Live Me

“Sweetheart, with that palette, we’re going to create a masterpiece. Natural beauty can never be misconstrued, even in its messiest of states.” He rounded the counter and approached me, gesturing toward my lump of hair that I now wished I’d done a better job styling before I ran out that morning. “May I?”

With precision, he had my hair down and loose around my shoulders. He fingered it. “Gorgeous. You have the most beautiful, natural highlights I’ve ever seen. I don’t think we’re going to touch this. Unless, of course, you want to brighten up the front, but I don’t think you need to. A wash and fresh cut, and we’ll have you looking like the princess you are in no time. Rochelle is a master at what she does. You’ll love it.”

I beamed, excitement replacing my nerves as I headed back to wash the massage oils out of my hair.

An hour later, I stared in awe at my reflection. The stylist spun the chair and handed me the mirror to investigate her handiwork. My head was covered in curls that were looser at the top and then tighter as they swirled in waves down my back. It looked flawless. Tossing my head side to side, I smoothed my hand over a few strands, careful not to disturb it.

“I love it!”

“In a little while it’s going to loosen up and fall at the bottom. Then you’re really going to love it.” She smiled, turning me around before pulling off my cape.

I stared at myself in the full mirror once again; long blonde waves framed my face, cascading over my shoulders. “It’s perfect, thank you. I couldn’t be happier.”

Then a small pang of panic struck me. What I’d planned to wear was nowhere near as elegant as this hairstyle was. Now I’d need more time to choose a new wardrobe for tonight. I pushed out of the chair in a rush.

“Don’t forget this.” The hairstylist twirled a red rose between her fingers. “You bagged a real winner, my friend. You’re a lucky girl.”

“Don’t I know it.” I smiled, lifting the bud from her and opening the card.

I hope you enjoyed your day, but I hope you enjoy your night even more.

You’ll need to be relaxed and ready for what I have in store.

Hurry up and get back to your apartment so that you’re not late.

I’m getting antsy thinking about what I’m going to do to you, so don’t make me wait.

? B

Love. I loved him. I wouldn’t say it out loud, and I’d never been in love before, but that had to be what this was. My chest was tight and heavy, and my heart was fluttering anxiously. I couldn’t relax the smile glued to my face. My feet were restless, wanting to take me to him.

I flitted out of the salon and had to stop myself from sprinting home, wanting to turn the clock ahead so I could be with him already.

I burst through my door and headed straight for the bedroom. What the hell am I going to wear?


In my clumsy stupor, I had smacked my toe on the edge of the wall. I brought my foot up and took my throbbing, but thankfully unchipped, toe in my hand, hopping haphazardly the rest of the way.

“Damn, that hurt . . .” I dropped my foot, no longer conscious of the pain as I stood motionless in the doorway.

What the . . .

I approached the bed as if it were covered in a flock of baby doves perched to take flight. A red satin dress lay atop it, a single red rose sprawled across the midsection. At the foot of the bed stood a pair of silver strappy heeled sandals.

My eyes searched the room wildly, feeling nervous and violated, wondering how he’d gotten in. When I didn’t see anything else out of place, I snatched the rose by the card and yanked it open.

I would’ve loved to be there to see the look on your face.

For this wonderful surprise you can thank your friend Jace.

You’ll be an angel in a devil’s dress.

A beauty, a vision—sure to impress

Now put this on so I can have fun taking it off later ;)

Warmth swarmed my cheeks as my hand smoothed over the silky material. I picked it up and held it to my chest, smiling. This must have cost him a fortune. And Jace, that snake, slipping in here without telling me. I was going to have a talk with him.

I wasted no time slipping into the beautiful ensemble Blake had chosen for me. Admiring myself in the mirror, I was in awe of his choice. A deep V plunged into the channel between my breasts, but not enough to be considered distasteful. The edges came up in a halter-type fashion to wrap around the back of my neck, showcasing my delicate shoulders. A tight bodice led to a fitted skirt, which flared slightly right above my knee. It was sexy and sophisticated and . . . perfect. I couldn’t have picked a better dress myself.

I dabbed a Q-tip to my eye, putting the finishing touches on my makeup just as a knock sounded on the door. My breath caught in my throat.

This is it.

I knotted my trembling hands together in an effort to still them. Taking one more deep breath, I puffed it out and then peeled back the door, revealing Blake. One look at him, and my heart stopped beating.

Celeste Grande's books