Live Me

Kneeling, I tuck the skirt into my heels, bend forward, and dunk my face, fishing around for a few desperate attempts. The water tastes like a combination of sweet, metallic, and gross old makeup. Traces of hairspray swipe along my taste buds as well.

Through the water, I hear a muffled, familiar laugh, and I stiffen. Two fingers drag along the length of my spine and then yank my skirt from where it’s securely fastened behind my heels. Bolting up, I cough, choking on the water. His fingers find the spot between my legs and slide from the very top of my center, all the way up my slit, and then push inside me swiftly. Trying to push myself up to escape, his other hand wraps firmly around my waist, securing me to him. Still coughing, I frantically wipe away the water coming out of my nose and burning my eyes, and I try to clear away the little hairs plastered to my forehead.

My eyes dart around the empty room. Where did everyone go?

I try to calm my ragged breathing, water stinging my eyes and makeup running down my face. His mouth is on my ear, his hand caressing the soft flesh between my legs as if we’re sharing an intimate moment.

When his weight leaves my back, I glance behind me.

“Hey there, beautiful. I want you so fucking bad right now. You look tastier than any of these apples bent there on your knees. I just couldn’t help but sample the forbidden fruit.” He removes his fingers, slides them into his mouth, and then slowly drags them out, keeping his eyes on mine. Bile rises in my throat as he hovers over me and brings his hand back to cup my sex once again.

Paralyzed, I fight the urge to heave into the colorful basin. “Please, someone’s going to see us. What’re you doing?” I can’t hide the panic in my voice.

His eyes glaze over as he rubs my ass, staring at it. “Calm down, beautiful. They were all finished and tired of waiting for you. I sent them to do shots downstairs.”

I’m panting, wondering how far this will go. My chin trembles as traces of salt seeps through the seam of my lips.

Still anchored by his other arm, his hand leaves my delicate area, sliding up my ribcage, and around to the front where he grabs a handful of my breast. The crease of his smirk presses against my wet cheek and I squeeze my eyes shut, willing this not to happen.

A sharp pinch stabs my nipple as he tweaks it, the burn of it blistering out from the center sending a small cry tumbling from my throat.

Slowly he releases me and my body slumps forward in defeat. He hooks an arm around my waist, lifting me upright. “Come on, I can’t wait another second to feel you where I need you.”

“Angel, did you hear me?”

Blinking rapidly, my head snapped in Blake’s direction. Short of breath, I could feel the wildness behind my eyes. I glanced down at my white knuckles balled up in my lap and winced at the pain my fingernails had created against my palms.

Breathe, Goddammit!

Jace looked from me to the apple as realization finally hit him. Snatching it, he flipped it up in the air, caught it and took a big, overdramatic bite. He chewed for a few beats and then spit it out into the trashcan beside him with an exaggerated, “Pew. I hate apples.” Then he tossed what remained into the pail. “All gone.” He brushed off his hands and looked me dead in the eyes, willing me to come back to him.

I took a hard gulp, attempting to steady my breath and compose myself quickly. Our eyes were still focused on one another as I nodded my head and turned my attention back to Blake, who appeared dumbfounded.

“Did I just miss something?” he asked, glancing back and forth between me and Jace, trying to crack the secret best friend code.

“Not at all.” I exhaled. “I just hate apples. You can keep those to yourself from now on and catalog them next to the name ‘beautiful’.” My eyes trailed back to the garbage can, wondering if there’d ever be a time I could see one of those things and not get dragged back into my past.

Jace planted two fingers on my cheek and forced my focus back in Blake’s direction. “So you’re coming, right?” He directed the question at Blake, making a swift change of topic.

Blake blinked at him, and then shook his head. “Where are we going again?”

Jace rolled his eyes. “X.L. and I have it on strict authority Evangelina will be there too.”

“Where will I be?” I looked to Jace. Clearly, I’d zoned out for that part of the conversation.

“X.L.,” Jace annunciated. “God, doesn’t anyone listen to me?”

I relaxed back in my seat and folded my arms across my chest. “And when exactly did I agree to be there?”

“When you said you loved me and couldn’t live without me and wanted me to stay in this dreadful place.” Jace’s mouth split into a devious smile.

I raised an eyebrow. “Ah, blackmail at its finest. Well played, love.”

Jace lounged back in his chair and brushed his knuckles along his chest. “Hold the applause, please.”

Jace looked to Blake. “Well, lover boy. You in or what?”

“Um, yeah sure. I guess.”

“In for what?” Eric chimed in, dropping himself in the empty chair next to Blake.

Celeste Grande's books