Live Me

Jace looked around and found his bearings. “Follow me.”

We emerged from below the belly of Manhattan into the cool night air and began the short walk to the club. Underdressed, I shivered and curled inward to block the wind. I probably should have worn a jacket, but I hated bringing them inside.

Blake noticed and wrapped his arm around my middle, bringing me closer to his insane body heat. I welcomed the warmth and nestled myself further. He looked down at me with a little smile playing on his lips, and I thought how nice it was that he was always so attentive and how comfortable it felt to be wrapped up in his arms.

“Thanks,” I said through lowered lashes.

“My pleasure.” He squeezed my hip.

As we neared the club, I noticed the familiar rainbow flag proudly hanging from the side of the building, and I was at ease. Jace knew these were the only clubs I was comfortable in that didn’t have a bar separating me from the patrons. No threats I couldn’t handle. No one was interested in me.

Blake seemed to be in his own world and hadn’t noticed yet. We walked up to the velvet ropes, and Jace happily hopped us right to the front of the line where a very large, bald man stood, wearing a black T-shirt that looked like it was about to burst at the seams under the pressure of the muscles bulging beneath it.

“Man, that’s a big dude.” Blake eyed the bouncer as though he’d just shrunk to my size.

“Hey . . .” Jace called out, smiling and waving.

“Hey, boy. Get your ass over here,” the bouncer called back, gleaming.

Jace peaked up on his tippy toes to plant a kiss on the man’s cheek. “Henry, you remember Eva.” He gestured to me.

“Hi, Eva. Looking stunning as usual.” Henry smiled warmly at me.

“Why, thank you, Henry.” I smiled back.

Jace motioned to Blake. “And this fine fellow is her new boy-toy, Blake.”

“Yum.” Henry eyed Blake like dinner.

“Down, Henry. This one’s off limits,” Jace chided.

Henry stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Blake.”

Blake returned the gesture. “Um, nice to meet you, too.” The curious expression on his face was adorable.

Henry unclipped the velvet rope and held it to the side. “Go on in, guys. Enjoy yourselves.”

“Thanks, Henry,” I called back over my shoulder as we scooted inside the darkened club.

The vibrations emanating from every wall beat deep into my chest. No matter how many times I felt it, I couldn’t help the thrill that washed over me every time I took the first few steps into a club. It was invigorating. I loved to dance, and a gay club was the only place I could really let loose and enjoy myself.

We paid at the ticket counter and stepped inside. Fluorescent lights swirled around the dance floor in countless shapes and sizes. It smelled of sweat and musk and raw skin and sex. Gyrating bodies and people singing loudly consumed every inch. Usually, I’d panic and feel claustrophobic, but not here. Here I was safe.

Blake looked around, taking in his surroundings. The shocked expression on his face was priceless. Big men, small men, fit men, out of shape men, all groping at each other and all having the time of their lives.

“A gay club? You guys took me to a gay club?” He looked back and forth to me and Jace, who was grinning wider than I’d ever seen. “I’m gonna get eaten alive in here.”

“Calm down, handsome.” Jace petted Blake’s chest. “No one’s gonna bother you. We stick to our own kind.” Although he was smiling, I could tell he was gauging Blake’s reaction and was ready to pounce if it was the wrong one.

Blake raised his eyebrows. “Whatever, but I’m telling you right now, the only hands that touch my ass better be attached to this gorgeous little blonde girl, or I’m outta here.” We all laughed, and Jace relaxed.

“Come on, Romeo. I’ll buy you a drink for being such a good sport.” I tugged at Blake’s arm.

“Way to totally emasculate me. Thank you, but I don’t think so. Come on, I got you. Besides, I probably have a better shot of getting us drinks quicker than you do in here, anyway.” He moved behind me and placed his hands on my hips, ushering me through the crowd.

We walked to the glowing bar and waited among the sea of men. Blake leaned into my ear. “I’m so gonna get you for this. You better not leave my side. You’re not even allowed to go to the bathroom tonight.”

Celeste Grande's books