Live Me

“Hi, Mom.” I’d only made the necessary weekly phone calls home in an effort to distance myself. I saw now how foolish that was.

“Eva? Is that you? Are you crying, honey?” My mom’s concerned voice made me feel so small. I missed her comfort.

“Yeah.” I sniffled.

“What happened, sweetheart? Are you okay?”

“I’m all right. Just a little upset.” I went into the story then, tearfully filling her in on all the details—how scared I was for Sandra and the what-ifs about my own mortality. Of course, I left out Blake. That was a story for another day.

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry.” She sounded beside herself with worry. “Thank God you’re all right. Where are you now? Maybe you should come home. I don’t like the way you sound.”

My spine straightened at the mention of home. If my poor mom only knew there was no comfort in home anymore. Although, if I was being honest, all I really wanted to do was crawl into her lap the way I used to and have her tell me everything would be okay.

Taking a breath, I composed myself. The purpose of this phone call wasn’t to make my mother nervous. “No, I have to stay here. I’m at a friend’s right now. I’ll be fine.”

“You sure? I’m sure it’s okay for you to miss a few days.”

“No, I want to be close to her. She’s not in good shape.” I inhaled a steadying breath. “I’ll be all right. I just needed to tell you I love you.”

“I love you too, baby. Always.”

“Tell Dad I love him too, okay?”

“I will. Call me tomorrow so I don’t worry about you, please.”

“Okay. Thanks, Mom.”

“Bye, sweetie.”


I lowered the phone between my crisscrossed legs and stared at the grains in the wood coffee table. I missed my mom. Missed my family. I’d give anything to go back to the way it was—when I was innocent and whole and there were no secrets between us.

Movement out of the corner of my eye broke the deep trance I was in. Blake sauntered down the hall in only his boxers, his hair all mussed, his face drawn in with concern. The cushion dipped as he sat beside me. Bending forward, he rested his elbows on his knees. “I want you to stay here tonight. I don’t want you to be alone.”

I hadn’t thought about where I would sleep, but a sense of relief washed over me. For the first time in longer than I could remember I didn’t want to be alone either. “Okay.”

His shoulders relaxed, and a relieved smile emerged. “Good, then it’s settled.” He inched closer and slid his arm around me, pulling me into his chest.

I closed my eyes, savoring the protectiveness I hadn’t realized I’d been craving. “Thank you, Blake. Just . . . thank you.”

He kissed the top of my head and then stood up abruptly, dragging me with him. “Come.”

Pulling me by the hand down the short hall, he took me into his bathroom, picked me up, and placed me on the counter. He rested his hands on my thighs. “Lavender or jasmine?”

“Excuse me?”

He stepped over to the tub and turned on the faucet, testing the temperature. “Lavender or jasmine? Which would you prefer in your bath?”

“Lavender, I guess? Wait. You have bubble bath?” I gaped at him in awe.

“Yeah, my sister’s a bath nut. When she stays over, she makes sure I have her favorites. But I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t enjoy a good bubble bath myself from time to time.” He winked.

I shook my head. “You just get better and better, Mr. Turner.”

He poured the soapy liquid under the stream of water, screwed the cap back on and placed the container on the ledge of the tub. Biting my lip, I watched him walk toward me like a predator stalking its prey. Settling between my thighs, he commanded, “Arms up.”

I raised my arms above my head, never taking my eyes off his. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled at his oversized T-shirt, tugging it from under my butt, and then dragged his hands up my sides, his thumbs grazing my nipples on their ascent. He removed the shirt the rest of the way and then folded it neatly, placing it on the counter.

“You’ll put that back on later. I like you in my clothes.” He hooked his fingers into my panties and I lifted off the counter, helping him pull them off. “So perfect.” He removed his boxers and kissed my neck. “Wrap your legs around me.”

Hooking my legs around his waist, he hoisted me up. I couldn’t ignore the feel of his hard flesh pressing against my bare opening. I blushed, wondering what it would feel like to lower myself onto it. Blake gave me a lopsided grin, seeming to read my mind once again, and I looked away.

What was happening to me? Was I turning into some sex-crazed psychopath?

Celeste Grande's books