Live Me

“Yeah, good luck with that,” I chided before smacking him loudly on his ass, sending him scooting through the doorway of the kitchen.

“And now you’re assaulting me. What’s happening?” Blake rubbed his backside, walking over to the refrigerator. He opened the door and bent to peer inside at the contents. The roundness of his ass was so delicious in those boxers. I admired the muscles gliding along his back as he pushed items around on the shelves. Turning at the waist, he peered at me, breaking me from my thoughts. He pointed to a lower cabinet. “Grab a frying pan.”

Blake moved about the kitchen effortlessly. I was right on his heels, helping where he needed without him saying anything, like we’d done this for years.

A lemon flew at me and I reached out quickly, snatching it in one hand. I cocked an eyebrow. “Still throwing fruit at my head?”

“I can’t help it. It always amazes me you can catch it that way.” He shook his head and turned the flame on beneath the pan. He deftly sliced the chicken, his fingers moving with skill as I made the first cut into a lemon.

Eyes on what he was cooking, Blake stated matter-of-factly, “You’ll have to meet my family now, you know.”

Slicing down with the knife, I responded sarcastically, “Yes, and I can’t wait.”

He looked up at me from the corner of his eye. “And I’ll have to meet yours.”

I gulped hard, momentarily taken aback as my brain scrambled to come up with a plausible answer as to why that shouldn’t happen yet. “Blake, I left home for a reason. I don’t plan on going back there any time soon.”

He turned his focus back on his knife, disappointment clouding his eyes.

“Can we talk about this another time? Let’s not ruin today, okay? Let’s just focus on you wowing me with your culinary skills for now. Deal?”

Ever so slowly, the dimple appeared on the side of his cheek, the glimmer in his eyes telling me I was getting a pass. He placed the cutlets in the pan, washed his hands and turned to lean on the counter. “I thought I wowed you enough today with my . . . other skills. How much wowing do you need, woman?”

I ducked my body down and squeezed between his arms, wedging myself between him and the island. “I know. I’m very needy aren’t I?” I walked my hands up his chest, circling his tanned nipples, and then dragged my nails around the hard curve of his shoulders.

With a grunt, Blake took a handful of sliced lemons and reached back, tossing them haphazardly into the pan. Pushing aside whatever was behind me, he hooked his hands under my arms and lifted me onto the counter, pressing himself against my parted legs. “Be careful what you wish for. I was letting you remain mobile today, but I can easily take you out.” His eyes glowed into mine.

My belly clenched, the muscles drawing inward, loving the dominant tone he used. It should have scared the shit out of me, but something in me knew he would never hurt me. That anything he did to me would be for my pleasure. Leaning back on my forearms, my body inclined, I pushed my chest upward. “Show me.”

His eyes opened a little wider, showcasing his dilated pupils. “Don’t push me, Angel. You’re getting your date.”

“I know.” I hooked my legs around his ass and pulled him as far into me as the counter would allow, pushing up even higher with my chest. “But can’t we play just a little more?”

I knew Blake couldn’t say no to me. I was his weakness. A rumble rolled in his chest as he reached one finger into the V of my T-shirt and pulled down, exposing one of my breasts. He laved his tongue around the taut peak and then used the pad of his thumb to spread the moisture over it while taking my other nipple between his teeth through the thin material.

My body bucked into his as I dipped my head back, feeling the pull in so many different points. Toying with the exposed nipple, he sucked and pulled on the other through the shirt and then released it, dragging his tongue from the center of my heaving chest, up along the curve of my neck. He smacked his hands to my ass with a squeeze. My eyes flew open as he looked right in them and said, “Saturday.” Then he smirked and turned to tend to dinner.

My mouth fell open and my body was reeling. “You’re kidding?”

“Not kidding.” He pointed to a head of lettuce. “Chop that up. There’s a bowl in that cabinet.” He pointed above his head to the right, flipping the cutlets with the other hand.

With a scowl, I jumped down from the counter and hissed in his ear. “Payback’s a bitch. Just remember that you asked for it when it comes—or when it doesn’t come.” With that I reached up onto my tippy toes, elongating my body, to grab the bowl that was the furthest back in the cabinet I could find.

Blake looked out of the corner of his eyes and licked his lips before focusing his attention back to the pan. “I won’t crack, woman.”

Celeste Grande's books