Live Me

I turned, putting my back to the bar, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I gave him a peck on the cheek, giggling, “Just relax, you’re fine. Try and have a good time.” After a couple of rounds and a few shots, I collected my Ketel One and Seven with a lime, and Blake scooped up his Corona. “Come on, dance with me. It’ll loosen you up.”

We squeezed our way onto the crowded dance floor, and I twirled around to face Blake. Raising my glass, I grabbed his free hand, swirling my hips in smooth, languid movements, inviting him to join me. Distracted, his eyes darted around as his feet shuffled to an awkward rhythm. Wanting him to relax, I secured his chin between my thumb and index finger and brought his sights back to mine. Tension left his body as I took my two fingers and pointed them toward his eyes and then back to my own, telling him to stay focused on me.

A freeing feeling came over me and I stepped closer, leaving only a couple of inches between us, and began to move. Taking my invitation, he grabbed my hip and mirrored my motions. I slid my hand up the front of his firm chest, enjoying the way it twitched under my fingers. Cupping the back of his neck, I rested my forehead against him, closing my eyes as our bodies swayed. This was the first time I’d allowed myself to touch anyone in this capacity; felt a man’s body against my own and liked it. Actually, I thought, I loved it. I’d spent weeks pushing Blake away, scared of this very moment even though I was constantly dreaming of it. And now that it was here, I wanted more.

Blake’s hungry hands grabbed my drink and set his and mine on a stage behind us. He leaned forward, curving his body into me. It fit like a piece to a puzzle. His leg moved between mine, and our bodies, closer than ever, rocked in perfect sync. He slid his hands to the base of my spine, just bordering my ass and locked his arm there, pressing me to him. In that moment, I wanted him to want me. To want only me. I laced my fingers through his hair and pushed my pelvis forward.

Blake growled in my ear. “I’m seriously going to bite you.” He flicked his tongue on my lobe, and I nearly lost it. I pressed my forehead against his and held him firmly to myself, making sure every piece of me was touching every piece of him.

Our hearts were banging against each others, amplified by the pounding of the bass pressing in on us. I curled my leg around his hip, and he snaked his hand around my thigh, pulling me deeper into him and tipping me back. I gasped as the hard fabric of his jeans bit into the thin material covering my most delicate area. My head dropped back, unable to withstand the pressure building inside any more. My God, this feels amazing.

Blake leaned into me, raining kisses down the length of my neck, nipping and sucking at my collarbone. My grip tightened in his hair, and I pushed my hips further into his as I slowly lifted my head and sought out his eyes. His pupils were dilated, his blue irises noticeably darker even beneath the bright fluorescent lighting. Our breathing was labored as we stayed motionless in that position, staring at one another. After a moment, Blake released my leg and ghosted his fingers up my back before burying them deep into my hair. Dragging his teeth up my jawline, he sucked my lobe into his mouth. My knees buckled and I fell into him, using his body as support.

He breathed into my ear, “Let’s get out of here. What I want to do to you can’t be done in the middle of a dance floor.”

Those words should have scared the shit out of me, but I wanted this. I was tired of being that girl. This all felt so good. I wanted to finally see where it would take me.

I nodded my head.

Wasting no time, Blake took my hand and headed for the front door.

“Wait.” I stopped him and his head fell forward as he took a deep breath. His eyes started to fill with disappointment, thinking I’d changed my mind again.

I squeezed his hand, reassuring him. “I have to find Jace and tell him we’re leaving.”

A relieved smile spread across his lips. He guided me back, scanning the crowd. I was too short to see over everyone, so it was up to Blake to find him. Then it hit me. I knew exactly where he was. “Follow me.”

We weaved through the masses until Jace came into view, twirling around a pole and dancing for some lucky stranger. The guy was staring at him in awe. Blake hoisted me up, and I climbed on top of the box with Jace.

Excitement filled Jace’s eyes as he pulled me into him. He grabbed onto the pole and thrust his hips at me in an attempt to put on our usual show for the crowd. But I just couldn’t play tonight. I was too worked up, and my mind was too preoccupied to focus on anything but Blake and getting the hell out of here.

Not giving myself the opportunity to change my mind, I leaned into his ear and told him we were leaving, then I gave him a kiss. “Get home safe. Text me when you get there and don’t bring home any strangers.” I swatted his behind playfully.

Celeste Grande's books