face ached from laughing so hard. Blake maneuvered me around to his front and looked into my eyes as if he were meeting me for the first time. A different, fun-loving, real me. Not the broken, fragile girl he was used to seeing.

His lips crushed mine with a ferocity I’d never experienced before. My hands immediately knotted in his hair as his tongue swept through my mouth. My stomach fluttered wildly. His chest heaved as he released my lips and rested his forehead against mine.

His eyes told me he wanted to say something but was holding back. I thought mine must have mirrored his because I had to bite down on my lip to stop the words I love you from flying out of them. I never thought it’d be possible to fall for someone so fast, but I couldn’t help it, I was.

My toes touched the floor as he lowered me down and then bent to press his temple to mine, his breath caressing my ear. “Tomorrow, Angel.”




It was today. Saturday. My first date. With Blake.

My sweaty palms rubbed over my star-and-moon pajamas so abrasively I thought they’d start a fire. I stopped, wringing my fingers together, trying to ease the burn. I could do this.

Could I do this?

Yes. I could.

I stood and walked over to the large picture window. I tipped my head to the glass.

Nine hours.

I had nine hours to regulate myself. What was with me? I’d had a great time last night. I’d thought I was past this. I knew this was what I wanted, but something in my body was constantly fighting it, always determined to keep me miserable. And, unfortunately, in a fight of wills, that girl always won.


A knock at the door stole me from my reverie. I lifted my head, wondering who it could be. Pulling back on the handle, a delicious scent floated in.

“Morning, ma’am.” A short man holding a brown paper bag smiled at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

“Good morning.” I poked my head out and looked around. “I’m sorry, but I think you have the wrong apartment. I didn’t order any food.”

A knowing grin adorned his face. “Se?or Turner order for you. I just need you to sign here.” He held a piece of paper and pen in front of my astonished eyes.

“Mr. Turner?” My head cocked to the side.

“Sí. Sign please.”

I scrawled my signature across the bottom of the slip and handed it back to him. Only, he wouldn’t take it. That knowing smile was back, and he nodded toward the half-crumpled paper. Blue hand-written ink caught my eye, and I flipped it around.

Good morning, Angel. You’re going to need all your energy, so eat your breakfast and get yourself together. We’re going to have a bit of fun today. I’ve laid a path for you. Follow the clues and they’ll lead you to the treasure (That’s me) ;)

Pulling his arm from behind his back, the delivery man handed me a single red rose. A card dangled below the petals. “For you.” He grinned.

I took it delicately between shaky fingers and spread the flaps, revealing its note.

Muscle tension melts away,

For a once in a lifetime, special day.

They’ll cater to your every wish,

By eleven, make your way over to Bliss.



My mouth hit the floor. “Thank you,” I stammered at the grinning delivery man. He just stood, smiling at me with a wide mouth of teeth while I fumbled with the door. “I’m sorry, let me get you—”

“No, no. Se?or Turner took care of everything. Enjoy your day, se?orita. He a good man.”

“Thanks.” Dumbfounded, I scooped the bag from his arms and shoved the door closed with my heel. I set it on the counter and sent a text to Blake.

Me: Suave.

Blake: Thought you’d like that. Eat up. There’s plenty of protein in that bag. And try to relax today. I want you . . . pliable. ;)

Me: You’re crazy.

Blake: Crazy like a fox. See you tonight, Angel. XX

My stomach growled. Since my nerves had been jumping out of my skin, I hadn’t eaten much in the last couple of days. Peeling the bag open, the smell consumed me. Eggs, turkey bacon, home fries, whole wheat toast, and a container of mixed fruit. And, of course, a steaming cup of coffee.

This man had catapulted himself straight into the center of my heart.

I hoped I had chosen correctly when I crossed over the threshold of Bliss 57. A lady with a blonde French twist greeted me with a warm smile. “Can I help you?”

Celeste Grande's books