Live Me


The glistening sheen coating his skin tells me he’s been running just as desperately as I have. Trying to find me, no doubt, as changing imposters flitted past him. Pinning me, he holds on tight. To me. The real, flesh-and-blood me. Not a reflection.


His eyes, wrought with awareness and purpose, see me. Inside my mirage, my walls, my fortress—me.

How did he get in here?

He holds on and won’t let go and I’m trapped. Trapped, and I’ve never wanted anything so badly. Even so, instinct tells me to push away. To continue my flight. To run.

Desperation in his eyes, he holds on for dear life, knowing if he releases me, he may never get a hold again. His fingers bite into my upper arms.

I make an attempt to escape, but he pins me into a corner with my hands clasped above my head, sending hundreds of dancing images of us slamming into their surrounding walls. He holds me steady with his hips as moisture seeps from my eyes, the raw passion he exudes rolling off him in waves.

He releases my arms and cradles my face. No longer able to handle the pressure, my body collapses forward, and he dips and picks me up effortlessly. Cradling my limp body to his chest like a child, he walks the easiest route out of the maze. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before. It’s such a clear path.

My maze. My fa?ade. My fortress.

Light hits us as a loud, continuous beeping blasts, and I hear what sounds like a building cracking at the seams. Peeking out from his shoulder, I watch the walls crumble and dissolve. They ripple to the ground in a cloud of dust as if they never existed. Blake walks forward, determined, staring straight ahead, undeterred, and I feel a sense of release. Nothing remains behind me but the beeping.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The alarm blared.

My arm snaked out from the covers, slamming down on the pesky device. With a groan, I rolled onto my back and draped my arm over my eyes, visions of my dream floating through my head. I wondered how much of that dream was reality. How much of me Blake could actually see.

Blake . . .

I rubbed my eyes and threw back the covers to find myself in only a T-shirt and underwear. I sat up, dangling my legs from the bed and noticed the skirt and shirt I’d worn yesterday neatly folded on my nightstand. Recounting the previous night, my last memory was coming into my apartment with Blake and being cradled in his lap. Him trying to soothe me . . .

Reaching for the clothes, a piece of paper fluttered to the floor. I scrambled off the bed to retrieve it.

You fell asleep. You looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb you. Sweet dreams, my angel. Talk to you tomorrow.—B

Blake put me to bed? And undressed me? And tucked me in? Then I realized how nicely I’d slept and the enormity of the dream I’d had. Though it felt nightmarish at first, I couldn’t get the visions of him cradling me and freeing me from my tortured dungeon, out of my head—the walls cascading to their ashy deaths behind me.

Oh my God, did he see me naked? I yanked the collar of my shirt and peered inside to make sure I was still wearing a bra. Phew. My shoulders relaxed forward. Worst case scenario, he saw a little of Victoria’s Secret.

I padded my bare feet to the kitchen and guzzled down some orange juice. Leaning against the refrigerator door, I tipped my head back. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so refreshed. I might just have Blake sleep over every night.

I punched the security code into my cell phone, and sent Blake a quick text.

Me: Did you enjoy your free feel?

I filled a cup of water and went out to the terrace to water Blake’s flowers when my phone pinged right back. I rushed back to the kitchen, eager to see his response.

B: Every handful. Pink lace is so your color. ;)

My face turned every shade of crimson.

Me: You pervert!

B: Relax, LOL. I only saw the back. But I had visions of the front all night long. ;) ;)

Ugh, this boy.

Me: You better not be lying!

B: I told you, I never lie, sweets.

Me: Well, thank you. I don’t remember the last time I was tucked in and wrapped all snuggly in a blanket. I slept nice.

B: You’re welcome. I only wish I could’ve stayed to unwrap you from said blanket.

Me: Maybe one day you will.

My thumb hovered over the send button while I chewed my lip, debating whether or not to go through with it. Eh, fuck it.


I closed my eyes and waited, my lungs devoid of air, to hear the next ping.


Expelling the air, I looked down through one winking eye.

B: In my mind, I already have. Every day. For the last month.



B: However, maybe tomorrow morning I’ll take you up on your offer. Show you what you’ve been missing.

Me: A little presumptuous, aren’t we?

B: Determined. You must admit my perseverance is unsurpassed. I’ll wear you down eventually. And then I’ll wear you out ;)~

Me: Is that a threat, Mr. Turner?

Celeste Grande's books