Live Me


“It’s okay. No worries.” Blake topped off my glass, then filled the other two for him and Jace.

Jace looked back and forth between Blake and me. “Seriously, you could cut the sexual tension in here with a knife. Just go at it already. My dick’s getting hard just looking at you guys. Go ahead,” he brushed both hands toward us, “unleash your sexy beasts.”

“Jace! Seriously? Shut up, wise ass.”

“I’m not being a wise ass. I’m seriously tenting over here.” He gestured to the bulge in his jeans where the material actually did look a little strained.

“Wow. Now that’s an accomplishment. I must be better than I thought. It’s usually you turning people to the opposite team.” I raised my eyebrows, amused.

He rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. “Yeah, well, I’m not proud of it. And if you tell anyone I’ll kill you, but what the fuck, guys? This is like watching porn that never goes anywhere. It’s torturous! Are you two for real? Do you not see what’s going on?”

Blake replied to Jace, but kept his eyes on me as he spoke, “I told Angel all she has to do is say the words and I’ll handle the rest. But she just . . . won’t . . . say it.” He shrugged.

“Well, what the hell are you waiting for, Angel?” Jace asked, impatient.

“Shut up, Jace. And enough with this conversation. Come on, let’s go.” I lifted my glass, raised one arched eyebrow and glared at them with a look that said ‘you better shut the fuck up and join me’.

“Brute. You don’t scare me, ya know.” Jace raised his glass.

“Oh no? Then why are you doing what I said?”

He jutted his chin out in a sulk. “I’m just being polite. I don’t want to embarrass you in front of Blake. And besides, I never turn down alcohol.”

“Yeah, okay.” I giggled, holding the glass in the air. “To fresh starts.”

In unison, Blake and Jace repeated, “To fresh starts.” We all kicked our heads back and swallowed the sweet liquid.

Our glasses came slamming down, and my eyes sought out Blake’s once again. It was like they didn’t know how to look anywhere else when he was around. He was magnetic. He had a way of looking right through me, like he was actually looking into my soul. His eyes stayed trained and focused on mine, barely pausing to blink. It was unsettling and yet I couldn’t help but do it back.

“You ready to get this party started?” Jace’s voice broke through my thoughts.

“Sure.” I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and gave Blake a half smile.

Blake stood protectively in front of me as our bodies were jostled about on the number one train heading down to Forty Second Street. I was pressed against the metal doors, and to my left, a man lay spread out across four seats, the stench deep within the threads of his worn and tattered clothes.

Jace, feeling good I could imagine, was skipping through the car, wrapping his arm around the poles and twirling around them. “Wanna see something?” he asked before spinning around with his arms extended like a ring leader at the circus. “Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please. What you are about to witness will leave you breathless. It will blow your mind.”

Only a handful of people glanced warily to observe Jace’s spectacle. This was New York, after all. Weirdos came a dime a dozen, and most people just went about their business uncaring.

“Please, stand back,” he called out again, and a few more heads rose.

I bit my lip and shook my head, knowing what he was about to do. Blake stayed close, but turned, curious.

Jace raised his arms above his head, sought out my eyes to give me a wink, and then took off down the subway car in a round off followed by three back handsprings, missing the poles by mere centimeters. He landed with a bounce to his step and a huge smile on his face as the car erupted in gasps, applause, and whistles.

I had to admit, he was good. It took a lot to get the attention of people in Manhattan.

He circled his arm in front of him himself as he bowed three times. “Thank you very much. Don’t forget to tip your waitress,” he joked.

People stuck out their hands, waving dollar bills at him.

“Why, thank you,” he clutched his chest, blushing. He came back to us with a fistful of money. “Drinks are on me, guys.”

“That was awesome, bro. I didn’t know you could do that.” Blake was genuinely shocked.

Jace rubbed his knuckles over his chest. “I know. I’m just a bundle of talent bursting at the seams.” We all laughed and Jace leaned forward looking through the Plexiglass window. “This is us, guys.”

The subway car came to a stop, letting out a puff of air, and the doors glided open. Blake placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me off the train onto the hot, smelly platform. He took my hand and I let him. I liked when he did that.

Celeste Grande's books