Live Me

The arches of my feet ached from treading the carpet all day. Pain was starting to spread to my lower back, but I couldn’t sit. I wouldn’t. Not when she wasn’t answering any of my texts or calls. She’d messaged me earlier saying everything was fine, but I had a bad feeling. A really bad fucking feeling.

I raked an unsteady hand through my hair, and then stopped the incessant walking and put my hands to my hips, dropping my shoulders. Something wasn’t right.

Come on, Angel. Where are you?

Me: You’re really making me nervous now, babe. I wish you would just answer me.

Minutes later—nothing.

“Fuck!” I punched the wall and flinched, shaking out my hand. I hadn’t expected the wood to be so unforgiving. I cradled my bruised knuckles and shook them out once more.

I can’t sit here anymore.

I swiped my keys from the counter, each stride exuding my determination, and slammed the door behind me. The few city blocks to her apartment felt like full states as I jogged the short distance.

Please be there . . .

Please be there . . .

Please . . .

“Hey, James.” I waved to her doorman, breathless as I scooted past him.

I jammed my finger into the up arrow and stuck my hands in my pockets, pacing the small space. When the elevator dinged, I stood with my nose pressed against it, waiting for it to open. I wrapped my fingers around the rail as I watched the numbers tick by, taking me to the top floor.

Be here . . .

Be here . . .

Be fucking here . . .

The silver slats glided open, revealing a blonde heap on the floor. My legs felt like lead as I slipped between the doors before they closed on me. It was her. It can’t be her.

“Angel!” The strangled voice in my ears didn’t sound like my own. She looked broken and discarded—one arm straight out on the floor, her matted head slouched on top of it. I dropped to my knees and brushed the hair from her face, revealing a purple swell over her cheekbone. The eyes I loved so much were poking out from thin slits in her lids, but they held no sign of life, and her lips looked dry and chafed. The stench of vomit and alcohol burned in my nostrils.

“Angel,” I whispered, not knowing where to touch her as my fingers roamed, looking for a spot I wouldn’t hurt her more.

“Eva?” My voice found some muster.



I grabbed her chin between two fingers and shook her. “Angel!”

I scooped up the top half of her body and rocked with her. “Oh, baby, what did you do? Talk to me, Angel. What did you do?”

I moved her wet hair aside, realizing I was crying. I swiped the back of my forearm under my nose and placed two fingers to the edge of her throat, begging to find a pulse.

A faint brush at my fingers gave me hope. “Oh, thank God.” I slid my arms beneath her and pushed to my feet. “Please, God, let her be okay.” Her head fell back over my arm and her mouth hung open. She looked so small. So helpless.

I began to sob. “Hold on, baby. Hold on to me. I’m getting help. Do NOT leave me, do you hear me?”

Running, I fisted Jace’s door on the way to the elevator. “Jace!”

His door flung open just as the elevator doors were beginning to close.

Through the narrowing slats, I shouted, “Meet me at the hospital!”

His face contorted in horror as he stood there, unmoving.

“Come on . . . Come on . . . Come on . . .” I shook, waiting to shoot like a cannon when the doors reopened.

“James, call the hospital and tell them to expect us. She’s unconscious.” I ran past him, barreling out the door and took the stairs two at a time. I hoisted her higher, tucking her head under my neck as I ran. “Hold on, baby. Please. Fuck!”

My legs burned at the hips, and my arms felt ready to give way, but I wouldn’t slow down. I burst through the doors to the emergency room, unable to breathe or call for help when a gurney slid in front of me.

“Put her down,” a lady in a white coat with kind yet urgent eyes instructed.

I kissed the top of Eva’s head before lowering her onto the hard tabletop. Be okay. You have to be okay.

A male doctor joined in my nightmare. “What do we have here?”

“I found her this way. I don’t know what happened but the smell of alcohol is so strong.” I bit back the burn that made my voice crack and grabbed her fingers as I walked beside them rolling her swiftly down the hall.

“Sir, you have to stay here.”

Are they fucking insane? “No way. I won’t leave her.”

The female pushed her palm into my chest. “Please, sir. You have no choice. Let us tend to her.”

Celeste Grande's books