Live Me

I surprised myself when I began to move quicker, deeper, my own need fueling me, then he cried out my name, shaking and convulsing, and I felt his desire seep into my mouth.

Blake’s body sunk into the mattress, and his cock gave one final twitch as I slowly dragged my mouth to the top and placed a kiss to the tip. “All mine.” I licked my lips and laid my head on his belly.

“I sure as hell am,” he sighed. He peeked down at me. “Get up here.”

I crawled up his body and lay in the crook of his arm, resting my head on his chest. The steady rhythm of his heart was still beating in double time as he kissed my scalp. “You’re amazing.”

“Only for you,” I replied, placing a kiss to his pec. “And I mean . . . only for you. That was a first for me. I wanted to give you a piece of me that could just be yours.”

Blake’s relaxed voice touched my ear. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to. Just having you near me is enough.” He released a contented sigh. “You feel like heaven. My own little heaven with my own personal angel.” I felt him smile against the lobe.

Our legs tangled together and we both scooted a little tighter, as though we were trying to melt into one another. When the enormity of how that felt was too much to bear, I lifted on my forearm and kissed him until I wasn’t sure which air was mine and which was his.

Blake feathered his fingers along my skin, touching everywhere he could reach. Laying my forehead against his, I wanted so badly to say the words hanging on the tip of my tongue. It amazed me how much I’d changed since meeting him, but I wasn’t ready to admit it out loud. My heart tucked him into its pocket, content to hold him there and carry him around with me.

I laid my head back on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart, wondering if his had pockets, too. “This feels so right, no?”

“You’re asking me? I’ve been trying to tell you that for months now. Maybe from now on you’ll stop being so hard-headed and listen to me for a change. Blake knows best. Repeat that three times.” I felt his smirk on the top of my head.

“Idiot.” I smacked him on the stomach, and he flinched, expelling an ‘oof’.

I settled back into him. “It’s just been such a crazy day, I can’t seem to shake it. It’s one of the worst and best days of my life at the same time. Every feeling will stay with me forever.”

“And with me.” He smiled.

Thinking of Sandra, I reluctantly sat up. “I should probably call Jessie and check in. I’m sure she’s at the hospital by now.”

Blake unwrapped his arm and gave me a gentle pat. “Go ahead.” When I glanced self-consciously at my naked form, he pointed to his dresser. “T-shirts are in the second drawer. Throw one on.”

“Thanks.” I retrieved my crumpled panties from the floor and pulled them on before choosing one of Blake’s oversized white V-necks.

He propped his head in his hands and drank me in as I slipped it over my head. “So sexy.”

I shook my head and gave him a shy smile.

My bare feet padded to the living room as I rubbed the back of my neck, the weight of the day bearing down on me. I grabbed my phone and settled on Blake’s couch, tucking my knees to my chest. Shit. I had ten missed calls from Jessie, ranging from the time I first texted her until about a half hour ago. With everything going on, I hadn’t even thought to look at my phone. I hoped she wasn’t too upset.

Her frantic voice answered on the first ring. “Jesus, Eva. Are you okay? Where are you?”

I cringed. “I’m at Blake’s. I’m sorry I didn’t answer. I’ll explain later. Are you at the hospital?”

“Yes. I can’t believe this. Thank God you were there.” She sighed. “This is so scary. How the hell did it happen?”

Fresh tears welled in my eyes as the picture played before me again. “I saw the whole thing, Jes. It was horrible. I was so scared she was dead.”

Jessie expelled a trembling breath on the other end of the line. “I can’t even imagine.”

“How is she?”

“She’s okay. Groggy and out of it, and she doesn’t want anyone fussing over her. She’s trying to make jokes but I can tell she’s in pain. She nods off every now and then.”

“Tell her I’m sorry I ran out, but there was something I had to do. She’ll understand.”

“Okay, babe.” She sounded calmer now.

“I love you, girl,” I told her, feeling emotional again. I guess this was the day for it. “I need for you to know that. You guys are my sisters from other misters.”

She chuckled. “I love you, too. Soul sisters for life.” Her voice went soft as she added, “I’m just grateful we’re all still here.”

I gulped. “Me too. Tell San I love her, okay? And tell her I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“I will.”

I kissed into the phone and hung up, then made one more call to Jace and, without thinking, my fingers dialed the next number.


Celeste Grande's books