Live Me

Blake looked to his left. “Some place called X.L. Wanna come?”

Eric’s eyebrows drew in. “Never heard of it. Is it new? I thought I knew all the hot spots around here.”

Blake shrugged. “No clue.”

The glint in Jace’s eye was unmistakable to me, but went unnoticed by the two unsuspecting bystanders.

“Well, either way, I can’t make it. I got a hot date tonight.” Eric slapped Blake’s back.

Blake rolled his eyes. “When do you not?”

“Don’t blame me. I gotta keep the ladies satisfied. They depend on me.” Eric smiled his wicked smile and then leaned all the way back in his chair, tipping it to the point that I didn’t know how he was keeping it balanced. “Speaking of which . . .” He trailed off, bringing the chair back to an upright position and hopping off. “Gotta go. Lunch just arrived.” He darted over to the leggy blonde standing in the center of the cafeteria, searching for a place to sit, and snaked his arm around her waist.

I looked at Blake. “He’s such a dick. How do you put up with him?”

Blake lifted his lips in a dismissive gesture. “He’s not so bad. He’s got his issues, but I’ve known him my whole life. He’s like a brother. Once you get to know him, you’ll understand him a bit more. He’s harmless really, and he’d give you the shirt off his back. He’s just got . . . female issues, I guess you could say.”

I shook my head. “If you say so, but he still gets under my skin.”

“He just likes to push your buttons. Give him a chance.” He dipped his head low and gave me a small smile. “For me?”

“I’m sure I could think of a few ways to rectify his female issues.” Jace’s eyes were glued to Eric’s lower half.

“Behave, you,” I told Jace before turning my attention back to Blake. “So you’re definitely coming tonight then?”

His eyes became warm. “If you’re there, I’m there. Where should I meet you guys?”

Jace made a show of quivering as he pulled his line of sight from Eric. “Eva’s apartment at ten.” Jace gripped my arm and pulled me to my feet, then blew Blake a kiss. “Don’t be jealous. I’d still do you, too. See ya later, hot stuff.”

Blake reached out and snatched the invisible kiss from the air and planted it on his cheek, playing into Jace’s charade. “Bye, honey,” he said in the sweetest voice possible and flitted his fingers in a wave.

“Oh God.” I laughed at them both, wondering when they’d gotten so close. It felt good to know Blake was comfortable with Jace and not freaked out by his eccentricities, but the two of them scared me. I could barely handle them separately. Together, those two could totally railroad me if they wanted to.

Note to self: Pay better attention to what the fuck is going on.

How did I always get suckered into these things?

Pulling the skin taut at the corner of my eye, I skillfully applied a thick black line across the edge of my lashes. Then I twisted the cap back on the eyeliner and dropped it into the bag on the sink. Standing back, I combed my fingers through my mane, fluffing it out as I examined my handiwork. With a pout to my lips, I glazed on some shimmer. Done.

Wearing only a black lace bra and matching thong, I exited the bathroom as Jace walked in my apartment.

“Hey, bitch.”

“Hey,” I called over my shoulder as I padded down the hall toward my bedroom.

I heard him skip up behind me. “Meow.” The swat on my ass echoed through the apartment.

“Ouch, dick!” I rubbed the sore spot with a scowl on my face.

“Oh, hush it. You know you loved it. Now, gimme a kiss and tell me how pretty I am.”

I kissed his cheek. “You look fabulous. Love the mohawk.” I patted the top of his head.

He jerked his head away from my hand like I was holding a lit torch. “Careful! Don’t mess with the masterpiece.”

“Sor-ry. What was I thinking?” I held up my hands.

“Get it together, girl. You know better than that.” He rolled his eyes at me, turned, and peered into the full length mirror, fingering his hair and making sure every strand was just as he’d left it.

Stepping into my black booty shorts reserved only for these occasions, I looked at Jace’s reflection. “Poor guy has no clue what he’s in for. You didn’t tell him, did you?”

“Hell’s no. I get few pleasures in life. Why would I give up the opportunity to see the look on his face when he figures it out?”

With a huge smile, I shimmied into a spaghetti strapped, ice-blue silk shirt. “You’re evil. Pure. Evil.”

“This’ll be a test of his worthiness. If he loves you, he has to love me. And if he doesn’t love me . . . well, then he can go fuck himself.” Jace fingered the corner of his mouth and puckered his lips at his reflection, then turned to the side, inspecting his ass.

A knock at the door caught my attention. I swatted him on the shoulder and shooed him out of my way. “Go answer that. I’ll be right out.”

Celeste Grande's books